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sun conjunct descendant composite

This transit forces you to work with others, sometimes resulting in ego conflicts and encounters with open enemies. They seem like a natural pair and a good fit for one another. There is a hint of drama in every Composite Ascendant Aries relationship. Composite Chart Ascendant in Astrology | Tea & Rosemary Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects the Sun seems to be more significant an indicator for marriage in a woman's chart than in a man's. the asteroid Juno is a significant indicator of marriage for both men and women. Synastry:Mercury-UranusAspects However, they may focus solely on just getting it right as a couple and defining their lives for themselves. Some examples in TV and media of Composite Ascendant Aries relationships are. MC/Chiron, IC/Chiron, DSC/Chiron or various asteroids conjunct Chiron. With Composite Ascendant in Libra both people want to make sure that they are treating each other fairly, but they also want to make sure that they arebeing treated fairly. There is a need to join personal resources with the resources of othersto share. A Composite Ascendant in Capricorn couple is willing to go the distance, and they are willing to work on their relationship and stay together because it isthe right thing to do. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects The Vertex: a Turning Point of Fate - The Spiritual Eclectic A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. They appear emotionally detached from one another. Challenges come because life may not always be as stimulating as these relationships require, and the hard work that comes with grounding ideals in the real world may be tedious enough to weaken the partnership. I definitely imagine a hound dog curled up by the fireplace. Theyd probably love that you brought an extra guest! It is why these partners will have to control the passion between them, or it could result in conflicts and aggression. They must learn to be more trusting and more accepting of each others individuality if they want the relationship to work. Their instinctive responses to each other come from their emotional bodies, and they may seem very attached and secluded from the world. The flip side is that this couple may become very manipulative of each other, because they understand each others emotions so well. They may have small fights or emotional battles often because managing these responses to each other can be very difficult. Synastry:Mercury-JupiterAspects It is important so keep humor, respect, and boundaries very active in this relationship in order to make a safe place for such revelations. Her studies in Jungian psychology, alchemy, and Buddhist philosophy inform her work. Heather Locklear 035, Bruce Willis 038, King George IV of the UK 044, Chelsea Handler 045, Julian Clary 123, Vivien Leigh 133 Stacy Keach 135, Willem Dafoe 147, Peter Jackson 201, Alan Page 219, Patty Hearst 219, Mark Spitz 223, Mel Gibson 229, Duke William of Cambridge 235. Pallas Aspects - Synni Signs Astrology You may need to see a relationship counselor. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. They may be so busy with common causes that they ignore individual needs, and may not be realistic about what they really have to contribute as a couple. Delineating Composite Charts - Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) It represents the vitality of the relationship. They may be a force in the local environment or community. Its vertex is the midpoint between the individuals' vertices. The planet of love meets the house of joy, creativity, play, and children. With Composite Ascendant in Scorpio, both people can use their own pain to manipulate their partner into doing what they want. The bond is fed by adventure, open roads, telling the truth, feeding their senses, planning ahead, and understanding the tenets of the relatiosnhip. The sun personifies the center of the personality and characterizes the potential given from birth. For example, if your Sun is located at 10 degrees Virgo and your partner's Sun is located at 28 degrees Aquarius, your composite Sun would be 4 degrees Sagittarius. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite When two planets connect, there is a powerful exchange of energies. Children, also, may be problematicthe demands of raising children getting in the way of the kind of deep psychological transformation this position requires. This conjunction denotes pure forgiving and unconditional love without judgements. However, they are incredibly logical and rational together. When they enter a room, they do so with ease. They play music more than watch TV. The Composite Chart Sun - Through the Houses - Galactic Mystic The sun is the overall feeling of the relationship, and the aspects that it has affects that feeling or mood. This may be a bad thing if you're not good for one another . you are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. This is not a good relationship for busy people, but between the right people, it can foster so much love and affection, and warmth as it continues to grow. But, still, the relationship still brings this out in each other. However, rather than Composite Ascendant Taurus couples, who find their security in stability, Composite Ascendant Cancer couples find their security in their emotional connectivity. Challenges come from the outside worldcareer issues, other