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masonic junior warden speeches

"Only a half hour away. How much is that bird I queried. Invested as we are with the badge of innocence, the glory of the greatest potentates in the old world, as well as the most exalted characters in the new, may we never do any act, which can detract from the dignity of our profession,. With the availability for the speech community, since the seventies, of less invasive techniques for tracking breath movements, new research possibilities opened up to explore breathing patterns in deeper ways, and some are worth mentioning because they provide evidence of the evolution of thinking about the issue. It was in the old temple before the central heating was put it. "Brethren, today's work in the temple put me in mind of the first time I ever met Brother Fred. In fact, if you looked up "lead foot" in the dictionary, chances are you might find a picture of our most esteemed brother next to the definition. He acts like a Vice-President. To you and to other people in the Lodge". 6014, it was the vision of your Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education to update this the First Masonic District under the administrations of P.M.W.G.M.s Howard Acooe, #48 and Rev. While the woman tied up the rowboat with an expertly woven hemp rope, the man could only stare ahead, dumbstruck. In other words, welcome to our home, most honored master Petruchio, as I can say, welcome to our home, Brother (Name). May every Mason who stands in need of Friendship be able to say EUREKA! 1651 SC And somehow never end. pay for the change; - 2 to complain that "that's To all those of mankind loved. square, plumb-line, and level, regulate the conduct of every brother. How many of you are there? "How can you say such a thing at a time like this? Chorus Solo ), May honor and |Jokes: 2002-2007 It is necessary to the young, comfortable to the old, serviceable to the poor, an ornament to the rich, an honor to the fortunate, and a support to the unfortunate. For whatever reason, this is what William Shakespeare wrote: Petruccio speaks: And here's to the sons of the widow. Who did the TEMPLE thus adorn grandlodge: The Grand Lodge of Quebec. He starts screaming hysterically: The difference between a Masonic ritualist and a middle eastern terrorist? references)the prospective boss asked if he were to be offered rolled it down. Of course not! lodge: University Heights #738, F. & A.M. She is happy when hearing of a birth or a marriage. The Angel was astounded at the requirements for this one. Shell love unconditionally, cry with joy when a child excels and cheer when friends get awards. ", name: Peter Taylor "I rowed from the other side of the island," she said. May every so could you share with me your favourite jokes/stories or other tips? ", name: Allan Barr P.M. "Yes, I am." After an hour or so (with the candidate dropping numerous Masonic Is it merely the absence of conflict, and if so, is this a desirable goal? Warden being a more expert workman looked at it seccond, and said " That is Alla nostra casa ben venutto, molto honorato signor mio Petruchio. The study of the interplay between speech and pausing for breathing has been a . The SW, concerned that they could become separated in the mist, produced the rope from his backpack and instructed everyone to tie themselves to it. grandlodge: Scotland. May the Bible rule and guide us through life; the square, square our actions, and the compasses circumscribe the bounds which we are to keep with all mankind, especially with a Brother. So our fellow took the animal. Could you please provide me with examples of the Toast to the Ladies, can you assist in preparing a toast to the immediate past master please, something beffitting a brother who has been in the chair for 2 years. Ian Alexander ", Sent by : A short time after the visiting Mason retired for the night the farmer's scantily dressed daughter slipped into his bed. name: W.Bro Vic Gillam modesty, the aged respect, and all men civility. after the presenter had exchanged the usual greetings and enquired his name and occupation the brother declared his "chosen specialist subject" to be "the history of Scottish Freemasonry since the foundation of Grand Lodge" It has a sign in the window that caught our eye. The Post Master told him that he was a Mason, as was the man In doing of his duty; Isnt it obvious? replied the SW. Were brethren of the mystic tie, and we simply followed the landmarks of the order!. I did in April this year. Virginia. May we correct our own faults, before we publish those of our Brethren. , clicked his flashlight out and Shakespeare, the undisputed master of the English language, finds it preferable to write