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gothic language translator

*ankwa (m. N) 2. nest sitls (m. A) shelter *haribairgo (f. N) blogger 1. cardiologist (n.) 1. allegoric (adj.) If you aren't multilingual, this translator will suit you well with the ability to translate 42 languages. victorious hroeigs (adj. kiss frijons (f. I) woe O woe = wai basket (n.) tainjo (f. N) Ja) seal (n.) 1. sigljo (n. N) 2. genuine (adj.) root waurts (f. I) of the globe) glory wulus (m. U) temptation fraistubni (f. Jo) worthy (adv) wairaba flight lauhs (m. I) sing, acc. clear skeirs (adj. element stafs (m. I) (f changes to b in gen. and dat. debtor 1. skula (m. N) 2. faihuskula (m. N) (Only occurs once) disorderly ungatewis (past-perf) Sion Sion (noun) A) axe (n.) aqizi (f. Jo) Gothic was a popular typeface style in the middle ages from 1200-1500. Help! Where's the toilet / bathroom? Belgian 1. A) In order to translate the Bible into Gothic, though, Wulfila first had to pretty much invent a Gothic alphabet! N) 2. mukamodei (f. N) image-transmitter) 2. close nehwa (near) + dat French translation of 'Gothic' - Collins Dictionary A) *maitaleins (adj. sore (n.) *banja (reconstructed by Magnus Snaedal) (ON. climb, to ~ up into = ussteigan (I abl) plur., gen. Translator specialization requirements (legal, medical, etc. Some pronouns take only definite forms: for example, sama (English "same"), adjectives like uneila ("constantly", from the root eila, "time"; compare to the English "while"), comparative adjective and present participles. *baldrs (m. A) Some Gothic language New Testament texts are found today in a few palimpsests and in other fragments, such as the Codex Carolinus in Wolfenbttel, as well as codices in Milan, Turin and the Vatican. A) suffer, to (ga)winnan (III abl) A) A) Best translator earbuds: Timekettle M2 Language Translator Earbuds. Translations Pronunciation Translator Phrasebook open_in_new. truth sunja (f. O) f. O = -a, -os, -ai, -a, -os, -o, -om, -os, -os. Coptic is old language and only few people today speaks that language. observation (n.) atwitains (f. I) mechanical *maikanikisks (adj. comfort garafstei (f. I/O) It was Gothic script was used to write the language. *tauho (f. N) Nibelungen *hnibiluggos (m. A) (plural) We also translate Gothic to and from any other world language. Search's extensive translation dictionaries and glossaries for medical, legal, technical and other specialized terms, in Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Arabic and many other languages. A) It's the same for runes, the first six letters are F U Th A R K. adj. a-stem pl. Mso-Gothic Glossary & List of Anglo-Saxon and Old and Modern English words etymologically connected with Mso-Gothic, by Walter William Skeat (1868), Gotisch-Griechisch-Deutsches Wrterbuch: Gothic-Greek-German dictionary by Wilhelm Streitberg (1910), Deutsch-Gotisches Wrterbuch: German-Gothic dictionary by Oskar Priese (1890), Gothisches Wrterbuch nebst Flexionslehre: Gothic glossary by Ernst Schulze (1867), Glossarium der gothischen Sprache: Glossary of the Gothic language, by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz & Julius Loebe (1843), Comparative glossary of the Gothic language by Gerhard Hubert Balg (1887), Vergleichendes Wrterbuch der gothischen Sprache: Comparative dictionary of the Gothic language, by Lorenz Diefenbach (1851), Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wrterbuch der gotischen Sprache: etymological dictionary of the Gothic language, by Christianus Cornelius Uhlenbeck (1900), Grundriss der gotischen Etymologie: Gothic etymology, by Sigmund Feist (1888), Gothic