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what idea was espoused with the webster hayne debates

Will it promote the welfare of the United States to have at our disposal a permanent treasury, not drawn from the pockets of the people, but to be derived from a source independent of them? We will not look back to inquire whether our fathers were guiltless in introducing slaves into this country. Some of Webster's personal friends had felt nervous over what appeared to them too hasty a period for preparation. Differences between Northern and Southern ideas of good governance, which eventually led to the American Civil War, were beginning to emerge. Which of the following statements best represents the desires of the Northern states during the debate of Missouri statehood? The next day, however, Massachusetts senator Daniel Webster rose with his reply, and the northern states knew they had found their champion. . It is one from which we are not disposed to shrink, in whatever form or under whatever circumstances it may be pressed upon us. The theory that the states' may vote against unfair laws. These debates transformed into a national crisis when South Carolina threatened . Such interference has never been supposed to be within the power of government; nor has it been, in any way, attempted. We met it as a practical question of obligation and duty. . . Prejudice Not Natural: The American Colonization "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? We see its consequences at this moment, and we shall never cease to see them, perhaps, while the Ohio shall flow. Who, then, Mr. President, are the true friends of the Union? Webster-Hayne Debate by Stefan M. Brooks The Webster-Hayne Debate: Defining Nationhood in the Early American Even more pointedly, his speech reflected a decade of arguments from other Massachusetts conservatives who argued against supposed threats to New England's social order.[2]. One of those was the Webster-Hayne debate, a series of unplanned speeches presented before the Senate between January 19th and 27th of 1830. Broadside Advertisement for Runaway Slave, Forcing Slavery Down the Throat of a Free-Soiler, Free & Slave-holding States and Territories. The debate can be seen as a precursor to the debate that became . The Webster-Hayne debate was a series of spontaneous speeches presented to the United States Senate by senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina. Several state governments or courts, some in the north, had espoused the idea of nullification prior to 1828. Sir, all our difficulties on this subject have arisen from interference from abroad, which has disturbed, and may again disturb, our domestic tranquility, just so far as to bring down punishment upon the heads of the unfortunate victims of a fanatical and mistaken humanity. The Confederation was, in strictness, a compact; the states, as states, were parties to it. Most people of the time supported a small central government and strong state governments, so the federal government was much weaker than you might have expected. This will co-operate with the feelings of patriotism to induce a state to avoid any measures calculated to endanger that connection. The Webster-Hayne Debate: Defining Nationhood in the Early American We, sir, who oppose the Carolina doctrine, do not deny that the people may, if they choose, throw off any government, when it becomes oppressive and intolerable, and erect a better in its stead. His speech was indeed a powerful one of its eloquence and personality. . Hayne's First Speech (January 19, 1830) Webster's First Reply to Hayne (January 20, 1830) Hayne's Second Speech (January 21, 1830) Webster's Second Reply to Hayne (January 26-27, 1830) This page was last edited on 13 June 2021, at . . Help please? What idea was espoused with the Webster-Hayne debates? The A four-speech debate between Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina, in January 1830. I am a Unionist, and in this sense a national Republican. . In January 1830, a debate on the nature of sovereignty in the American federal union occurred in the United States Senate between Senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina. The honorable gentleman from Massachusetts while he exonerates me personally from the charge, intimates that there is a party in the country who are looking to disunion. Help if you can :) please and ty [was] fixed, forever, the character of the population in the vast regions Northwest of the Ohio, by excluding from them involuntary servitude. All of these contentious topics were touched upon in Webster and Hayne's nine day long debate. . Having thus distinctly stated the points in dispute between the gentleman and myself, I proceed to examine them. To all this, sir, I was disposed most cordially to respond. . Judiciary Act of 1801 | Overview, History & Significance, General Ulysses S. Grant Takes Charge: His Strategic Plan for Ending the War. By means of missionaries and political tracts, the scheme was in a great measure successful. Religious Views: Letter to the Editor of the Illin Democratic Party Platform 1860 (Douglas Faction), (Northern) Democratic Party Platform Committee. At the foundation of the constitution of these new Northwestern states, . We had no other general government. . The idea of a strong federal government The ability of the people to revolt against an unfair government The theory that the states' may vote against unfair laws The role of the president in commanding the government 2 See answers Advertisement holesstanham Answer: Webster's speech aroused the latent spirit of patriotism. The gentleman takes alarm at the sound. Webster and the northern states saw the Constitution as binding the individual states together as a single union. He was a lawyer turned congressional representative who eventually worked his way to the office of U.S. Secretary of State. Sir, I deprecate and deplore this tone of thinking and acting. The Northwest Ordinance. He remained a Southern Unionist through his long public career and a good type of the growing class of statesman devoted to slave interests who loved the Union as it was and doted upon its compromises. The main issue of the Webster-Hayne Debate was the nature of the country that had been created by the Constitution. An equally talented orator, Webster rose as the advocate of the North in the debate with his captivating reply to Hayne's initial argument. They will also better understand the debate's political context. When the honorable member rose, in his first speech, I paid him the respect of attentive listening; and when he sat down, though surprised, and I must say even astonished, at some of his opinions, nothing was farther from my intention than to commence any personal warfare: and through the whole of the few remarks I made