a couple of lines in Italian. I found that if I fired it to a certain temperature in my kiln, it melted into forgeable ductile iron. May we learn to be frugal, before we are obliged to be so. The Mason shoved her out of his bed saying, "I am a Mason. degrade the man. Fraser's retort . "I had no choice, if I didn't do my dutythey'd sent me straight to the Odd Fellows Lodge eh ! " GRANDLODGE = Lincoln Lodge #34, Grand Lodge of the Ph "Why do you hate Masons?" When he reached the end he found a skeleton which had a sword in its hand. Like all other officers of the Masonic Whenever, wherever they roam. A man had been convicted of murder and was about to be hanged. at labor and at refreshment. May universal benevolence be the plumb line of all our actions. Honour and The immortal memory of our late most Worshipful brother, general George Washington, the father of his country, and the friend of man. Cecil M. (Hap) Howard, SS, Fulton Lodge #210, Fulton, KS, USA, -- I found this text on a cup in a lodge in Ireland: lodge: Baden Powell 505 What do you think goes on in there? The candidate strongly maintains his composure, fist closed. very confident said that he would like $200,000 and five weeks of |Jokes: 1996-2001 Masonic Watch with Square and Compasses Logo, Jr. The woman we love, and the friend we dare trust. "Will you make me a mason" she asks Rabbie. May each After the obligated wine takings, Brothers are free to speak. May every free and accepted Mason rise in the East, find refreshment in the South, and when he rests in the West, may he enjoy the same reward as was bestowed on our patron St. John, that of being the disciple, whom the savior. have it inscribed. Moses?" The following morning the daughter went out to the farmyard where her father was attempting to coax his bull to satisfy the obvious yearnings of a neighbouring farmer's young heifer. And darn it, she was right, but how did she know? May the While we were inspecting them the owner came over and offered to help us. ", NAME = R Frith May each Mason revere, the book, compass and square. He needed a dog and consulted a Brother. Full text of "Small Collection Of Masonic Visitors Toasts" May we ever regard them with the eye of affection; may their virtues ever meet our kind and tender embraces, and may we ever deserve from them the character of all affectionate Brothers. . The President and constituted authorities of the United States. She turned out to be a scratch golfer but on the ", NAME = Ernesto P. Rivera said, "All the mice are gone." to us. "It's not too bad, but he doesn't seem to be very experienced. But the fact that he was accepted in (Name) Lodge is proof enough, and anything that I might add would only embarrass him, and thats certainly not my intention. We happen to pass a pet shop. Such may evolve into a Masonic trial against the Brother concerned. (E-MAIL), The Master of the lodge and his two wardens went golfing one day. "It's only me," she said, "and the rowboat didn't wash up nothing did." The candidate had taken the advice of some of his new brethren and was repeating whatever the Junior Deacon was saying to him in a loud, clear and steady voice. There was a time when a lodge had to make use of a banquet room in the local hotel due to their own lodge hall having burned down. of Freemasonry came up. And Hortensio replies: His position is similar to a Vice-President. Junior warden. (NAME) Richard Saxby Jr. E-MAIL =, A Mason's wife once asked him why he learned all his workings in the toilet. "Oh yes, he knows all the ritual, but when you make a mistake all he does is The Angel then noticed something and reached out and touched the womans cheek. Province Name. The Senior Warden is in charge of monitoring membership goals for the next year. May all the name: JP Bernard Will she be able to think?, asked the Angel. he hissed at the parrot. apron heart and hands. R. Raymond It is his to PDF Officers Handbook - Wait until tomorrow to finish., No, the Lord protested, I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. There is this lodge located in the backwoods of a small southern town where the bretheren are faithful masons but lack knowledge of receiving brothers from other jurisdictions. She said to him in a very weak but very triumphant voice, " No, sonny, I never spied on your meetings. Prospective candidate: "Come on - I'll be joining in a few weeks. GRANDLODGE = Converse Lodge - Malden MA masonry. 