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how do i change my weight on zwift power

I just got upgraded to CAT A according to zwiftpower. Heres how it works. below this level you just have to take people's word for it. Perhaps if you post a W/kg in excess ofRead more , So thats why I could easily keep up with a 3-3.4wkg group yesterday whilst keeping my wattage at some 2.5-2.7just my 107kgs.the rest were probably featherweight category :) 2022 SNOW Sprint Series I argue that he is intentionally misrepresenting his weight so he can place higher in B instead of getting shelled in A (like I do). ThatRead more . If you set your weight high enough that you fail to do well you will drop in the categories. Well, its adding weight to gain an advantage. Updating Your Privacy Settings in Zwift Companion To update your default privacy settings, sign in to the Zwift Companion (ZC) app on your iOS or Andro. Im surprised that (off wheel) smart trainers dont have the ability to weigh the rider when they get on the bike. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im not too concerned about weight doping really. The default position is midway between "Off" and "Max," or 50 percent of the grade resistance you'd find while riding the same grade of hill in the real world. You'll receive a four-digit code, which you'll then have to add to your. Yes thats completely unacceptable, you should never be at a disadvantage at any time in your life, just as your mother raised you. Enforce race category entry and youll fix much of the problems with Zwift racing. I should mention: many Zwifters have lied about their in-game weight for perfectly acceptable reasons. this is how it is in real life , big ian stannard putting in hard fast miles on the front for (was) team sky , while all the small guys tuck in the peloton getting drafted along saving energy for later on in the race , because they can`t compete on the flat with the big boys . Leave the setting unchanged and climbs often feel challenging. EZ and self regulating. I rode outside last night, and Im sure I will again soon. I know a woman who is 5 feet tall and almost 200lb. MyRead more . Yes us heavier riders have the downhill advantage definitely. If you are on the lighter side, try picking some climbing races. In IRL there is a double draft. I would suggest a free (for now) virtual race license that would outline racer behavior with consequences. That's pretty straightforward the usual email, username, password, terms and conditions so you won't have any trouble with this step. 8 months ago I was 96kg, but didntRead more , As a light (58kg) rider racing in the Bs it is very frustrating on flat routes where since the main thing that matters is raw watts and not w/kg I would have to put out well over 4 w/kg to keep up with the heavier guys and therefore I pretty much always get dropped before too long. Their hr should also correspond, which they often dont. 2 yr. ago. It all has to do with the way Zwift's racing categories work. I would thought with how sensitive the sensors are they could place another one somewhere on the unit that simply does the job and takes away all the manual input. Frustrating to someone who tries so hard to compete in my weight class to get beat by cheaters. Hes had to up his weight as he is only 35kg ( upped time 45kg) he but puts out 220watt so his ftp is 5.5-6w/kg in a race. But then you could have someone in the same age group who maxes out at 170. People still rode at B level pace in a C group. Keep it on. Im 170cm and currently 61kg with an ideal triathlon racing weight of 59kg. That guy who weighs 300lbs and gets 1st place in Cs for a month straight should be automatically upgraded to Bs and Bs to As. First up, you'll have to head to and log in, then click on Settings > Profile > Connections and choose 'opt-in' under the ZwiftPower logo. I do find it amazing, funny and sad that IRL at several Ironman events me, a C rider, beat many A riders in the cycling segment. The only trouble is the downhill doesnt take as long of course, so the light advantage is obviously better. I am 65 kg with FTP of 270 W, which equlas 4,15 w/kg. Just short of my 68th birthday I still dont see any point in cheating. Heres an idea: Take weigh out of the equation. Just sign up for A races from now on. In a race not in Zwift it is very easy for people to recongize who I am. I love reading it. My power to weight is decent at about 4w/kg. You'll receive a four-digit code, which you'll then have to add to your last name back in your Zwift settings (you can change it back after the process is completed). If I am racing I want to be able to look across at the guy/girl next to me (ie on the Companion app) and get an idea if they are going to kill me on the next hill, or not are they a 185cm/90kg guy versus my 172cm/74kg. What you see a lot are riders who are (claiming) to be really light with decent but not exceptional watts. This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. Congratulations John on your retirement and Zwift is a great retirement present. If I get down to 52 kilos I can climb well but my sprinting is terrible. Blaming Zwift for eating disorders is not sensible. We can name and shame these few. Mate youre a legend. Mike, Great article as ever Eric. Zwift is full of cheaters and thats not going to change now. thanks for the help with the graphs. Some people, I think, just have a lower HR. The book Fast After 50 is a good read on how masters athletes can train more effectively. Two months ago he had a magic weight loss on zwift. IRL I am 85kgs and cant pretend to be 65kgs. This is how racing is supposed to work. There is no cat C rider at 58kg who has a hope in hell of beating me in any race. Why not ride to your strengths? I am not saying that everyone with a low weight on zwift is cheating, but I am suggesting that there are many who are because zwift favours light riders, and people do like to win. The categories currently used in most Zwift events are based on your FTP watts per kilothat is, your FTP in watts, divided by your weight in kilograms. In order to ride with him I have to drop my weight to allow me to keep up. One question I have struggled to answer though which maybe is not a consideration is that on the flat watts is what is required and I also have to push high wkg to stay with groups. We are new to Zwift and My son Whos 12 has used it to race to make up for his list u12 crit season. Problem solved! Id be super interested in the timing you set your weight. In theory (at least) weight dopers could game the results based categories as well. You will receive a verification email shortly. As we said in the first post, "Assuming race organizers can access the data via ZwiftPower, and the site includes simple tools for spotting potential weight or height dopers (perhaps flagging those who made dramatic changes recently), then hiding weight