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pineapple and seizures

(NOTE: Folic acid may be depleted during seizures and in some people with seizures. Also, how affective is it for Adults? What works for one does not work for someone else. Being on disability, I need to find things to keep me busy and make money. Selenium Found to significantly reduce seizures. Brazil nuts are the single most selenium rich food in the world. My last dosage was six pills a day twice a day. No, not really. food senitivities. An infection of the brain. Most products contain bromelain 500 mg; manufacturers suggest a dose of 500 to 1,000 mg daily. View Epsy's, Learn about the link between diabetes and epilepsy. Looking back I used to eat lots of nuts because they are rather healthy and have a lot of protein but now I don't and I'm seizure free. However many doctors arent aware of this and dont include it in blood tests. In selenium rich soil areas of the world, selenium is found in meat (kidney, liver, poultry meat especially), garlic, onions, broccoli, eggs, mushroom, walnuts, sunflower seeds and wheat. A friend of mine I met a few months ago who's in his early 50s is the poster child for how to eat in order to be healthy. There are a variety of foods which are rich in magnesium such as nuts and seeds; including almonds, peanuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. Mainly, those causes are due to some sort of injury or illness that affects the brain. I never knew about propolis! Some people feel that some colourings and preservatives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) or artificial sweeteners can trigger their seizures, but there is no high quality evidence that this is the case in humans. Of course, everyone's epilepsy is different. I have also noticed an increase in episodes before my period, actually thats how i can tell its about to start. The other thing I was to ask them about was Turmeric to help with the stomach and digestive system. Flashing lights are my worst enemy! low energy and fatigue. I'mgreatful for that. I have a history of grand mal seizures and I take 3000 mg of Keppra a day and 1000 mg of Depakote a day and it is working very well for me but I think there's more to it than my meds. Plus he's in his 50s and looks like he's in his 30s. However, applying it directly to your skin may not exert noticeable benefits. A diet that suits you may help you to feel positive, more able to focus and more in control of your life and decisions about managing your epilepsy. Im looking at the food connection. To help prevent this, doctors may suggest a bone density scan, and prescribe vitamin D. You can ask your doctor for more information about osteoporosis. The anti-stress vitamin. This article discusses the proposed mechanisms of a ketogenic diet's. I think it was Mystery Diagnosis. The good news is that its easy to get it in all kinds of different foodsfresh juicy fruits like apples, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, (especially grape juice), pineapples, peaches, pears and lemonsgreen leafy vegetables, carrots, peanuts, rice, milk, cereals, seeds, nuts and grain. Food sources of vitamin D unfortunately rely upon fortified foods like milk. Thereare people in this world who was going through the same thing I was going through. If you have seizures,some things may help make cooking safer. There is evidence that sleep enhances epileptic discharges in the EEG, though their daytime recordings may appear to be normal. Also Specialist Keeps Playing With My Medication By Giving Me Different Medication All The Time And One Of Them Had A Bad Side Affect That Was Setting Them Off. experiencing incontinence. It is a try-and-see. I have actually had to ask a cop who pulled me over becasue I had a tail light out to turn off his lights. Manganese Plays a significant role in cerebral function. FOODS: Nuts and seeds; including almonds, peanuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. You may want to speak to your specialist if you have any concerns about the effect caffeine may have on your seizure control. Only a few foods naturally contain significant amounts of vitamin D, including fatty fish and fish oils. :). I was even told that my body was addicted to this drug. Aids Muscle Growth A meal might include a small portion of chicken, a little bit of fruit, and a lot of fat, typically butter or cream. diet is on webiste about GARD diet. Luckily I get deja vus, auras and I just feel I will get a seizure which mostly happen at night. i Epilepsy is a common disorder that causes seizures. At present the ketogenic diet is mostly used with children whose epilepsy is not responding to ASMs. and i am a prove of it!!! So Ill ask the pharmacist if they can please help me find a multivitamin (ONE PILL INSTEAD OF 7 individual pills) to take and for their assistance as well and let them pick it out themselves for me. My Name Is Janet Muriel Rachel Pitcher. There are a variety of foods which are rich in magnesium such as nuts and seeds; including almonds, peanuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. You would be surprised to find out how many foods it is in, and it is not required to be listed on labels other than in the general category of 'spices'. However, my dietician doesn't seen to have much knowledge about it. 5. If I told u were I hve had seizures, I'd be writing forever. Is Keto the Right Diet for You? His diet is very strict, very limited and