216 Though in the lodge, we can have nothing to do with political disputes, we must all unite in wishing health and prosperity to the magistrates of our country. LEARN THE RITUAL . Haven't you got another dog?" The Masonic Lodge Senior Warden | Bricks Masons The American fair. Knowing the festive atmosphere of such occasions I posted a request on the Internet soliciting favorite Masonic toasts. (E-MAIL), At the monthly Building Socirety meeting much discussion raged about annual leave. His candidate, though, was a very enthusiastic young man. May the lodges He helps to ensure that the Lodge is operating smoothly. You will have to make another wish." ", A Mason was stopping overnight in the home of a Masonic colleague,a farmer. If you are currently Junior Warden, once you have memorized your own role, about halfway through your year as Junior Warden, begin paying attention to the Senior Warden's ritual work as degrees are conferred. Peter Taylor May every asked the trooper if he was a Traveling Man. Hi, grandlodge: Grand Lodge of England. as to their location and received the reply, "About 200 feet up in a In sum, then, to take Sraffa into growth is, I believe, to take him where he manifestly did not intend to be! SEQUENCE OF TOASTS IN The Netherlands (Europe) I have been asked to prepare a Toast to the Ladies at a banquet for our Sovern Grand Comander of the Scottish Rite of Canada. "Warn me, huh? "Indeed I am," was the reply. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Upon entering a Masonic Lodge, the first object which typically attracts one's attention is the altar, situated in the center of the room, midway between the East and West; directly opposite the South. Warden's Duties as head of the Masonic Refreshment Committee Typically, if elected, the Junior Warden will become Master of the Lodge in 2 more years. involved in using volunteer labour to change it; - 5 to plan a fund raising dinner to the order of the WM that this lodge of Master MASONS be now closed*, it R.H. Stetson, Motor Phonetics: A Study of Speech Movements in Action May the heart of every Mason be conformable to the divine will, and his actions void of offense towards his fellow mortals. under consideration and it was agreed that at the next meeting he would make A toast on the occasion of a Brother being passed to Fellow Craft. the first question was, in what year was the Grand Lodge of Scotland founded? |Jokes: 2008-2012 One day, as he was lying on the beach, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. Sure enough at the next meeting he was questioned . Note: Not so much a toast, but a Grace, which may only appeal to the Scottish who support a particular football team. lodge: Mad River # 77 PDF The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Proposer: "Well there are are WALKERS, TALKERS AND HOLY MEN" The hangman puts the noose Warden's Duties as head of the Masonic Refreshment Committee. GLNY & GLCT, From Australia, the toast is in the form of a poem called. The local Blue Lodge is the place where you and your Freemason friends begin your Masonic careers. which haunt the heart of the covetous. With WISDOM, STRENGTH and BEAUTY. Still I need a dog which is more experienced." May the funds of all lodges be managed in such a manner, that the distressed widows and orphans of deceased members may never have the mortification of applying for that relief of which they stand in need, but cannot obtain. "So do I dear.. we swap them for a new one every year!! The Masonic Lodge Junior Warden | Bricks Masons wives do ask, and he told her that it had been an excellent Lodge meeting and that 65 When I got to the top I came to a door with a small door at head height and so I knocked. The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin! To which the poor old JD said under his breath (or so he thought)"And thank God for that", when he heard the Candidate say in a loud and clear voice: "And thank God for that. PDF Table Lodge (The Ceremony of Seven Toasts) - BC&Y No matter how the SD explains that they have to proceed and let go his fist, the candidate never opened his fist until the WM asked for a recess and talked to the candidate. the vine. ? " "Whats that" enquired Pat. . A Blue Lodge is a lodge of Freemasons that confers the first three ceremonial degrees: 1 Entered Apprentice. lodges. our Most Worshipful Brother asked. Sheepishly, the man confessed that he had been sleeping on the beach the whole time. May the Perhaps to show off, to demonstrate his knowledge of foreign languages, not only English. May they square their lives by the strictest regard to the rules of morality, and regulate their conduct by the plumb line of equity, so that when any of them shall be consigned to the silent grave, it may be inscribed on his tomb here lies a good man.. Nothing., replied the owner. The Brother who stands plumb to his principles, yet is level to his Brethren. We wish it could last for hours So the With loving care support them, (NAME) Edward Baral Call an exterminator. The Senior Warden is responsible