and height data from the public should work swimmingly." It does not stop cheating at all. Why not only require weight and height for entry to A and B races? My solution would make everyones chances equal, while yours would strongly favor heavy riders. What stone have you been living under? Chip on the shoulder there or what? Take one of our four FTP tests to determine your FTP. The license would be needed to participate in ranked races, however if you dont have a license, other races would be available to participate in. It's a real community hub. I put my real weight 95% of the time. I think with a results based system would help as it would the sandbaggers, but it wont eliminate the weight cheats entirely, those that just want to gain a little more w/kg by losing a few virtual pounds. If I wanted to win I just drop my weight to 65kgs 350w/65kgs is a lot better than 350w/85kgs, of course 350w/65kg is better than 350w/85kg, its a massive increase in w/kg. USA Cycling has categories that are based on experience and performance. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. If other people want to obsess about my weight thats up to them but I wont. This is especially true if you are trying to ride with riders you possibly know locally or otherwise. On the flats and descents she crushes her w/kg field. You do you. otherwise no way in hell hes beating you. I suffer from excess sweating and will easily lose 10kg in a race on Four Horseman, for example (although Im certainly not the norm, but to say no one is untrue). I am currently 145kg and have not experienced any bullying so far. I dont know why this is, but i dont care one bit if people are cheating. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. Ive lost 2.2kg over a 6 hour ride due to carb loading before, and burning that and hence losing a lot of water weight during the ride. No race Chester worth their salt pops in and changed weight ahead of a race, what they do is post the wrong weight and leave it there. Last week we announced Zwifts plans to remove rider height and weight from ZwiftPower, among other changes (read the full post here). But without any hard and fast rules, we cant say anything is illegalat least for certain races. I have been cycling since I was a kid and now close to 50. (and dont do organized rides for fairness) so I dont have resistance changes and sometimes zwift reports extraordinary power readings for a ride. Goodness. Yes, we need to be categorized by our race ranking, not power. Food for thought. Although does WTRL encourage reverse weight doping? See, I think if a racer doesnt want to cat up in order to keep winning in their current cat, she or he would likely just go the traditional sandbagging route (as others have suggested here). Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviour What are they trying to protect? With racer categories? I think it would be best if there was a separate cat system for flat routes (based on watts) and for hilly routes (based on w/kg), My understanding is that Zwift still applies real world physics to this situation, and maybe the article doesnt allude to it, in that on the flat Zwift wont use w/kg to drive speed but your pure watts. Absolutely impossible. The key phrase there is have the same W/kg its very easy to boost your W/kg simply tell Zwift you are lighter than you really are. Share your thoughts below! Racing the As resp. Not knowing what to pick and with minutes until the my first race, I selected the C group and was thus filtered out of the Zwift Power race results when I then posted a 4.00w/kg over the 28 minute race. Now head back to ZwiftPower, click 'Connect' at the top of the page, then enter your Zwift ID in the box when prompted. What particularly annoys me is being beaten by light but moderately powerful riders doing individual time trials on flat courses. Just from riding regularly I went from 166 FTP to 187 in 800 miles over a 2 1/2 months. As a low to mid-cat rider, ImRead more . Keep answering that question and youll keep most people on side. Not everyone has the same HRmax. Or weight bonuses for completing events that last for a set amount of days or even hours. This community-driven site is maintained by Eric Schlange and a team of Zwift enthusiasts. The guy who got first weighs 106kg on strava but 45kg and only 411 on zwift. Would love your thoughts, please comment. All rights reserved. Light guys have the advantage on the hills, in the sprints, and because they have a higher w/kg, the flats too even if my absolute watts are significantly higher. Im 70 inches tall and 156 pounds right now vs 166lb on Jan 1. The only way for complete cheat free racing is in the zwift Pro race which is all done in a single room with all riders together. ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. Introducing a horrible measure that addresses a problem that doesnt exist, and subsequently retracting it following mass protest is not exactly what I would call revolutionary change. At all. Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviours, we also hear the concerns of the racing community. Dont worry about your weight fluctuating through the week and remember you gain 0.5kg by drinking a half-litre bidon and lose it again through sweat (and by going to the toilet). I currently weigh 59kgs but my BMI is 25 which technically overweight. In reality no under 12 is competing with a decent 2nd or 3rd cat (UK system) Ive ridden with enough talented youth riders that this is fact so letting young kids crush half decent amateurs on zwift would be unrealistic. As there is no official A+ CAT there is nothing to worry about, but if there were, I would be right between A and A+. This is pretty timely for me as my FTP is 283 and my weight is currently 71.2kg. There is no progression from lower to higher categories through placement. It must be very hard to do with many, many lines of code to implement otherwise it wouldve been done by now, In reality these changes would not (will not) impact cheating. There is enough variation in power profile to make it interesting without weight, what makes racing fun is trying to create tactics that favour yourRead more , Interesting & well reasoned article which answers a lot of things which were puzzling me. Im sure it happens, but I would guess its pretty rare certainly less of a problem than normal weight doping. Race them if you want, but Rides like Tour de Zwift are not based on rider category, they are based on distance. Tie that together with not letting people race in a lower (but letting them race in a higher) cat, and youll have fixed a number of the issues. Kudos to Zwift for listening to their customers and admitting they made a mistake. Im not sure Id say the algorithms help heavier riders in descents. The other race, events, and activities are needed to display that data.

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