he absolutely cannot stray from it but he is much healthier than me and he's twice my age.He's talked to doctors since and they are absolutely baffled as to how much it helped him and have actually wrote studies and things in medical journals about my friend. This is why it is generally best to avoid high sugar, processed foods such as cookies, cakes, candy and white bread. I've been skinny all my life, and don't eat much anyway. This means that some people who do not actually have epilepsy may also experience seizures when drinking. Chesham Lane Chalfont St Peter Buckinghamshire SL9 0RJ. These toxic doses damaged my body which I had accepted as part of this disease. One time to try and help myself after I had a seizure and ended up with a major concussion (I am still healing for 4yrs later) I decided to drink the meal replacement drinks to make up for what I was locking in my diet and to help me be able to actually eat because I chew my cheeks when I have seizures. I definitely believe their is a correlation to what we ingest and seizures. It can cause sedation, loss of coordination, increased urination, hunger and thirst, restlessness, nausea and stomach upset. This is why it is generally best to avoid high sugar, processed foods such as cookies, cakes, candy and white bread. I'd also like to point out i recently had a full blood workup and still have low cholesterol infact everything was on the low side of healthy and i wear a size extra small despite my high fat life long diet. This would make the drug less effective and could therefore increase the number of seizures you have. Found in many baby foods, soy is now commonly known to trigger allergic reactions and seizures in children. I'mgreatful for that. I have discover the main cause of all our seizures. Youre probably well aware of these, but heres a gentle reminder I haven't jumped on board because I am doing so well now and I don't want to disrupt or agitate my body to the point where I could have seizures in the initial stages of the transition. I can't work a regular job while on disability, but disability tells me I'm allowed to make as much money as I want. This impairment could lead to acute-onset seizures or the development of tremors in the hands and legs. Also I avoid cameras like a Philly mobster !!! Just a bonus! If you are allergic to certain kinds of food, you may go into anaphylactic shock. Its called the sun vitamin since the most effective way (other than supplements) to get vitamin D is from the suns ultraviolet rays. The good news is that its easy to get it in all kinds of different foodsfresh juicy fruits like apples, oranges, grapes, (especially grape juice), pineapples, peaches, pears and lemonsgreen leafy vegetables, carrots, peanuts, rice, milk, cereals, seeds, nuts and grain. ButIm staying on the LGIT keto type of diet. So many that after taking my polls I would become high for hours. When used frequently or in large amounts, alcohol may interfere with the anticonvulsant medication and may lower seizure threshold. The fruit also has a minimum content of sodium, which is great for patients diagnosed with hypertension. Also Specialist Keeps Playing With My Medication By Giving Me Different Medication All The Time And One Of Them Had A Bad Side Affect That Was Setting Them Off. This is especially true for people who often drink heavily. Description. I believe it's all linked somehow and I'm not even a big nutrionist or anything. I did notknow how to describe it. ago Igot my firstseizer, butsince I waslittle I had absence seizer, never know that was happening to me. FOODS: Broccoli, turnip greens, sunflower seeds and crimini mushrooms. Its needed for normal brain function. Protein rich foods such as chicken, fish, beans, and nuts are good sources. This powerful antioxidant protects the body from damage by free radicals and aids circulation. The usual dosage of bromelain is 40 mg taken 3 or 4 times daily. Its truly an amazing feeling being able to think more clearly. Good sources of vitamin B5include broccoli, turnip greens and sunflower seeds., crimini mushrooms, corn, winter squash and strawberries. Women who are pregnant orplanning a pregnancyneed to avoid taking too much vitamin A, (found in liver and fish oil supplements like cod liver oil), as large amounts of vitamin A can harm an unborn baby. I know it's hard to believe but if I was able to give you a proper rundown as he did to me then you'd be convinced also. I agree who would ever think of making police lights strobe lights! Working at home is a joke, and working online jobs are a scam. ---------- People with epilepsy taking seizure medications seem to have more of a need for calcium and vitamin D to help keep healthy bones. This rare. It is a medication also used to relieve pain attacks. I have Celiac Disease and am wanting to also start the modified-atkins diet to help control my seizures. Just a bonus! Calcium When balanced with magnesium, it helps prevents bone loss. Research also suggests that the ketogenic diet and modified Atkins diet may help reduce seizures, but don't try these without the recommendation and supervision of your doctor. Selenium is also found in seafood like tuna, crab and especially lobster! All my blood work on all those other things, have been normal in the past 4 years, by using pure virgin 100% coconut oil. However, my GI specialist and Neurologist both say they haven't encountered patients with both conditions (and therefore