people invading the sacred spaceor from the need of each partner to individuate. The emphasis here is on balance, on wholeness and healing. These people are very much wrapped up in we and us and are usually happier gaining identity from the partnership. These two people are very sensitive to each other, and it feels as though they bring out the most insecure parts in each other. When people leave relationships like these, they leave a permanent mark on both people. Both people in a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship are individuals, and they pride themselves on being so. They think and communicate with ease together, likely working out a lot of issues early on in the relationship just by using these tactics. Now, Im the first one to admit that the Sun is not an easy thing to define within the dynamics of the chart. chiron conjunct the descendant: The Descendant is one of my most favorite things to talk about when it comes to Astrology, mostly because there is just so much to unpack. Our lives will be about making connections, whether spiritual, mental or physical. They enjoy the comfort of their own home, and each others embrace more than other couples, and may become a bit reclusive if they are not careful. We may also have a passion for nurturing and taking care of our Earths natural resources. Sun Opposite Ascendant Transit Your relationships will become a major focus. She pulled up a composite chart but was petrified to see that she and her boyfriend had their composite Saturn in the Seventh House. Composite Uranus. They can still be strong, healthy, winning at life, all of it individualsbut the relationship as an entity loses its vital energy. However, on the reverse side, this puts Cancer in the 7th house, so there may be a bit of codependency in the relationship as well. With the composite Sun in Sagittarius, this couple is on a journey. Well, this is a great pairing, in technical terms and generally in practice as well. Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts W wan Well-known member Mar 31, 2018 #2 This is a highly favorable placement for any kind of relationships where there is giving and receiving involved. Forced me into looking at the timeline of the Neptune transit of this conjunction. The world will see the Composite Ascendant Aries couple as very immediate. Others may even envy you as a result, but rarely do you inspire bad feelings. There will also be opportunities for win-win situations and you should get valuable assistance and advice. Compromise for these couples is challenging, and they may have the same issues over and over because neither of them will relent. They are both processing life, getting there, the only way they know how. They are very go-with-the-flow and adaptable in their relationship, and they may come off as the couple who is up for anything.. One is tall, one is short or one is more artsy and the other is more logical. This can develop into a score-keeping type mentality, where neither person is really giving for the sake of giving, and is giving so that they can later receive. It is best to express these emotions rather than to let them build up, and to learn to intuit each others moods. Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Meaning of Planets Rising, Descending, on the Nadir, or on the They may seem like one thing to others, and another in private. The outside world often cannot understand what actually keeps them together. Its that radiance of a vital bond that makes a couple a pleasure to spend time with. They may feel like scapegoats, put upon and oppressed by others, or they may have trouble establishing meaning in the life theyve created for themselves. However, this aspect alone does not describe how harmonious or otherwise your close one-to-one relationships will be. A fireplace warming the body and soul, whaaaaat??? With composite Sun in Aries, this relationship needs both individuals to be warriors. They dont stick to each others sides, they enter as a unit and break apart to go have small conversations with other people. They dont like to be bound by rules and schedules, and would probably do better leading a very independent lifestyles. Sun Opposite Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite. Moon conjunct Sun / Moon quintile Sun / Moon septile Sun / Moon novile Sun / moon sextile sun / moon trine sun / moon opposite sun Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships - Astrology Sun Opposite Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite "I Googled it right away," she said. Most of all, they will be asked to walk their talk as far as their beliefs are concerned. It is highly variable, however, and can be negative in some circumstances. If they have an issue, the world will know about it, and if they have a very good sexual chemistry, the world will know about that as well. They enjoy a balanced and harmonious relationship, which means that layers below the surface may be many unaddressed issues. Saturn Conjunct Descendant Synastry - A Transformative Bond They might play music with the TV on at the same time. In public, this is not the kind of couple that yells at each other. The Universe gets you at every turn, Hahahaha. The relationship itself has a chart; it is called the composite and is the chart of the midpoints between the planets and angles of the two individuals' charts. Those places, unpleasant though they may seem to us in our freedom above all culture, represent