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caleb widogast character sheet

Essek had difficulty making eye contact with Caleb, until he indicated that he thought it might be possible to build upon Aeorian experiments with Dunamancy to travel back in time and undo past mistakes. to which she replied, "very well Is he you?" Liam O'Brien (Campaign 2)Matthew Mercer (Campaign 3) # SAM Do you not have armor? [23] He has a series of scars on both of his forearms where crystals were embedded into his skin by Trent Ikithon; when he met the Mighty Nein he wore bandages on his arms and hands in order to conceal these scars. Via Teleport, he gathered Veth, Beau, and Yasha and joined the others where they were shipwrecked, then Teleported the entire party to the Wuyun Gates. "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50) (stream) [41], At the beginning of the story, Caleb had very "sticky fingers" when it came to magical objects and would try to take anything magical if he thought he could get away with it. He then changed Frumpkin into a spider to explore the inside. Along the way, Caleb and Yasha discussed their difficulty sleeping due to their past traumas. As the party entered, Caleb heard the voice of the succubus in his head say, "Light them up, pretty." He also empowered his lucky rock as a Transmuter's Stone. Caleb has stated that Frumpkin has a good sense of humor about it. Caleb Polymorphed into a giant eagle to explore the Arbor Exemplar. schetti. The day before they met the rest of the Mighty Nein, Nott and Caleb were attacked by a pack of gnolls hiding in grass,[62][63] and Caleb was knocked unconscious. [art 4] Caleb summoned Frumpkin, with four globules of light floating around him, saying he was the "Fey King" who would curse them for decades. The floor contained nine closed doors, and behind the sixth is what was presumably a re-creation of the stone room where the residuum crystals were implanted into Bren, Astrid, and Eadwulf. Caleb offered to do so in return for unspecified favor at some point in the future, and they both cut themselves and used their blood to activate the altar, stopping just before completing the ritual. [61] They survived by petty theft, trickery, and con schemes, living from hand to mouth as wandering hobos. Pierced through the chest and stomach by Lucien's clawed wings When Gelidon began to escape with Beau, Caleb used Cat's Ire to rescue her from the dragon. Caleb possesses a deep self-loathing due to the circumstances of his parents' death. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. 12 "Long May He Reign" (2x140) Caleb and the rest of the Nein found blueprints in the Golem Workshop for making a golem servant. "The Stalking Nightmare" (2x29) Seeing what level the characters are at now, I've been wondering how far they've actually come in terms of levels/XP. During his downtime, he copied the spell Teleportation Circle into his spellbook. Caleb is a red-haired wizard. [168] Caleb accepted Ikithon's invitation to dinner with the Mighty Nein, Ikithon, Astrid, and Eadwulf present, and Ikithon insinuated that Caleb's mental healing and escape from the Vergesson Sanatorium had been orchestrated by Ikithon to strengthen Caleb's potential as an eventual Cerberus Assembly member,[169] even if that meant he would attempt to kill Ikithon. Caleb visited the fourth room on the private eighth floor of his Tower, which appeared to be a dorm room with a disheveled bed. [art 29], "Fond Farewells" (2x141) "Refjorged" (2x76) "Stalker in the Swamp" (2x21) Fjord agreed. As Master Dungeon, where will your story ? The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast. Personality So one of those (and anything else he's proficient in but hasn't come up) is from his background. His motivations were at first selfish, centered around what they could do for him (and Nott). Caleb Widogast Domestic Fluff Established Relationship A copper tea kettle, a suncatcher in the window, sequined curtains, a reading nook. "The Journey Home" (2x30) After being revived by Fjord, Caleb turned and cast Fireball on the Squalleater, cremating most of the crew. Places Fjord realized it would take more blood than they were able to give and decided they should leave. Essek told the party that he feared he was being hunted by Cerberus Assembly assassins. The party pursued Lucien and Cree to Cognouza. [115], Fan art of Veth hugging Caleb, by BlackSalander. Outside of times when he uses Frumpkin to advance his goals, Caleb treats Frumpkin like a domestic cat, frequently showing him physical affection[105] and getting emotional support from him in stressful or sad moments. Later, Caleb tinkered with the magic-silencing collar from the Happy Fun Ball and learned that the power source it required could likely only be acquired from the ruins of the Age of Arcanum city of Aeor in Eiselcross. Fan art of Caleb's Kryn outfit, by Lalou. Sheet Music All Movies . "Curious Beginnings" (2x01) (stream)The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast (print) "Steam and Conversation" (2x09) Caleb, Beau, and Jester went to a bakery in the Tri-Spires and then stopped by Chastity's Nook, a shop specializing in smutty literature. Caleb helped convince Essek to teleport them a second time by apologizing and placing a hand on Esseks forearm. She has several times admitted to him her doubts and fears that she hides from the rest of the party.