there can't be a connection, despite my telling them that many medical articles posted on the internet clearly state there is a connection). I'm on disability now, and that will probably help me with sticking to a normal eating schedule. I havesimply learned that when I have a seizure, to write down everything I did before a seizure and try to figure out what I did just before that was different from other days. Research suggests that it gets more easily absorbed into your body when taken on an empty stomach. staring. I had fainting spells when I was a kid, but my mom attributed it to the heat. Two slices of pineapple contain approximately 100 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). When balanced with magnesium, it helps prevents bone loss. Nothing processed or unnatural. I am 62 and have had epilepsy since I was 10. Unfortunately for me that means that a lot of foods that I really, really like are things that I can't eat. With an atonic seizure, your child has a sudden loss of muscle tone and may fall from a standing position or suddenly drop his or her head. To big a price to pay. He said no but then agreed after a few minutes. food senitivities. hello i need to know what foods can cause seizrure thank you. This would be very benefial for me, so I can at least give the dietician some where to start at. I know it's hard to believe but if I was able to give you a proper rundown as he did to me then you'd be convinced also. I Got Meningitis When I Was Eight Month's Old. But when you significantly decrease your carb intake on the keto diet, your body instead burns fat to create ketones to use for energy. Only OMEGA 3 fish oil is the important fish oil to digest for brain health. Spend a month in the hospital. FOODS: Cheese, yogurt, milk, sardines. !" Found to significantly reduce seizures. medicine neurotine, topamax, and etcI could not even recognise my mum I couldn't eat anything not even a bowl of soup. I just started to limit his gluton. I'm hopeful that being MSG-free will also help control my seizures with a lower dose of med. Please dont forget about the power of vitamin B-12. Media reports and recommendations about what to eat can be confusing or contradictory. However, adults may also benefit from dietary treatments. I would say it depends on your type of epilepsy. Plus he's in his 50s and looks like he's in his 30s. If I ate one, it was coming. The original was too big to send and the security footage was gone. It is chemically unrelated to other antiepileptic medications. I am a believer that your diet and the food you eat effects every aspect of your life from energy, sleep, seizures or other disorders, the way you act and everything. Super Silver Haze 8. Two unprovoked seizures are required for diagnosis of epilepsy. Zinc is found in meat, eggs, seafood (especially oysters) and from non-animal sources like whole-grain cereals, wheat germ, nuts, and legumes. Though I may have been having seizures for a very long time without knowing it (absence or simple partialsstill learning the names), I only started having convulsive ones this year, almost daily, and I haven't had any gluten (as far as I know) for almost 3 years now. I once got nailed by a particular brand of hot pepper sauce (who would have guessed that a hot sauce would have used nutmeg as a flavoring?). Convulsions. I was always curious. The brain, the body are far far too complex to ever consider controlling with drugs. Though seizures are the main symptom of all types of epilepsy, the full scope of epilepsy symptoms and signs varies. I have also noticed an increase in episodes before my period, actually thats how i can tell its about to start. Thank you! More. I am totally agree this website is awesome. Like a couple of other posters have said or implied, gluten could be a factor in your suspicions that food may be a trigger. I now take 100mg bid. Yesterday I ate my leftovers of Chinese food from the day prior. "Pineapple is the only food known to contain bromelain, an enzyme that helps your skin and tissues heal," Zumpano shares. The proteins found in several grains have an inflammatory nature that can trigger a seizure. I'm happy to receive epilepsy-related news, product and service features, promotions and events. FOODS: Citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes, red, orange and yellow peppers (more than green). In general, here are some high-carb foods to leave out of your epilepsy diet menu, per the Mayo Clinic: The ketogenic diet includes a lot of saturated fats, which in excess can contribute to other health problems like high cholesterol and heart disease. Only on 100 mg. They Sent My Parent's Home And Without My Parent's Permission The Put A Needle Through My Brain Because Thy Couldn't Find A Vein On My Body Next Minute My Brain Flick's Off For A Couple Of Minute's And When My Parent's Got Back The Doctor Say's I Have Epilepsy. This is truely a discipline but it really works. I Thanks Phylis. Caffeine may also affect how well ASMs work in controlling seizures. This is unrelated, but I also saw some video testimonials on youtube about people reducing or stopping their seizures with chiropractic work. When this happens it is called an interaction. I was able to get footage of my most recent Tonic. I Also Ended Up In A & E For Having Too Many Seizure's I Even Had One Right In Front Of Them They Pushed Me Straight In One Doctor Wanted It In Video Camera And He Asked Me And I Said No I Don't