in answer, I avoided, studiously and carefully, everything which I thought possible to be construed into disrespect. They attack nobody, and menace nobody. Though Webster made an impassioned argument, the political, social, and economic traditions of New England informed his ideas about the threatened nation. But to remove all doubt it is expressly declared, by the 10th article of the amendment of the Constitution, that the powers not delegated to the states, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.. This seemed like an Eastern spasm of jealousy at the progress of the West. The Webster-Hayne debate was a famous debate in the United States between Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina.It happened on January 19-27, 1830. flashcard sets. Thousands of these deluded victims of fanaticism were seduced into the enjoyment of freedom in our Northern cities. After his term as a senator, he served as the Governor of South Carolina. . This episode was used in nineteenth century America as a Biblical justification for slavery. . If slavery, as it now exists in this country, be an evil, we of the present day found it ready made to our hands. we find the most opposite and irreconcilable opinions between the two parties which I have before described. We found that we had to deal with a people whose physical, moral, and intellectual habits and character, totally disqualified them from the enjoyment of the blessings of freedom. On the one side it is contended that the public land ought to be reserved as a permanent fund for revenue, and future distribution among the states, while, on the other, it is insisted that the whole of these lands of right belong to, and ought to be relinquished to, the states in which they lie. The Webster Hayne Debate. Some of his historical deductions may be questioned; but far above all possible error on the part of her leaders, stood colonial and Revolutionary New England, and the sturdy, intelligent, and thriving people whose loyalty to the Union had never failed, and whose home, should ill befall the nation, would yet prove liberty's last shelter. Our Core Document Collection allows students to read history in the words of those who made it. Under the circumstances then existing, I look upon this original and seasonable provision, as a real good attained. Webster believed that the Constitution should be viewed as a binding document between the United States rather than an agreement between sovereign states. There is not, and never has been, a disposition in the North to interfere with these interests of the South. Webster also tried to assert the importance of New England in the face of . 1830's APUSH Flashcards | Quizlet Speech on Assuming Office of the President. The honorable gentleman from Massachusetts [Senator Daniel Webster] has gone out of his way to pass a high eulogium on the state of Ohio. T he Zionist-evangelical back story goes back several decades, with 90-year-old televangelist Pat Robertson being a prime case study.. One of the more notable "coincidences" or anomalies Winter Watch brings to your attention is the image of Robertson on the cover of Time magazine in 1986 back before the public was red pilled by the Internet -as the pastor posed with a gesture called . This statement, though strong, is no stronger than the strictest truth will warrant. The debate continued, in some ways not being fully settled until the completion of the Civil War affirmed the power of the federal government to preserve the Union over the sovereignty of the states to leave it. This would have been the case even if no positive provision to that effect had been inserted in that instrument. Beyond that I seek not to penetrate the veil. A state will be restrained by a sincere love of the Union. Speech of Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, January 26 and 27, 1830. Competing Conceptions of Union and Ordered Liberty in The Webster-Hayne The debate itself, a nine-day long unplanned exchange between Senators Robert Y. Hayne and Daniel Webster, directly addressed the methods by which the federal government was generating revenue, namely through protective tariffs and the selling of federal lands in the newly acquired western territories. It was a speech delivered before a crowded auditory, and loud were the Southern exultations that he was more than a match for Webster. Nullification Crisis | American Battlefield Trust I must now beg to ask, sir, whence is this supposed right of the states derived?where do they find the power to interfere with the laws of the Union? . Create your account. When the gentleman says the Constitution is a compact between the states, he uses language exactly applicable to the old Confederation. Would it be safe to confide such a treasure to the keeping of our national rulers? Sir, I am one of those who believe that the very life of our system is the independence of the states, and that there is no evil more to be deprecated than the consolidation of this government. The Revelation on Celestial Marriage: Trouble Amon Hon. Hayne, South Carolina's foremost Senator, was the chosen champion; and the cause of his State, both in its right and wrong sides, could have found no abler exponent while [Vice President] Calhoun's official station kept him from the floor. Debate on the Constitutionality of the Mexican War, Letters and Journals from the Oregon Trail. One was through protective tariffs, high taxes on imports and exports. It is the servant of four-and-twenty masters, of different wills and different purposes, and yet bound to obey all. . Well, you're not alone. See what I mean? Foote Idea To Limit The Sale Of Public Lands In The West To New Settlers. But, the simple expression of this sentiment has led the gentleman, not only into a labored defense of slavery, in the abstract, and on principle, but, also, into a warm accusation against me, as having attacked the system of domestic slavery, now existing in the Southern states. It is not the creature of state Legislatures; nay, more, if the whole truth must be told, the people brought it into existence, established it, and have hitherto supported it, for the very purpose, amongst others, of imposing certain salutary restraints on state sovereignties. The Webster-Hayne Debates | Teaching American History . The gentleman has made an eloquent appeal to our hearts in favor of union. We do not impose geographical limits to our patriotic feeling or regard; we do not follow rivers and mountains, and lines of latitude, to find boundaries, beyond which public improvements do not benefit us. State governments were in control of their own affairs and expected little intervention from the federal government. But his standpoint was purely local and sectional. Then, in January of 1830, a senator from Connecticut introduced a proposal