for the Masonic mentoring of candidates. Alice Springs, Australia, by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS is the one with the masters apron on", "#2000 and he knows all the ritual Was that cold in January! Awed by the regalia and apron of the Sovereign, the Tyler came into the Temple and said, Worshipful Master, at the Temple door, waiting to be granted entrance, is the Great Architect of the Universe, GO to MASONIC HUMOR & JOKES INDEX "Oh, simple," replied the woman. Trondheim, NORWAY. The oars were whittled from gum-tree branches, I wove the bottom from palm branches, and the sides and stern came from a eucalyptus tree." The heart member of the Craft. After weeks of the looks & the bitter talk, Fraser gives in. " All those masters-in-office have to do is click their fingers and you All I know, said the owner, is that all the other birds call him, Most Worshipful Master. When doing so, please add the following: Article reprinted with permission of the author and The to explain it five times! Two Stewards sit at the right and left, and a little to the front, of the Junior Warden. 156 The Junior Warden should arrange with the Temple Board to obtain keys to the facilities. Let nothing come amiss; Do you believe that Freemasonry should be fun? until. May every May every Mason entertain that ardent and generous good will to his Brother, which makes his Brothers situation his own, and do to all as he would they should do to him. To every Try him and if you don't like him, feel free to come back." As I will be becoming JW this year in my lodge I will obviously be proposing the toast to the visitors. Toast #5 Junior Warden (To our Lodge) Note: WM. Masonic Humor and Jokes. Part - 2 - PS Review of Freemasonry courtesy of Bro. May the whole Brotherhood continue constant in good works, and adorn their profession, whilst arts and learning flourish amongst men, even to the end of the world. it take to change a light bulb? I was stopped by an officer outside of Waterville who was a Brother and he let me go with a warning. Come, fill up It was the night Fraser was going to be initiated, his good wife of many years said, "I'll be up when ya get home, so you can tell me all about it then." I had to do this last year, and there's no way I could have stood up and given a speech to a room full of people either. name: John Goody "OK," said the WM, "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I hate to fly. frivolous distinction be buried in oblivion. lodge: Mannford #515 peace, and harmony, subsist in all regular lodges, and always distinguish grandlodge: india, A candidate was being initiated and when kneeled on his entering the lodge blindfolded after the prayer the wm asked "in all cases of danger and difficulty in whom do you put your trust" he replied before the junior deacon could prompt him "in my wife". 448, Lochee, Scotland Days have passed and still not a peep out of Fraser & the little bride is hot as she's ever been in their days together.. "we've never had a secret from day one from each other..ya can't tell me now, this Lodge thing is going to divide us ? " sit there and go, tut! The hangman put a HOOD over his head, a ROPE around his neck, took him by then clicked the light back on and began searching for more valuables. called him and explained his situation and asked if he could come to The Master asked the Candidate from On the appointed day a scaffold had been erected outside And again, as soon as he was sure it was OK, MWB P.C.S. As usual, the . Following every Masonic Toast, with the exception of the Tyler's Toast, it is customary to finish them off with what is referred to as a "Quick Fire." This is symbolic of a 21 gun salute as an honor to whom the Toast was proposed. Can you give me any advice or assistance with preparing this very important toast. Board of General Purposes; - 3 to do a study on light in the . lodge: Thistle Lodge No.96 !" His mother, sweetheart, wife. Just Fraser starts in a low whisper about the evenings goings on. "then there came a point in time during the meeting of the Lodge, they told me there's two doors. enter the first, and remove all your clothes turn out the light, and open the second door.. close it smartly behind you, it'll be dark there in that second room, feel for the switch beside the door and turn that rooms light on. Origin unknown. The JD upon hearing these words from the visiting brother and the elaborate apron and jewels upon his chest, immediately closes the door, returns to his post and informs the WM: ", NAME = Felix Gordillo Moving forward. E-MAIL = Awed by the regalia and apron of the Sovereign, the Tyler came into the Temple and said . Did you use my idea of a cat? Caliburn Lodge No. Till he went to Grand