places where we must retreat in order to become whole again, in order to heal. Whether your interactions are harmonious or challenging you will learn more about yourself and will benefit in the long run. A transit or progression can sit there, inactive, for months, and things blow when the transiting Sun hits the relevant points. Its actually really badass to walk this path of radical commitment and takes a type of courage that many may miss. Although you may dream a lot together, putting plans into action is your weak point. There may be an emptiness until some kind of spiritual focus enters their lives and provides context for their existence. They must allow courage to fuel the fire within the heart of this bond. It is very powerful. Stability, creature comforts, and peace feed the bond. Virgo doesnt need perfection. Theyre attracted to each others brains. My personal experience with sun conjunct descendant (= sun opposite ascendant) is that the persons who have their sun conjunct my descendant stay in my life for a long time. The bond needs calm. With rules, of course. Then I would say Pluto (or any other planet) has a great effect on the situation. With the composite Sun in Pisces, this relationship thrives on quiet time together. Uranus is an exceptionally interesting planet when it comes to composite charts in particular. Its about being on each others side. Many people are wary of the Twelfth Housethe infamous House of Self-Undoing in old astrology. We are missing what the chart feels like from the inside. We may be together for the express purpose of sharing our talents with one another and with the world. We may be a natural team that has something definite to do together. This is a relationship that is full of passion and intensity, and these two individuals may have been brought together by their sexual side. If this transit is a new moon, especially a solar eclipse, it can signal a new long-term relationship or marriage. Dawn Bodrogi has studied astrology since the age of twelve, and has been a practicing astrologer for over twenty years with a special emphasis on synastry. One of the biggest issues that this couple has is with commitment. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel: The position of the Sun within our natal, speaks of what our life energy will be like and in which area we will have the opportunity to express ourselves in the best light. They attempt to maintain a feeling of peace and harmony, and do not like to get out of balance. *** Next Full Moon - March 7, 2023 Virgo 16 *** Next New Moon - March 21, 2023 Aries 0 ***. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects They both feel very responsible for the others emotions one may take on the role of parent while the other takes on the role of child. The parental figure in this relationship will feel overly responsible for the other persons emotions, and this is quite the burden to bear in a relationship. They are logical, quick witted, and very fun to be around, though it may not make sense that they would actually be romantic together to others. By house and sign, it will show the essential purpose of a relationship and what it is meant to illustrate to the two beings involved in it. Taking things slowly is the best way because trust needs to be built over time, so its sure. Us against them mentality. Uncategorized.. unity particle system 2d collision. Intertwining and supporting each other, they affect fate more strongly than other aspects, however, the influence can be both inspiring and destructive, depending on the spiritual qualities of the native. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. Warm bread with butter. Having a partner, whether a best friend, a romantic partner or a business partner, helps you develop your personality. I like to think that the Sun has a dual function in the chart, and one of them is to portray the essence of the human being. This couple does not demonstrate their issues to the world, and others may see the relationship as largely practical rather than emotional. This aspect represents a powerful connection that can be difficult to break. ASC DESC MC IC D issolving the boundaries between me and you. There is usually great curiosity about the way the world is put together, and there may be an emphasis on travel and discovery. In many ways, there is a feeling of being meant to be together. With Composite Ascendant in Sagittarius, the couple may find themselves at odds with daily existence. It may seem that any interaction between one person and anything in the outside world may be taken as a personal insult to the other person. They should take care that they dont put each other on a pedestal tooooooo too high. But expecting these instinctive impulses to change is insanity. Moon Conjunct Ascendant Meaning | Ryan Hart Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. But what do we know of the Sun? Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects Sun opposite Ascendant natal is also called Sun conjunct Descendant and Sun Setting. Too much talking it out can put a strain on things, yet they must not ignore problems and sweep them under the (very plush) rug. As we gloss over the lights and jump to the Vertex and/or aspects to Chiron, we are missing, in fact, the essence of the chart. The danger in such a hypnotic seduction like this obvious. This is a couple that likes to lay out all the pros and cons of every decision they will make in order to achieve balance and harmony. This couple may have blinders on, and even gloss over the bad things in the relationship to keep it working. ASC is Virgo, I had a great laugh with this one! This relationship can go one of two ways. This is not uncommon in Composite Ascendant Virgo couples it may seem as though a project, work, or school has brought the two people together, and they are only together for that reason, not anything else. There is a certain drive that emulates from this couple; they want to achieve things together. * Juno same sign/house as sun * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn * Sun conjunct/opposite venus . The other person in your life could be a marriage partner or an open enemy. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. The trick here is to not nitpick each other to death as criticism and relationship vitality are not the greatest of friends. However, they are both very wise people. Sun opposite Ascendant transit or Sun conjunct Descendant transit makes partnerships the major focus of your attention. They psycho-analyze each other and their connection to the point that it may feel like they are each others psychiatrist. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. (My note: Yes the sun is the most important part of a composite) *According to some research, the most important aspects in a . One minute they will seem incredibly happy together, and the next it is as if the relationship is the worst thing that has ever been thrust upon them. Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts You will be drawn toward interacting with others and will be interested in going out to social events with friends or any setting in which you will be able to connect socially with a diversity of people. With Composite Ascendant Gemini, this couple is verymental, rather than emotional or physical. Their instinctive responses to each other come from their emotional bodies, and they may seem very attached and secluded from the world. This is a highly favorable placement for any kind of relationships where there is giving and receiving involved. We are both eternal and evolving through the experience of our material reality. If the Sun is right on the M.C., these couples may be prominent in their society or in their field. There is a very dreamy feeling to this couple, almost as if they are living in their own world together and its a side of them that often only comes out when they are together. The rose colored glasses in the Composite Ascendant in Pisces couple. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Sun is the center, and includes the whole of potential. They may even have nervous energy around other people, which they may not have as individuals. Composite Sun conjunct the Ascendant from the 12th House: This relationship might bring a lot of hidden pain up to the surface, thus making it seem like the other person is just "pushing your buttons" when really it is past hurt coming to be confronted. Those people with this placement will have egoistic partners that wants to steal the spotlight from them. I always have a partner all the time. The brightness of your personality gives you a commanding presence. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Juno - Sun: With this aspect the Juno person is the one who sees the Sun person as a perfect match. The focus of the Eleventh House is on how things should be rather than what is, and they may run into problems when the reality of their lifestyle does not match their dreams and/or ambitions. They are very touchy feely, and it is almost as if their passion in the bedroom is visible to other people. The Twelfth House couple may be more inclined to turn to spirituality than either partner would have done so alone. The Composite Ascendant Sagittarius couple is open-minded and free, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects It must be 2-3 degrees, tops, in my experience. Whatever sign the sun is in indicates the way that the couple feels about the relationship and the way they act towards it. It could be Sun/Chiron, Moon/Chiron, Mercury/Chiron/ Mars/Chiron, Saturn/Chiron,Venus/Chiron, Ascendent/Chiron. The Suns light will go a long way towards working out the kinks in the relationship shadow, allowing them to become progressively closer and stronger over time. Sun conjunct Ascendant (Sun opposite Descendant) represents a dynamic start. The BOND remains golden though because they take care of the relationships composite SUN. There is a dreamy aura about you. Religion or philosophy should play a big role in their lives and they may find themselves talking about these topics often. With Composite Ascendant Cancer, the couple is largely emotional rather than physical or intellectual. You are still very much your unique person but are simply more comfortable when you are with someone else. They may enjoy night swimming together. However, although its a binding tie, its not always an easy one. It appears to the public that they are always up and down, there is nothing constant or solid about them. Composite chart: SUN conjunct DESCENDANT - Astrologers' Community The Composite is a mid-point method between the charts of two people, It is the final product of the Synastry.It shows the relationship in practice and the daily reality of the couple.Reading a Composite chart is the same as a birthchart except that it's about two people instead of one. This is a couple whose issues will present on the outside, but who will appear to be very warm and passionate regardless. Large changes or life altering decisions make this couple feel very insecure they like consistency, and they like things to stay the same. In astrology, the sun is responsible for will, integrity, and self-knowledge. This can be either profoundly healing or completely exhausting and fraught with drama. Composite Sun Conjunct the Ascendant - Sophia's Astrology When a planet is conjunct the sun it has little influence until the planet is 'cazimi' or within the sun disc by longitude (about 20 arc minutes). 