[125][126][127]. Caleb bonded with his moorbounder, Jannik. Caleb and Yasha have similar tragic backgrounds, feeling responsible for the death of a loved one. Everyone's favorite angsty wizard, Caleb Widogast, has come a long way in the 123 episodes of Critical Role 's second campaign. The Nein met with Essek, who told them that the thief who stole the beacons was Adeen Tasithar. Campaign one ended in October 2017 after 115 episodes, and campaign two started in January 2018 and ended in June 2021 after 141 episodes. When the party left Essek's chambers, Caleb caught a quick moment alone with him, where he reminded him to breathe, and told him that, "it takes time.". Beau walked with him until it passed. The following morning, after a bit of workshopping, Caleb came up with the name "the Mighty Nein" for the party. They fantasize about the things they want to have in the place they call home. M9 Character Stats Character Level Updates Campaign Stats Livetweets Lore and Compendiums Media References and Puns Monster . They awoke simultaneously, and discovered that they had both gained a red eye on their person, Caleb's appearing on his right shoulder. Astrid stated that she was impressed and proud of his recent activities. The party reluctantly attacked Caleb, realizing he'd been charmed, and he cast a Wall of Fire to defend himself. And I fucking helped! [146][147], Their relationship became complicated after the revelation that Essek had given the beacons to the Cerberus Assembly. He got 2 of those from Wizard, and 1 from Variant Human. Nott gave Caleb a Scroll of Invisibility and shared a bit about her old life with him. At Balenpost, Caleb and Beau built a snowman together and started a snowball fight. Finally, he asked, "Do you know Bren Aldric Ermendrud?" In Trostenwald, Caleb's general lack of hygiene attracted the attention of Jester. [72] The group decided to set up an ambush for them the next day. Avantika stabbed Frumpkin with the dagger, destroying him. MIGHTY NEIN PLAYLIST: Caleb Widogast | Critical Role Caleb Widogast | Academy_X Wiki | Fandom [167] However, after they encountered Ikithon in their audience before King Dwendal, he stated that although he had imagined choking the life from Ikithon, he now thought they needed to work with him. [155] The three were selected to undergo Trent Ikithon's Volstrucker training together and were used in his human experimentation of embedding refined residuum crystals into their skin. When he left, she told him he was welcome back any time and she would like to see more of him. Appearances "Unwanted Reunions" (2x88) "Home is Where the Heart Is" (2x92) When Essek insisted that it was too late for redemption, Caleb kissed him on the forehead and told him that although they may both be damned, they could "choose to do something and leave it better than it was before. He wondered out loud why he was still with the Mighty Nein. He also mentioned to Fjord that his sense of diplomacy had nothing to do with any magical gifts, but rather his persuasive nature. From there, he, Jester, and Fjord Polymorphed into giant eagles and flew the group to near the final temple, where they intercepted Uk'otoa's servants. However, he told Nott in private that he did not feel good about what just happened and was unsure about the direction the group was going. "Xhorhas" (2x51) Unseen by the rest of the party, Caleb scored highest in their game of beer pong. Caleb was able to resist when Halas attempted to possess him, and verified that it was really him to the group by saying "Eldritch Blast" in a poor imitation of Fjord's old accent. Mayhem ensued as the group tried to get out safely. [art 21]. When it came out that Caleb was a wizard, Jester asked him if he was planning on attending the Soltryce Academy. Jester cast Word of Recall to make their escape, but it failed. Caleb immediately attempted to attack, but Trent was unfazed. Fjord used a potion to wake Caleb up, and the party quickly fled from the smoldering house. Since they used the name "Lavorre", Caleb was worried for Jester's mother. Caleb's main goal was, as it had been since the beginning of the campaign, to atone for his past. Caleb removed and put away the bandages on his arms, saying that there was no longer anything to hide. Can I trust you? When Fjord confessed to the party that he had broken his pact with Uk'otoa and was now powerless, Caleb gave Fjord his Glove of Blasting. ", "Dark Waters" (2x98) Caleb and Nott were briefly banned from the Cobalt Soul Archive in Uthodurn after running "Modern Literature" to steal a page from one of the books there. ", "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. Caleb Widogast - Critical Analysis He explained that he was from the Empire but no friend to the Empire, and he gave the beacon to Leylas Kryn, who began crying and said that he and the Nein had brought her Dynasty hope.[92]. He has since realized that the more patriotic thing to do, and a better way to honor his parents, would be to make sure that the corruption of children by the Empire is stopped. After a long chase, Caleb Polymorphed himself into a giant eagle and ferried the party to a perch among the mountains, where they took a much-needed long rest. Caleb became suspicious of Fjord and his motives and noticed that his accent sometimes changed. Caleb later learned that these crystals were refined residuum. He then successfully Polymorphed it into a sea slug. As part of the group's eulogy to Molly, Caleb said, "Shine bright, circus man.". Caleb and Nott eventually decided to spend the day with Jester, Beauregard, and Fjord before heading to the carnival that night. Transcript:Critical Role Campaign 2 Wrap-Up - Critical Role on Lorenzo with a Fire Bolt to the head and succeeded on the resulting wisdom save. He sent Frumpkin to follow after Jester, but the guard kicked the cat, killing him. [39], Caleb is methodical, sometimes to a fault. Caleb and Essek were in a romantic relationship "for a