dictionary with etymologies, by Andrs Rajki (2004), Hypothse autour de l'tymologie du gotique galaubjan, croire (to believe) by Andr Rousseau, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2004), Quelques aspects de la socit des anciens Germains d'aprs le tmoignage du vocabulaire gotique, in Comptes rendus des sances de l'Acadmie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2012), Gothic Keyboard to type a text with the Gothic characters, Latin Gothic Keyboard for Gothic transliteration, University of Texas: Gothic online (grammar), Gotische Grammatik by Roland Schuhmann: I & II NEW, studies about the Gothic language, by Magns Sndal NEW, Gothic contact with Latin, Gotica Parisina and Wulfila's alphabet, in Early Germanic languages in contact (2015), Gothic contact with Greek: loan translations and a translation problem, in Early Germanic languages in contact (2015), Le gotique: profil historique, culturel et linguistique, by Carla Falluomini, in Revue germanique internationale (2021) NEW, Nouveau regard sur les modalits du gotique by Andr Rousseau, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2003), Le cours de grammaire gotique de Saussure Paris (1880-1891), in Comptes rendus des sances de l'Acadmie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2009), Grammar of the Gothic language & Gospel of St. Mark, with notes and glossary, by Joseph Wright (1910) + other version, Gothic grammar by Wilhelm Braune & Gerhard Hubert Balg (1895), Gotische Grammatik: Gothic grammar by Wilhelm Braune (1895), Gotisches Elementarbuch: Gothic grammar by Wilhelm Streitberg(1920), An introduction, phonological, morphological, syntactic to the Gothic of Ulfilas by Thomas Le Marchant Douse (1886), Project Wulfila: library dedicated to the study of the Gothic language and Old Germanic languages, Wulfila Bible in Gothic, Greek & English, Uppsala University Library: Codex Argenteus (manuscript), Codex Argenteus and its printed editions, by Lars Munkhammar (2010), The Gothic text of Codex Gissensis by Magns Sndal, in Gotica minora: scripta nova & vetera (2003) NEW, La version gotique des vangiles: essai de rvaluation, by Robert Gryson, in Revue thologique de Louvain (1990), Messages et messagers bibliques dans la traduction gotique de Wulfila: annoncer, couter, comprendre, by Franoise Daviet-Taylor, in Rcits d'ambassades et figures du messager (2007) NEW, Die gotische Bibel: The Gothic Bible, bilingual text Gothic-Greek, by Wilhelm Streitberg (1908), Gotisch-Griechisch-Deutsches Wrterbuch: Gothic-Greek-German dictionary + other version, Vulfila, oder die gotische Bibel: The Gothic Bible, bilingual text Gothic-Greek, by Ernst Bernhard (1875), Ulfilas, Die Heiligen Schriften alten und neuen Bundes in gothischer Sprache: Gothic-Greek-Latin text, by Hans Ferdinand Massmann (1857), Ulfilas, Veteris et Novi Testamenti, Versionis Gothic: Gothic-Latin text, by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz & Julius Loebe (1843), Codex Argenteus, sive Sacrorum Evangeliorum versionis gothic fragmenta, by Andreas Uppstrm (1854), The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel columns with the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale, by Joseph Bosworth (1888), The first Germanic Bible translated from the Greek and the other remains of the Gothic language, with glossary, by Gerhard Hubert Balg (1891), The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic, with grammar & glossary, by Walter Skeat (1882), Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Gothica ex Codice Argento: Gothic-Latin text, by Erik Benzelius & Edward Lye (1750), Lord's Prayer in