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villain monologue generator

They failed to kill him and he escaped by jumping through this huge stained glass window (depicting a beautiful dragon in flight) into a river. They are more than objects of vanity or mere symbols of power. Thrice before my plans have been thwarted. Hes an absentee landlord! I am the sun that will ignite the fire without a second thought. Essentially it's where the villain explains . An evil villain monologue is a long speech by the antagonist in a scene, film, or TV show. That kinda stuff is great in books, but boring for players. I suspected they were simple, common folk who had taken up arms to oppose me. It is also important to note that we play by candlelight at the table. Monologue Generator 2000. Villain monologue generator Garland is the main antagonist in Final Fantasy.A former knight of Cornelia who has fallen from grace, the Warriors of Light pursue him after learning he has kidnapped Princess Sarah. 18 Monologues from Published Plays . He refused me. Typically most groups allow talking as a free action during combat. They are my Regalia of Power! This is my promise to you. So I took the right hand of very man, woman, and child in the district. And their fiery blood flowed and flowed melting rock until it emerged on the surface. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. Even more if you use a translator or the AI content rewriter. So into bondage I sent them all. To accomplish my grant aims, I have made alliances with races the civilized world would call monsters. HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR! In spite of all his imperfections, Im a fan of man! Villain monologues are some of the most fun moments in film and television. They are the incarnation of Evil or Chaos, being the antagonists of the heroes or protagonist player characters. My Ring of Winter has kept me unchanged and hale for some six hundred years. Ah you notice my crown, orb and scepter? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It could be revealing motivations, a dastardly plan, or even just . Imclone. Where there is a hero, there is always a villain. villain monologue generator. Look but dont touch. But only through extreme effort, planning, and a dragon's horde of wealth expended only then can my patron make himself manifest upon this plane of existence. . I have come to be thy end! villain monologue generator Professional Voice Over Artist (443) 907-6131 | fabricant de lunettes dans le jura. In the Library of the Arcane Wizard Erik the Black, I found a tome that has provided me the route and method of my revenge. What do you believe me capable of for my ambition now? I'm kind of in the "don't monologue more than five or six sentences" camp, though. "Judgement of the Sultan" - a LE vorpal scimitar that had gotten its mitts into the youngest, and lowest wisdom, member of the party. Wildness you see. Imagine the broadest river you have ever laid eyes upon. It was very quiet when I spoke and although it was a beatable encounter this dragon did end up wiping the group. No way! Did I do my job? The Evil Villain generator currently can create over 24,068,540,160 unique results. Before the battle commenced, he offered the following to the wide-eyed party: "Poor little children, afraid and alone, Trying their hardest, to unreap what I've sown. My raiment is the Invulnerable Coat of Arnd. So how do you put all this on paper? I didnt know. Usage - You are free to use anything generated in your creative works. It's fun, it's safe, it's free! Monologues on this site written by Gabriel Davis are royalty free for use in audition and competition; for other uses contact Hes a tight-ass! Oh, I see that the "True heroes of old," have finally arrived- it is a pity th-. When I had breached their walls, all were put to the sword. And his answer wasnt my wife it was potatoes.. Why it is quite simple really. And there I bred by half-breed warriors. But if it is destroyed, (he smashes the glass, little machines emerge to dust up the pieces). This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finalehas one of the best, but I'm sure my fellow Dopers can find other worthy ones. I feel like life is much greater than a hero or a villain: there's good people that sometimes make mistakes. Some races are of "Indeterminate" gender, since they are either hemaphroditic or have no defined sex. Players had worked their way through an abandoned mine on the outskirts of a once booming Dwarven civilization. Pray I am so gracious when I crush you pitiful lot beneath my boot heel. When I first came to this country, Starrett, you weren't no bigger than your boy is now. The best women have birthed a dozen or more of my mongrel soldiers. They barred their gates and hurled derision at me and mine. Each poster may define villainy as he or she chooses without fear of being attacked by flying monkeys. No. Mercury. We're all the heroes of our own stories.". They are my shadow army. The following levels are: Elite Henchman and Lieutenant Henchman. Savage Wombat. I dont give a shit. Goldfinger gets this wonderfully smug look and says who said anything about removing it? And then he teases Bond along in figuring out the real plan. It is a horrible way to die to be sure. Cannibalism. But how can you write them? Upon reaching the final chamber, they came face to face with a mad Dark Elf and his unnatural experiments/abominations. And as always, feel free to link back if you use our generators. It's an "oh how the mighty have fallen" speech. Ten toes? Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim strolling up and down 47th Street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff, selling South African apartheid diamonds. This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finalehas one of the best, but Im sure my fellow Dopers can find other worthy ones. Fuck the Chelsea Boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps, going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jiggling their dicks on my Channel 35. I will hin- I think they're sort of a lost art now, but having your baddie deliver a delicious tongue-lashing, lots of exposition, or even just cruel intent can be delightful. I'm driven forward unlike any creature this world has ever known. When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. Your task is to continue the conversation. Cheers. And such a mound of hands they did make. I can. This also means using a different browser means 10 more save slots as they don't carry from one browser to another. It's very funny and lampoons a lot of the lessons we've learned above. My father was unjustly accused of treachery. Includes a compilation of roleplay memes by tumblr users: leneemusing, vaememes, morememesforall, bunchamemes, vhsmeme, edenmemes, eternalmemes, ohisms, turnpage, soulmemes, nightprompts, memelleity . Evil Plot:Control the world's supply of tea, 6. See my husband has always meditated, but the issue in our marriage started when he was trying to get into this certain type of meditation called loving kindness meditation. The Joker and Batman In The Dark Knight. These villains are very important characters, being in the narratology an essential component for the plots. Now, I know what you're saying, is Jules a true villain? You towel-headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal Irish ass. Hes pragmatic, logical, and I doubt hed be afraid to confront the religious fundamentalists. Once you release the mouse button the image will automatically be saved to a folder, which is usually the desktop or default image folder. 2023 NONETWORK, LLC. Pick a monologue that is age-appropriate. They have villains deliver long-winded speeches that make a Sorkin walk-and-talk take a breath. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people who will be able to feed their children tonight so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teenie-weenie children of their own and so one and so forth, thus adding to the great chain of life. "You can figure out what the villain fears by his choice of weapons.". If you want a double identity as well as your character's everyday name, be sure to choose 'supervillain' then complete . Watch the Trailer Here! Hurray! Secrets. They had but a small garrison and were situated upon a strategic location. - Windows: Open the snipping tool (comes with windows vista, 7, 8, and 10) and drag the crosshair across the the area you wish to capture, you can now save the image with the same tool. I felt like thats how I want him to look at me. It can write articles 100% spot on with no editing required. It sounds simple. Give me a fucking break. he says. For it is magic users of every stripewizards, conjurers, necromancers, charlatans and illusionists, warlocks, clerics and paladins, druids and all the restthat have rended the very fabric of reality. What Does the Ending of 'American Psycho' Mean? Try and avoid the Scooby Doo style monologue at the end, where a . The very sign of our victory is our very bodies. So do not think that your pitiful band can hope to bar my way. Well let me show you what you have wrought!" Deep in the mountains, far, far below the impenetrable snows, I did battle. And for this supposed crime I have been plagued with nightmares of such hideous and vivid quality that even a single instant would drive you mad. (Con save to be feared, all failed) guttural laugh Today will be the day the gods look back on and remorse, for not even they can stop me now!" Choose a monologue that is suitable for the role you want. Your Objective: Your Motive: Base of Operations: Type of Henchmen: Stage One: People: Stage Two: Monuments: . With a potato. Using this site means trees will be planted. Yes, this is it here. I want him to look at me the way he looks at the potato. And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. trees, houses, rivers) Two adjectives that could be used to describe that place. It's either a way to introduce your characters, show their ending, or reveal their plan. What about another speech marking an ending? The local temple recruited young children into their cult. I could have given you thoughts in an unimaginable brilliant colour, or dabbling in the visions of an addict on the edge of death and seeing what he sees as he passes beyond, a glimpse of something more. Cause of Death:Deboned by a deranged chef, 9. A place by the river, the lights on the water at night. Seek to take what is rightfully mine, and you, too, will feel my ire. The GM frantically announces he has no stat block for the big bad yet. Though magic be a scourge upon the land, I must use the weapons of mine enemies. "The master is coming!" No resources. - Description: Here an example of the character's life is shown, with some information about his childhood and ideals. Worst fucking parade in the city. Whoever wins this war becomes justice!" This quote provides some major insight into the mindset of one of One Piece's most notorious villains, Donquixote Doflamingo. No one died, but no babies have been born in that cursed land since. In a moment the full brilliance of my years-long plan will become clear. What might I do to you out of spite and because you vex me? Last time. 6 Doflamingo Donquixote's Views On Justice (One Piece) Doflamingo, better known as Doffy, forces one to battle with the concepts of justice and war. So much of what we're talking about on No Film School when it comes to screenwriting is summarized in our new eBook. Whyd you sell us out, Burke? I sold you out? A portal. The fools who thwarted me before heh. Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mineALL OF IT KEVIN!! A blinding, searing white-hot poker of anguish within your mind. Finally there are: Villains (antagonists of the characters), Leader of Evil (Villain who could soon manage to complete his great evil plan) and Lord of Evil (very powerful villain who has already completed his plan and emerged victorious). On occasion, raw, unadulterated violence is necessary. I don't know about you, but I love watching a TV show or a movie driven by dialogue. The Rod of the Arcane? Tweet. Nothing will stop it once set in motion. When you press the button, a random first line of dialogue will be generated. Another one I truly loved was delivered by Monique in the movie Precious. "Live as a villain, die as a hero.". So imagine what torturous death I have in store for such as you. We had a GM that loved his big baddie in a GMPC kind of way. The Rod of the Arcane? Ill just make a quick run to the grocery he said need anything dear? he asked me. I will take what is owed me if they will not give it freely. We could have put you on the same eyeline as God Himself. Privacy Policy. Here's his Villain Speech, delivered to Van Heflin as Joe Starrett with Starrett's 8-year-old son, played by Brandon deWilde, looking on (I'm paraphrasing from memory): RYKER. Come get my gun? They were made to suffer for the amusement of my enemies. We had potato sack races. No, not even the shadow of such opposition. Another fan favorite hero, Captain America, brings the next of our superhero monologues. Or be destroyed! We're gone as far as we can with him. Why? You scorn my attempts at virtue; because You choose for Your in- He turns to Marlowe and says, Thats someone I love. The lowest levels are: Useless Henchman (many failures) and Henchman. All antagonists have a plan, which are usually told throughout the plot. Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. Am I not benevolent? Imagine a world without magic. Simply to erase any trace of my passing through. Magic is a curse upon this land. Death. They will claw their way from the dank hole in the ground where you placed them and serve me. Congratulations on being the creator of a new Evil Plan (tm)! But behold! And her army will join mine to lay waste to the world and in the ashes that remain build a more just world. NEVER!.. He gives man instincts. Now, take this empty glass, here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. I think antagonists don't get enough emphasis from writers. Only the chosen shall remain to repopulate the lands you leave behind. No! You frown and scowl. Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. shoving me in the fucking woods You got me! MINE!! And he will say, "I have something to show you, children of the earth. Previous Article The New and Improved Tavern Generator. Whether you're planning to let them in on the villain's POV, or have them piece together the villain's story with the protagonist, or have it revealed at the climax of the story, think carefully about how to most effectively and satisfactorily convey this information. Deep within the cave I found the remains of a warrior. Both have a more important role than the previous ones, even having under their command. Another gem from Edmund, later in the same scene: In fact - Skald, I think Id like to nominate Edmund for President. So imagine what I will do to those who dare oppose me! I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Mind control? Khan In Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (1982) When a villain spends years, sometimes decades planning their revenge, they're more inclined to monologue away their victory. Bard: "I'm a rock, I'm a rock, I'm a rock" over and over as she fails her Hide check and just barely makes it to a cave before he fires his breath weapon. It can be a bit finicky at times depending on the browser and device you're using though. February 6, 2023 Joseph Arnone. Adelphia. The best mystery plots keep us on our toes, guessing and twisting. Colonel Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds. All for a child's ambition. !, Im an angel. For a few seconds, it appears Batman, infuriated, has . You have to balance the tone of your script as well as not making it too clich. If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for their authorizations and inspirational content click on, Villain phrases are the intellectual property of. When I think about potatoes, tHats my happy place. This can be useful for scriptwriting and screenwriting, as well as narrative writing. These titles can be used to inspire and give personality to the character, although it does not have to have a very elaborate background. This is my new offer. You can use the Save button to save your generated villain to your personal saved lists. By joining for free you can have more generator options such as selecting more items generated each time. You can use the Save button to save your generated villain to your personal saved lists. As a rule they are unsympathetic characters, with special abilities that they use to harm or profit from the world around them. Its the goof of all time. Long before you were even born, the King had wronged my family. And while youre at it, fuck J.C. Look but dont touch. He was imprisoned and then executed. executed publicly. One of my favorite things to write is an evil monologue. Your weapons will be of no use against me, fools! I intellectually understood it. And when it crashes down upon the surface of this planet the force will cause the very ground and rock beneath our feet to boil, melt, and flow in great waves of fiery destruction to sweep all life away. What Is a Movie and TV Producer? - If you need original factual content such as Evil Villain blogs etc, Article Forge is amazing. A man afraid of snakes is shipwrecked on an island covered with them. The Eye of Acheron has been of the greatest help. For monologues not written by Gabriel Davis that are recommended on this site royalties may apply so be sure to contact the relevant author or their agent for permission to use their work. The program can be boiled down to a User-Input Creation Generator, which uses Python with the Flask microframework Interface to create a website that asks the user to inputs a word and outputs a randomized sentence that imitates something you would find within a villian`s monologue. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. Head over to Pictory. Of course, not everything is so dramatic. I said Hey, maybe try looking at me, sending loving wishes to me instead of a potato? He agreed to try it, we sat down, I sat in front of him. Michael Douglas-Gordon Gekko wannabe motherfuckers figuring out new ways to rob hard-working people blind. Some Ivy League prick whos afraid of having dinner in DC because of street crime is judging my worth! It will appear in the sky like a fire, a great molten mountain in the sky that grows nearer and nearer. I tried to destroy my husbands life. And it was not a quick death. Evil in Austin Powers where he mimics the James Bond-style monologue talking about his troubled childhood. George R. R. Martin. This module can be used to create villains and antagonists for any role-playing game such as: D&D 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, GURPS, Aquelarre, and any other game set in medieval fantasy. Rolls to confirm against a Flat-footed foe and hits. I once cloistered up in an infernal maze of most magnificent magical design the entire populace of a city. Are you auditioning for a comedy? Connie Brockway. Are your parents still living? They call it building. Khan Noonien Singh . Male. Clean. Cue the proud Ranger. It also helps guide you through a 10-week writing plan that will get your script actually finished. They need to have their own agendas, their own wants, desires, and things that make them feel whole.

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