while," though Caleb eventually wanted to separate due to their difference in aging. Wizard (School of Transmutation) Yes, I was a student of the. "Agreements" (2x61) This book contained letters that he had written to them while traveling with the Mighty Nein. Orym (Critical Role) - Works | Archive of Our Own [157], While in Rexxentrum, Caleb went privately to see Astrid at her home. Caleb eventually discovered a story about Kylre's specific demonic powers in the book Fiends of Folklore. Chaotic Good[5]True Neutral (formerly)[6]Lawful Evil (formerly)[6][7] While trekking across Eiselcross, Caleb was distracted by a mysterious necrotic gem lodged in a pillar, and used several high-level spell slots in an unsuccessful attempt to remove it. "Cat and Mouse" (2x128) Caleb got to experience the ocean for the first time, saying that it reminded him of his personal experiences with the beacon. Yasha shared that the party's forgiveness was harder to deal with than anger would be and she didn't know how to handle it. [art 23]. The following evening, the Nein attended a fancy party, to which Caleb wore a black cloak with red lining. Caleb has been at it for so long. It's been years since he broke his family to pieces. "Dark Bargains" (2x83) There are many nights where he toys with the idea of letting it all fall away and giving up. A charmed Yasha hit him again, knocking him unconscious, and and then hit him again to leave him at two failed death saving throws. He proposed taking Vess DeRogna's job offer to explore Eiselcross. And Essek who Caleb thought was so, like, intellectually attractive and sexually attractive, and he was really drawn to him, but that was . After scuffling with a few cultists, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? The next day, with help from Essek and Nott, Caleb was able to complete the Transmogrification spell found in Halas's laboratory. [art 27]. When Veth and Beau reiterated that they should punish Essek for his wrongdoings, Caleb was deeply disturbed by their vehemence and remained alone on the deck after the rest of the party had gone to bed. Beauregard has called Caleb her best friend, and Beauregard is probably the person Caleb trusts most after Veth. Caleb thought gaining publicity should be discussed amongst the whole group, and he himself wanted to keep a low profile. [107] Frumpkin is named after Liams childhood cat of the same name. # LIAM I could use it. Later, Beau showed Caleb to the Zadash Cobalt Soul Archive. [117] Later, she said she had been attracted to him when they first met, but no longer feels that way about him. Caleb used a combination of his Scroll of Protection from Aberrations and the Mind Blank spell to remain safe from Lucien in his Neo-Somnovem form. [art 38]. Caleb suggested that all they could do is try to leave something better in the world. He immediately cast a Fireball on the entranceway where the party was standing, seriously wounding them. The party was deeply moved by this gesture. Marion reminded Caleb that bad people try to make good people believe they are at fault for being victimized, and to focus on the good things he does. He ruined my life. "Family Shatters" (2x96) [156] While Bren went insane after murdering his parents, Astrid and Eadwulf passed Trent's final test and became successful Scourgers. Dorian Storm - Works | Archive of Our Own Alignment While he thought Avantika was sleeping, Caleb sent Frumpkin to sit on her dagger and tried to cast Identify on it through Frumpkin. However, Caleb seemed to sympathize with Fjord's conflicted feelings finding out that his mentor Vandran turned out to be a different man than Fjord thought he was. Reani, Jester, and Caleb turned into bats to scout the Tumblecarve residence, but Jester and Caleb became very distracted by the promise of bread as a reward. These abilities disappeared with the eyes after Lucien's final defeat. They then successfully escaped the mansion. Fjord insisted again that he did not want to free the leviathan. "Between a Ball and a Hot Place" (2x129) He would then escort his parents to Tal'Dorei with enough gems to start a life there, and in about twenty years he would join them. [99] Later, Caleb and Essek returned to the Temporal Dock chamber in Aeor's Genesis Ward, where he mentally reviewed the plan he had had to go into the past, disguised as his younger self, and convince his parents to leave with him for Tal'Dorei, leaving two bodies from his Vault of Amber behind. The party stopped by the Pillow Trove to pick up the letter from Astrid. That evening, Caleb put up his Tower, before the party realized that the Tombtakers had absconded with their bag of holding. When Trent Ikithon gave his students the final task of killing their parents who were supposedly traitors to the Dwendalian Empire, Caleb "broke" when he heard his parents screaming inside their flaming house. Caleb used Maximilian's Earthen Grasp in the form of a cat's paw to immobilize the gelatinous cube. One member of the Kryn party was a mage with the ability to cast various gravitational spells. Character Levels - Caleb CritRoleStats He is played by Liam O'Brien . "[65], Fan art of Caleb, by GalacticJonah. Shortly after returning from Eiselcross, Caleb visited his parents Una and Leofric's grave in Blumenthal for the first time. Caleb Widogast "Maritime Mysteries" (2x103) [89] Recognizing Caleb's distress, Caduceus calmed and reassured him. Caleb and Beau disagreed about the best course of action when they found the bowl Calianna was searching for. Leofric was a soldier in the Empire forces,[101] and both Una and Leofric believed strongly in the Empire.[102].

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