to the Senate stating that the federal government should stop surveying the lands west of the Mississippi River. The WebsterHayne debate was a debate in the United States between Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina that took place on January 1927, 1830 on the topic of protectionist tariffs. . The people had had quite enough of that kind of government, under the Confederacy. . Webster realized that if the social, political, and economic elite of Massachusetts and the Northeast were to once again lay claim to national leadership, he had to justify New England's previous history of sectionalism within a framework of nationalistic progression. But that was found insufficient, and inadequate to the public exigencies. The Webster Hayne Debate - DEBETE CJK He must cut it with his sword. - Definition and Uses, Public Speaking: Assignment 1 - Informative Speech, Public Speaking: Assignment 3 - Special Occasion Speech, The Role of Probability Distributions, Random Numbers & the Computer in Simulations, The Monte Carlo Simulation: Scope & Common Applications, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, The methods by which the federal government earned its revenue, The federal government's surveying and selling of land west of the Mississippi River, The issue of slavery, which was beginning to divide the Northern and Southern states, The balance of power between federal and state governments. This absurdity (for it seems no less) arises from a misconception as to the origin of this government and its true character. . Expert Answers. . . Speech of Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, January 20, 1830. Daniel Webster, in a dramatic speech, showed the danger of the states' rights doctrine, which permitted each State to decide for itself which laws were unconstitutional, claiming it would lead to civil war. The specific issue that sparked the Webster-Hayne debate was a proposal by the state of Connecticut which said that the federal government should halt its surveying of land west of the Mississippi and focus on selling the land it had already surveyed to private citizens. She has worked as a university writing consultant for over three years. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. I admit that there is an ultimate violent remedy, above the Constitution, and in defiance of the Constitution, which may be resorted to, when a revolution is to be justified. . Correspondence Between Anthony Butler and Presiden State of the Union Address Part II (1846). Inflamed and mortified at this repulse, Hayne soon returned to the assault, primed with a two-day speech, which at great length vaunted the patriotism of South Carolina and bitterly attacked New England, dwelling particularly upon her conduct during the late war. The discussion took a wide range, going back to topics that had agitated the country before the Constitution was formed. ", What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?. The idea that a state could nullify a federal law, associated with South Carolina, especially after the publication of John C. Calhouns South Carolina Exposition and Protest (1828) in response to the tariff passed in that year. copyright 2003-2023 Consolidation!that perpetual cry, both of terror and delusionconsolidation! Finding our lot cast among a people, whom God had manifestly committed to our care, we did not sit down to speculate on abstract questions of theoretical liberty. This feeling, always carefully kept alive, and maintained at too intense a heat to admit discrimination or reflection, is a lever of great power in our political machine. What can I say? . Representatives of the northern states were concerned by the rapid growth of the nation; just 27 years earlier, the Louisiana Purchase had nearly doubled the size of the nation, and the newly elected President Andrew Jackson was hungry for more territory. I know, full well, that it is, and has been, the settled policy of some persons in the South, for years, to represent the people of the North as disposed to interfere with them, in their own exclusive and peculiar concerns. Webster-Hayne debate - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hayne-Webster Debate was an unplanned series of speeches in the Senate, during which Robert Hayne of South Carolina interpreted the Constitution as little more than a treaty between sovereign states, and Daniel Webster expressed the concept of the United States as one nation. Hayne maintained that the states retained the authority to nullify federal law, Webster that federal law expressed the will of the American people and could not be nullified by a minority of the people in a state. President John Quincy Adams and the Election of 1824. But I take leave of the subject. The United States, under the Constitution and federal government, was a single, unified nation, not a coalition of sovereign states. Webster's description of the U.S. government as "made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people," was later paraphrased by Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address in the words "government of the people, by the people, for the people." Whose agent is it? . . 1824 Presidential Election, Candidates & Significance | Who Won the Election of 1824? . . Webster was eloquent, he was educated, he was witty, and he was a staunch defender of American liberty. Though the debate began as a standard policy debate, the significance of Daniel Webster's argument reached far beyond a single policy proposal. . The United States' democratic process was evolving and its leaders were putting the newly ratified Constitution into practice. It is only regarded as a possible means of good; or on the other hand, as a possible means of evil. . . . Nullification, Webster maintained, was a political absurdity. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. . Daniel Webster argued against nullification (the idea that states could disobey federal laws) arguing in favor of a strong federal government which would bind the states together under the Constitution. Every scheme or contrivance by which rulers are able to procure the command of money by means unknown to, unseen or unfelt by, the people, destroys this security. It would be equally fatal to the sovereignty and independence of the states. If the federal government, in all or any of its departments, are to prescribe the limits of its own authority; and the states are bound to submit to the decision, and are not to be allowed to examine and decide for themselves, when the barriers of the Constitution shall be overleaped, this is practically a government without limitation of powers; the states are at once reduced to mere petty corporations, and the people are entirely at your mercy. . 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