Mind But They Are Too Slow So They Missed Out. Descendant of Californias Pineapple, this strain is so good it has a movie named after it. Grapefruit juice and pomegranate juice do not trigger seizures, but they can make the side effects of some epilepsy medications more likely, includingcarbamazepine, diazepam and midazolam. I should do some research given my field. Could you give me more information about the Atkins diet and possibly how one might tie both diets together. Vitamin B3 (or Niacin) Improves circulation and is helpful for many brain-related disorders. It enhances the treatment of epilepsy when used with anticonvulsants. Some foods rich in niacin are fish, lean meats, nuts, and poultry. The Doctor Thought It Was The Flu. Seizures caused by alcohol Alcohol can cause your brain to become more excitable. Been on this diet most my life i still have low cholesterol and am a size extra small in clothes. Zinc is found in meat, eggs, seafood (especially oysters) and from non-animal sources like whole-grain cereals, wheat germ, nuts, and legumes. If you think about it and open your mind up it makes sense. ANDRADE US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers intercepted the largest seizure in the history of the port with almost $1 million worth of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the Andrade Port of Entry, according to a press release. I do agree water helps keep the body clean. which is rich in bith glutamic acid due to wheat content and casein acid Toggle navigation. The first step towards controlling your seizures is getting in control of what you eat. But The Specialist And Doctor Has To Confirm It. Take folic acid only under your doctors supervision.). Vitamin B12 helps prevent nerve damage and levels may be reduced by some anticonvulsant drugs. So love that last comment-hey,please God give me the grace to do just that! So in the end each person reacts different what works for others failed me and I'm sure not everyone can handle the life style i live esp my diet. So the stage is set for my ignorance until recently when i discovered I had low vitamin B-12 levels. MSG-- has been found to cause serious damage to several areas of the brain Some foods advertise No MSG, or No added MSG, but actually, they contain large amounts of a hidden MSG derivative, called free glutamate. sodium levels have significant importance too. Vitamin B5(Panothenic acid) Is the anti-stress vitamin. I never paid any attention to food. I should do some research given my field. Very interesting topic and one I've looked up a lot and thought about in relation to my epilepsy a lot. infiniti qx80 indicator lights. In some cases it appears that caffeine can protect against seizures. But what if you have seizures? Be part of our epilepsy community and get relevant monthly content on your journey. However, the all-star vitamin seems to be Vitamin B-6. This vitamin is involved in critical functions of the nervous system. Im noticing often after I eat I get some contractions or spasms. FOODS: Cheese, yogurt, milk, sardines. Pineapple Peach, Mango 3K by Yeti blends delicious tropical sweet and tart notes of fresh pineapple and dewy mango, laced with a smooth peach undertone. I continued to have seizures about once a month even on the Topamax. If you'd be interested in following one of these diets, learn more about the keto diet or talk to your treatment team. I think going to your pharmacist is a great idea. A seizure is a sudden attack of brain activity that typically lasts a few seconds or minutes. Looking back the more my diet improved the fewer seizures I had and I try to stay away from greasy foods now because that was a problem back in high school. having trouble talking. I suggest u all guys to eat 3-4 walnut has antioxidants helpul for damaged nuerons. It enhances the treatment of epilepsy when used with anticonvulsants. You would be surprised to find out how many foods it is in, and it is not required to be listed on labels other than in the general category of 'spices'. I definitely believe their is a correlation to what we ingest and seizures. Strawberry Allergy: List of Foods to Avoid and Preventing a Rash | livestrong. Without knowing what type of event it was it's hard to make an opinion. This would be very benefial for me, so I can at least give the dietician some where to start at. Traffic light labelling on supermarket food is one way to help you see what is in food. I asked my doctor and got a run around. Vitamin C 28 mg. Calcium 21 mg. Pineapple has 'meat-tenderizing' properties, which may trigger allergic reactions. Leafy greens like spinach, kale and swiss chard, plus black beans, sea kelp, basil, bananas, and halibut. Take folic acid only under your doctors supervision. What can you tell us about food and histamine in relation to siezures,, Histamine in the brain may act as both a neuromodulator and classical transmitter, What works for one does not work for someone else. And so my conclusion results from using the body instead to address this complex disease rather than pouring time and energy into developing a better drug sledge hammer. Talk with your doctor or dietitian about whether your treatment may contribute to vitamin deficiency and whether you should make any changes to your diet because of it. Pineapple juice is a popular base for smoothies and cocktails, and a person can even use it to . Pure 100% VIRGIN coconut & olive oils are best to use. Our Helpline is