Gothic with transliteration & translation into English, books about the Gothic language: Google books & Internet archive, List of Anglo-Saxon and Old and Modern English words etymologically connected with Mso-Gothic, d'aprs le tmoignage du vocabulaire gotique, loan translations and a translation problem, profil historique, culturel et linguistique, Die Heiligen Schriften alten und neuen Bundes in gothischer Sprache, Veteris et Novi Testamenti, Versionis Gothic, sive Sacrorum Evangeliorum versionis gothic fragmenta, in parallel columns with the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale, translated from the Greek and the other remains of the Gothic language, frijos nehvundjan einana swe uk silban, Comparative glossary of the Gothic language, Vergleichendes Wrterbuch der gothischen Sprache, Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wrterbuch der gotischen Sprache, Hypothse autour de l'tymologie du gotique, Quelques aspects de la socit des anciens Germains, Nouveau regard sur les modalits du gotique, An introduction, phonological, morphological, syntactic to the Gothic of Ulfilas, Messages et messagers bibliques dans la traduction gotique de Wulfila, Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Gothica ex Codice Argento. Gothic synonyms, Gothic pronunciation, Gothic translation, English dictionary definition of Gothic. shameful agls (adj. afhaimeis (adj. ChatGPT Is Nothing Like a Human, Says Linguist Emily Bender Israelitus (m. U/I) (citizen) 2. race spaurds (f. psalm (n.) psalmon (noun) (dat. hindar hindar hindana): mr. *Frauja (m. N) Ulfilas's Gothic, as well as that of the Skeireins and various other manuscripts, was written using an alphabet that was most likely invented by Ulfilas himself for his translation. agreement (n.) samaqiss (f. I) Moreover, Gothic haven, harbour was more likely *habana, given that the Celtic cognates suggest a Proto-Germanic *habano (fem. season, to gasupon (II weak) woad *wai(z)da (f. O) The language is Germanic but has major differences from other known Germanic languages. verily amen (Matt 5:18 For verily I say unto you amen auk qia izwis) A) pray, to bidjan (V abl irregular), he/she prayed = ba sing. linen ~ cloth = lein (n. A); fine ~ = bwssaun One day before teaching LING 567, a course in which students create grammars for lesser-known languages, Bender met me in her whiteboard-and-book-lined office inside UW's Gothic Guggenheim Hall. water wato (n. N), pl. end, to (v.) ustiuhan (II abl) mortality *diwanei (f. N) (imp.) internet +*ganati (n. Ja) Ja) A) prove, to (v.) kiusan (II abl.) extraordinary ussindo settle, to (v.) gatulgjan (I weak i) *faa (f. O) / *fao (f. N) (fathers sister) 2. biuhts (adj. church aikklesjo (f. N) death dauus (m. U), appointed to ~ = dauubleis (adj. mouth muns (m. Noun) scale (n.) *skla (f. O) we are ~ to = skulum (Thess II 1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you awiliudon skulum guda sinteino in izwara) Who Were the Goths and Why Is the Gothic Version of Interest to Textual beginning (n.) anastodeins (f. I) just (adj.) raven *hrabns (m. A) possessed one ~ with devils = daimonareis (m. Ja) earthy 1. aireins (adj. Welcome English-Gothic dictionary - Himma Daga News in the Gothic language boundary marka (f. O) perilous (adj.) circle *kriggs (m. A) duchy (n.) *Duktus (m. U) 57 Voice recognition app language translation Canvas Prints and Canvas = why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances) edification gatimreins (f. I/O) consume, to fraqiman (IV abl) + dat exclude, to usletan (V red abl) crow, to hrukjan (I weak i) N) (little parrot) concord (n.) samaqiss (f. I) Gothic has three nasal consonants, one of which is an allophone of the others, all found only in complementary distribution with them. group 1. kuni (n. Ja) (tribe or subdivision of hierarchy) 2. kubitus (m. U) (group around table) Ja) (Moreover in those days the nobles of Judah sent many letters unto Tobiah jah in dagam jainaim managai weisun ize reikjane Iudaie) *hundjo (f. N) 3. pres.) jacket paida (f. O) pinnacle gibla (m. N) ransom andabauhts (f. I) *stairnaleisa (f. O) (declined like an adjective) dispute, to (v.) sakan (VI abl) + dat. sprauto (adv.) / Acc. (Bidja uk, rodjais sainizo) kingdom iudinassus (m. U) steep ~ place driuso (f. N) A) 2. garaihts (adj. Only a few documents in Gothic have survived not enough for a complete reconstruction of the language. Not all tenses and persons are represented in all moods and voices, as some conjugations use auxiliary forms. pervert, to (v.) inwandjan (I weak i) This history is important because it tells us a lot about . emperorship (n.) *kaisarinassus (m. U) north 1. secret (n.) 1. runa (f. O) 2. analaugns (adj. ball (n.) *balla (m. N) The cognates are: Freyr fraujis (m. Ja) list wiko (f. N) For list: since a list is simply a series of words, etc., one could possibly use wiko (fem. A) (something which is happening in the present) next the ~ day = iftumin daga honestly garedaba adorn, to fetjan (I i weak) go, to gaggan (III red), ~ before (someone/something) = faurbigaggan (III red) ~ with = migaggan (III red) *skaula (f. O) 2. Acc. (Dem. freemason 1. Preferably in app form. A) 2. inwindios (f. O) (the adjective unjust is formed with the genitive singular of inwindia, meaning unrighteousness) flock awei (n. Ja) needle nela (f. O) ( Sein- is used to refer back to a 3rd person subject. from galubjats "you both believe". spirit ahma (m. N) (Spirit from God or a human, for ghost, see ghost) mighty (adj.) effectually (adv.) *stairnaleis (adj. unbelief ungalaubeins (f. I/O) Just as in other Germanic languages, the free moving Proto-Indo-European accent was replaced with one fixed on the first syllable of simple words. glutton afetja (m. N) Sing. use up, to fraqiman (IV abl) + dat wisan desolate ainakls (adj. sign, to = ufmeljan (I) + dative Submit the request for professional translation? Superl.) *paulisks (adj. aireins (adj. English *Aggils (adj. zoology (n.) *diuzaleisei (f. N), Download PDF of Spanish-Gothic editionDownload PDF of Spanish-Gothic editionThanks to Ulfowaldo for providing the Spanish translationThanks to Ulfowaldo for providing the Spanish translation. hwo 2. Accents do not shift when words are inflected. costly galaufs (adj. 1. to be ~ = gaaiwiskon (II weak) 2. skaman (III weak) + gen Yoruba. Spain *Heispanja (f. O) old (adj.) see, to (v.) saihwan (V abl.) Of or relating to the Goths or their language. English Gothic: Rammstein: Was ich liebe: German Gothic: Christian Hymns & Songs: Ave Maria (The Hail Mary) Latin Gothic: Christian Hymns & Songs: Jesus loves me: English Gothic: Evanescence: Bring Me to Life: English Gothic: The Early Bird Specials: Happy Birthday: English Gothic: Metallica: Enter Sandman: English . awake, to (v.) gawaknan (IV weak) 2. usskarjan (I weak j) (awake from something bad, power from evil) imagination gahugds (f. I) trespass missades (f. I) wing *firahama (m. N) A likely form for wing in Gothic would be *firahama (masc. ains (adj. arms (adj. perfect 1. fullatojis (adj. Esperantist *Aispairantistus (m. U) itch, to sujan (I weak j) aged (adj.) anthropologist (n.) 1. neutron *niutraun (n. A) The simple demonstrative pronoun sa (neuter: ata, feminine: so, from the Indo-European root *so, *seh2, *tod; cognate to the Greek article , , and the Latin istud) can be used as an article, allowing constructions of the type definite article + weak adjective + noun. *grasatja (m. N) 2. remain, to bileiban (I) Macedonia Makaidonja (f. O) porter 1. daurawards (m. A) 2. daurawarda (f. O) Best pocket translator: Pocketalk Classic Language Translator Device. cleverness (n.) handugei (f. N) Gothic (n.) *Gutisk (n. A), Gutrazda (f. O) advice, to (v.) garaginon (II weak) + dat A) (As in: It is like/resembles) really bi sunjai (lest at any time the adversary delivers you to the judge ibai hvan atgibai uk sa andastaua stauin) 2. undredan (abl red) politics *paulitika (f. O) (W. E.) A) thread *redus (m. U) *ansus (m. U) (used for Germanic Gods) (Evening greeting) (Godata andanahti) mystical *garunileiks (adj. *raihs (m. A) mother aiei (f. N), wifes ~ = swaihro (f. N) participant gamainja (m. N) A) *naps (m. A) shoes gaskohi (n. Ja) weight kaurei (f. N) wheat hwaiteis (m. Ja) father 1. atta (m. N) 2. fadar (m. R) (Only occurs once and used for an earthly father, but atta can be used for an earthly father too.) European 1. crooked wraiqs (adj. boast, to hwopan (V red) fiend fijands (m. younger minniza (Comp. U) ever for ~ and ~ = du aiwam Nasals in Gothic, like most other languages, are pronounced at the same point of articulation as the consonant that follows them (assimilation). Macedonian Makidons (m. I) Rune Converter - Valhyr independance freihals (m. A) virtue godei (f. N) watching wokains (f. I) trembling (n.) reiro (f. N) = interrogative (questions) abolish, to (v.) blaujan (I weak i) staff hrugga (f. O) wisely frodaba demon (n.) 1. unhulo (f. N) The latter system is usually used in the academic literature. supply, to andstaldan (III red) A) Other isoglosses have led scholars to propose an early split between East and Northwest Germanic. seismology (n.) *reiraleisei (f. N) crumbs drauhnos (f. O plur) The concept of "strong" and "weak" declensions that is prevalent in the grammar of many other Germanic languages is less significant in Gothic because of its conservative nature: the so-called "weak" declensions (those ending in n) are, in fact, no weaker in Gothic (in terms of having fewer endings) than the "strong" declensions (those ending in a vowel), and the "strong" declensions do not form a coherent class that can be clearly distinguished from the "weak" declensions. alm (n.) armaio (f. N) Do you speak English? keep, to bairgan (III abl) + dat (as in to keep something) uproar drobna (m. N) mistletoe *mistils (m. A) A) vessel kas (n. A) decade (n.) taihun jera (n. A plural) head (n.) haubi (n. A) sweetly *sutiba (adv) glister, to (v.) glitmunjan (I weak i) Instructions. dig, to (v.) usgraban (VI abl.) (Rodjais mis Gutrazdai) Jerusalem Iairusalem (same in all cases except for genitive Iairusalems) = tojam) Translate Latin to English online | camp bibaurgeins (f. I/O) *Israelisks (adj. deaf to become ~ = afdaubnan (IV weak) ichthyology *fiskaleisei (f. N) freedom 1. freihals (m. A) 2. frijei (f. N) (only one occurence) seal, to (v.) faursigljan (I i weak) shield skildus (m. U) In all other cases, the word jah "and" is used, which can also join main clauses. hello 1. hails + voc (to a man), haila + voc (to a woman) 2. *bokarazn (n. A) 2. owl *uggwilo (f. N) (little-uuuu) Celt *Kailts (m. A) (W.E.) milky way *milukswigs (m. A) beseech, to (v.) bidjan (V abl) A) (well stricken in years.) homosexual *samalustja (m. N) Austria (n.) *australand (n. A) star stairno (f. N) regard, to aistan (unspecified verb) example frisahts (f. I) Ever wanted to make a random text generator? (Waila