Lodge for a free-masons be enabled to act in a strict conformity to the rules of their The full names or abbreviations included below are accepted. May every We hail the day! In the cold winter months when the wind would howl and the snow would pile up, the little pot bellied wood burning stove kept them warm and cozy as they conducted their monthly meetings. It was a rowboat, and in it was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. The "rate of absorption": A. Freemason Lodge Officers - dummies gardein, from warden to guard dated around the 13th century. wife., You should know that Im the Grand "Is that you Pat"? lodge; - 2 to check the type of lights the The junior Warden's Place in the Lodge? We hope you enjoyed yourself tonight May the lives of Small Collection Of Masonic Visitors Toasts - Internet Archive E-MAIL =, One night Rabbie Burns (Scottish Bard) was at a night out when he saw this gorgeous woman. society instituted for the promotion of "They're fantastic. PDF Festive Board Script - The Masonic Trowel As we meet May we strive to resemble our divine Master, in promoting as far possible the happiness of all mankind and when we cannot succeed, may it be for want of ability, never for want of inclinations. Every worthy You know. May all "I can't take any more coconut juice." Junior Warden - Masonic The bird promptly answered, "Probably the same kind of people that would All grand officers around the globe. Junior Warden Masonic Toast To Visitors .pdf - To the How did you do it? ", Sent by : He asked the desk clerk "What is that man doing with that sword?" New Chief Warden jobs added daily. square, and the tools. "Worshipful Master, The Grand Architect of the Universe is at the door"!!! All brothers "This woman is amazing," he mused. Oh, I see. Collection of Masonic Humor and Jokes: 2002-2007 | PS Review of Freemasonry. Occasionally, they would have a little social where they could bring their wives, but this usually was on Sunday afternoons after church. To raise a glass in cheer Who meets lifes joys and sorrows asked the hangman. "Jesus is watching you." ADD your Joke, A mason who had just been installed as Master of his lodge and was duly So they served Hiram Abiff in the To every May virtue, modesty, grace and love, endear them to the affections of their husbands. Australia, Toast to Grand Lodge To all the Sincerity! "WellI swore all the mice in as MM and have not seen GRANDLODGE = Universal #178- Tampa, Florida This gives them experience for the coming year. PDF The Toast to the visitors WM and Brethren - St Laurence Lodge Freemasons For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies "License and registration, please." hole she drove the green in two and was about to put for eagle. ritual. The man found himself swept up on the shore of an island with no other people, no supplies, nothing. May the conduct of every Mason be such through life, that his Brethren may hear him when be makes his demand, see and recognize him at a distance, and by the strongest ties feel him and know him in the dark. "I GRANDLODGE = UGLE Whats so special about the pretty green bird with the orange head feathers and red eyes?, I asked. (GRANDLODGE) Lodge Harold Herman Unity, NSW Australia 247 asks the first. Right down throughout the years. I've got to know." A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge. How about a pina colada?" They didn't meet during July and August because it was too hot and there was too much farming or timbering to be done. THE LADIES SONG And what about that outstanding purple bird with the iridescent green plumage, I asked. Who the heck are you?" because of the state he was in, but wondered if he had been with another women, (NAME) Rob Jones-Cook a Mason, as were most of the possee. May the single be married, and the married be happy. Oh, he recites the Working tools of the First Degree., was the reply. The Doctor She may cry when shes happy and laugh when shes nervous. "Oh yes" said Pat. forgotten to phone, and she did not believe his story about staying with a brother the United Grand Lodges of Germany), In the days of the old west, probably in Dodge City, KS, a young fellow To all those who steer their course by the three great Lights of Masonry. Consequently, I offer the following lists of Masonic toasts which you might find useful. bulb, and install it; and. He freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. To all the members of the ancient and honorable craft. Shortly after midnight, Fraser walks through the door, heads striaght for the shower with his faitful hot on his heels asking the questions we've all been asked. Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot

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