open five days a week, Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, (Wednesday 9am to 7.30pm). Other treatments, like stimulating your brain or vagus nerve with electrodes, could also help reduce seizures. The ketogenic diet is an extremely high-fat diet that requires a child to eat four times as many fat calories as calories from protein or carbohydrates. The Doctor Thought It Was The Flu. Here are some suggestions for sensible eating and supplementing your diet. However, you should know that calcium can interfere with anticonvulsant drugs and should only be taken under a doctors supervision. I was diagnosed with epi when i was 16. i took He has not had a seizure since we switched to a mostly sugar free diet. Some food can cause epileptic seizure. This uses red, amber and green labels for high to low levels of ourrecommended daily amount of calories, sugar, fats and salt. I never paid any attention to food. Please let me know. Cooking oils that are hydrogenated of the soy, vegetable & canola oils have MSGs in them. MINERALS NUTRIENT: Vitamin B-9 (Folic acid). The last thing your company wants to experience is a complaint or lawsuit from a consumer on behalf of their pet. Some doctors recommend the very-low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet to help manage seizures, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. I haven't had a grandmall seizure for 10 years maybe it would give you the same results. Each dose should contain 50 micrograms of vitamin B12 and biotin, 400 micrograms of folic acid, and 50 milligrams each of all the other B vitamins. Everything else never stayed down. Fights inflammation Unsubscribe at any time. However, taking extra folic acid can reduce the effectiveness of anticonvulsant drugs and lead to more seizures. There is not ample evidence that any one type of food causes seizures, but being in control of what you eat can certainly help prevent them. So i suggest to keep trying until you find the program that works for you. NUTRIENT: Calcium. Vitamin D Low vitamin D levels are associated with depression as well as epilepsy. However many doctors arent aware of this and dont include it in blood tests. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.,,liver%20disease%20in%20later%20life, 1 It can cause muscle spasms (convulsions), as well as confusion, loss of consciousness, and other . In fact, eating in general rarely leads to seizures, per a January 2018 review in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. The FDA list of reactions to aspartame included grand mal seizures, seizures and convulsions, petit mal seizures, now called absence seizures, simple partial seizures & complex partial seizures. I'm in my early twenties and also on the same dosage of keppra and loving it! will be a real bad. It could be diet or pills or a combination of methods. Getting enough sleep may help to reduce the risk of seizures for some people. Do some research and planning before jumping right into it. Drooling can significantly affect quality of life due to both physical complications such as oral chapping, and psychological complications such as embarrassment and social isolation. He still gets sugar in fruit and limited fruit juice. Wheat was definitely a problem and I think nuts might have been also. While more studies are needed to determine this relationship, there is some early research to suggest that artificial sweeteners like aspartame may make you more susceptible to seizures, per a May 2016 review in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology. A balanced diet is generally made up of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vegetables, and fruit, and drinking plenty of fluids. Obviously, you should get most of your vitamins from food by eating a balanced diet. If necessary, vitamin supplements such as folic acid can help deal with vitamin loss caused by medication. Food is the biggest factor when it comes to altering the way your body works. - The Hidden Connection, 5 Reasons To Boost Your Immunity with IV Vitamin and Mineral Infusions. causes us seizures!!!! So I had to learn my body so I could take less meds and have less seizures. (Modern Nutrition) arthritis and other joint pain, such as rheumatism. Be careful with birth control pills. I loved hamburgers and now i cant stand the after taste or how they make me feel. I only stick to water and tea and keep hydrated durning the day. One thing that pisses me off is the bike riders that use the flashing lights in the evening. Sash07 Having a good night's sleep helps our brains to recover from the day's events, so that we can function well the next day. Pineapple is native to tropical and subtropical America and has been introduced elsewhere. Although there are some common triggers for seizures, such as lack of sleep, stress and alcohol, everyones epilepsy is different. (NOTE: Folic acid may be depleted during seizures and in some people with seizures. I have taken it ever since. Looking for truly sour flavours for your vaping pleasures, than look to these Sour Shockers Nic Salts with each of it's mouth watering sour flavours on offer. I have been taking one a day multi vitamins now for a long time. Sodium 2 mg. Potassium 206 mg. Total Carbohydrate 19.5 g. Sugars 13.7 g. Protein 1g. Protein rich foods such as chicken, fish, beans, and nuts are good sources. It was also a problem for my best friend as well.

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