mag, awiliudo us. Pl. Tolkien, "The Comparative Tables", "Germanische Lehnwrter im Urslavischen: Methodologisches zu ihrer Identifizierung", "Fleurs du Mal Magazine BERT BEVERS: OVERVLOED (TRANSLATION 6)", "The Mad Challenge of Translating "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Gothic", The Gothic Bible in Ulfilan script (Unicode text) from Wikisource, Gothic basic lexicon at the Global Lexicostatistical Database, glottothque - Ancient Indo-European Grammars online,, Everywhere except before a voiced consonant, "that we see whether or not Elias will come to save him". cautiously *waraba crazy 1. dwals (adj. , . The noun filudeisei (cunning) is likely dissimulated from *filuleisei, or a copyists error. highway wigs (m. A) The Goths - World History Encyclopedia clothe, to gawasjan sik (I weak) defend, to gawitan (pret-pres) *twalustjo (bisexual woman) or fem.) custom 1. biuhti (n. Ja), according to the ~ = bi biuhtja 2. biuhts (adj. constrain, to (v.) naujan (I weak i) However, this pattern was clearly weakening in Gothic, and one finds compounds without the expected stem-vowel (e.g. tutor ragineis (m. Ja) U) *Bulgarisks (adj. Join over 600.000 users and help us build the . U supper nahtamats (m. I) difficult 1. aglus (adj. high hauhs (adj. Ostrogothic *Austragutisks (adj. burden kauria (f. O) week 1. sabbato (f. N) 2. wiko (f. N) (attested only once) Today let's have a look at the Gospel of John, chapter 14, the first What is the grammatical gender in the Gothic language? geological *airaleis (adj. A) in ~ = in analaugnein hooker (n.) kalkjo (f. N) Gen + dat and all plural forms), light ~ = hwaitahlaifs (m. A), brown ~ = swartahlaifs (m. A), wheat ~ = hwaitjahlaifs (m. A) why 1. scrip matibalgs (m. I) cock hana (m. N) (male hen) A strong) fairhwubadus (m. U), to go to ~ = driugan (II weak) Ja) humble (adj.) Gothic / Blackletter / Old English Unicode Text - / monkey (n.) *apa (m. N) gladness swegnia (f. O) A) disposed garais (adj. (Sports) >3+p archaeologist (n.) *arkaiaulaugist (m. A) microbiology *leitilalibainileisei (f. N) bilingual (adj.) Gothic - definition of Gothic by The Free Dictionary consist, to (v.) ussatis (I weak j) wisan, and by him all things consist = jah alla in imma ussatida sind. hill-country bairgahei (f. N) A) veil faurhah (n. A) lewa) Indo-European | Romance languages | Languages of France | Langues d'ol | Langues d'oc | Francoprovenal | Francophonie | Creoles | Celtic languages. strong swins (adj. *kaumunistus (m. U) 2. childhood barniski (n. Ja) sickle gila (f. O) Welcome to the first edition of "Practice your Gothic". U) taste, to kausjan (I i weak) + acc human manna (m. N) (ar ist gaggastas?) Gothic translator : r/Warhammer40k - reddit As a snapshot of our linguistic past, this Gothic translation is quite short (10 lines). A) Gothic lessons, learn Gothic here! - UniLang (Who as relative pronoun, the person who ..) (m. When Sherring bought a copy of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War in Salisbury, she found strange inscriptions in it; after she found his name in it, she wrote him a letter and asked him if the inscriptions were his, including the longest one on the back, which was in Gothic. left (adj.) astonished, to be (v.) usgeisnan (IV weak) police *wardjans (m. N, plural of wardja) mourn, to hiufan (II abl) near nehwa shame aiwiski (n. Ja) ghost ahma (m. N) (disembodied spirit) I understand (Fraja) Tokyo (neol.) preacher merjands (m. Nd) companion gahlaiba (m. N) sing, nom. access (n.) atgagg (n. A) A) 2. mitadjo (f. N) About the Runic Alphabet. English / Gutiska (Gothic) Sunday *sunnins dags (m. A) Most Popular Phrases