17 people love it! Amazing fun! All astrological energies must manifest somehow. Or, if the Composite Ascendant Aries couple are in a good place, this could come off as being very public about it. But, still, the relationship still brings this out in each other. They express themselves harmoniously . This is because the relationship is ruled almost entirely by both peoples mental bodies, and the mental body is the fastest changing of any of our four bodies. Composite Uranus: Relationship Liberator or Destroyer? Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Does the elderly neighbor need her yard mowed? One example of a Composite Ascendant Gemini couple on TV is Monica Geller and Chandler Bing on Friends. You probably dont have to call before you show up on their doorstep for an impromptu game night. It really really hurts. Descendant/Vertex. This means that millions of people born within a roughly 10 year period will have it in the same Sign. The Twelfth House governs places of seclusion and introspection: hospitals, prisons, monasteries. This interpretation for Sun opposite Ascendant transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon opposite Ascendant. There will be no cheating scandals or no disloyalty in a Composite Ascendant Leo relationship, as long as both people are nurturing their creativity and being kind to one another. Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. The Sun represents who we are on a deep level. Sun Opposite Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - They just find their way there somehow. The Sun in a composite chart represents the essence, the creative drive, that is the outcome of two forces joining. They may seem more like close friends than a romantic relationship to others. IP: Logged. I have two friends that are twins Virgo sun Pisces ascendant Im on this page because of them I didnt even think of the fact that they already found them, woah, , , standing my ground but oh my my, my partner turned into Mrs. Hyde for reals 231CapAscendt. They should travel far and wide and make friends with people who speak other languages. Layla had been experimenting with an online astrology program to get insights into her romantic relationship. These are the couples who may lose themselves in the throes of partnership, and then find out that they are not who they thought they were. Ive worked with many people who came to me very worried about Aquarius placements in their composite chart. You can use your relationships to promote yourself and your goals. Composite Sun in the 1st House. On the whole, the Sun here is practical, and wants to accomplish something concrete with the relationship. For relationship astrology and synastry readings go here. See our Quick Compatibility Tool for astrological compatibility based on two birthdates and years. Together, you can be incredibly helpful to those around you. As time goes on, they may find themselves in a battle of wits with each other, but they never stop craving freedom. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. Service to others will inject a dose of vitality in to this union and give them an environment in which to really shine together. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They will break conventions and break rules without a second thought, and base their lives on a perpetual search for meaning and higher purpose. The quality of the Sun shows what must be present in the relationship in order for it to continue functioning. You personify the heat and light and burst of life-giving energy at every sunrise. Composite Chart: Composite Ascendant Signs | Cafe Astrology .com This couple should be careful not to get too prideful of the appearance of their relationship the value of the relationship is in the work that you put into it, not how pretty you look together or how it looks from the outside. These synastry [], In a romantic relationship, Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. Your life will be more pleasant if you get along well with others. However, at its best, this relationship forces you to take on challenges and face yourself. Since Aries is the self in astrology, the self in this couple refers to the relationship. After one go away, I can find another one. This is not the time to shy away and retreat. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Will you leave a greater reputation or Read more, So, the strong willed meets the intellectually minded, sounds all good, right? Note: The Sun conjunct the Descendant means the Sun is also opposition the Ascendant. They are not afraid to talk about their good and bad times. A lot of this warm and empathetic side comes from that fear or insecurity they are constantly worrying that they will not begood enough for the other person, which changes the way they act around each other.

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