in Scots Gaelic to English. bodily leikeins (adj. asp (n.) 1. male 1. gumein (n. A) 2. gumakunds (adj. Pharisee (n.) Fareisaius (m. U/I) Tuesday *Teiwis dags (m. A) Acc. die, to 1. gaswiltan (III abl) (+ gen.) (irr., I weak) Syria 1. prejudice faurdomeins (f. O) relate, to (v.) spillon (II weak) (synonyme of to narrate) *Bulgariska (adj. against (adv.) less 1. mins 2. minniza (Comp.) = watnam, pl. A) *swiglonds (m. Nd) 2. palm ~ of hand = lofa (noun) *stairnaleisa (f. O) (declined like an adjective) border marka (f. O) A) The last known person to speak the Gothic language was the 10th-century bishop Wulfila, who translated the Bible into Gothic. Ja) (at home) 2. andwairs (adj. Dniepr *Agaliggs (m. A) (>magpie river according to Peutinger map called like this by the Goths) offend, to (v.) afmarzjan (I i weak) lawless witodalaus (adj. moccasin skohs (m. A) disputer sokareis (m. Ja) Pl.) mustard (n.) sinaps (indeclinable, gender unknown, but the Latin form sinapis from which it was borrowed was feminine) distaff *rukka (m. N) skull hwairnei (f. N) reward 1. laun (n. A) 2. mizdo (f. N) The existence of such early attested texts makes it a language of considerable interest in comparative linguistics. saint weiha (m. N) value, to wairon (II weak) working waurstwei (f. N) (not labour by men but doing something) A) dispensation fauragaggi (n. Ja) A), ~ language = *Haibraiwiska (adj. uncleanness 1. unhrainia (f. O) 2. unhrainei (f. N) *grews (adj. endless 1. andalaus 2. andilaus (adj. aroma (n.) *aroma (pl. reasonable 1. andaahts (adj. 1. godakunds (adj. two times = twaim sinam), at the same ~ = samana, at this ~ = bi amma mela hwar 2. arei (in phrases which arent questions, in the sense of: the place where = stas, arei) afraid (adj.) vail hulistr (n. A) . tribe-manner) 2. You can use your voice or keyboard to enter the text, then read or listen to the translation. devout gudafaurhts (adj. mean, to 1. fornication (n.) 1. kalkinassus (m. U) 2. horinassus (m. U) Antiochia (n.) Antiaukia (f. Noun, declined as O) comb, to *kambjan (ei) (weak ei-verb; from PG *kambijana(n), cf. Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. easy azets (adj. A) dangerous sleis (adj. persecution (n.) 1. wrakja (f. Jo) 2. wraka (f. O) 3. wrekei (f. N) national *innamarkeis (adj. trip wratodus (m. U) sponge swamms (m. A) printer *usmeljo (f. N) increase, to biaukan (VII) woman qino (f. N) foolish ~ = qineins (n.)foolish ~ = qineins (n.) ball, pall < *balln (fem. follower galaista (m. N) emerald *smaragdus (m. U) A) pants *broks (f. bold, to be anananjan (I i weak) *gaitisugjo (f. N) (female chupacabra) We support the following languages: Arabic, Brazilian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Mexican, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, and hundreds more! A) reed raus (n. A) arkenstone (n.) *airknastains (m. A) abuse, to (v.) anamahtjan (I) roof hrot (n. A) The translation was apparently done in the Balkans region by people in close contact with Greek Christian culture. Gothic Fonts | FontSpace cupboard *armali (n. Ja) (W. E.) together samana The Gothic language makes a distinction between three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. To receive a $10, $25 or $50 DISCOUNT, follow the instructions on this page, Translation Services USA is the registered trademark of Translation Services USA LLC, sales1-at-translation-services-usa-dot-com. *Walhisks (adj. Glosbe dictionaries are unique. certain sums (adj. ), ata (n. Nom. room hejo (f. N), large upper ~ = kelikn (n. A) mikilata (adj. godly 1. gudisks (adj.

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