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Fixed Canada's starting carrier having no air wings. Players can build past this limit, but they will be notified when theyre over it (via a flashing alert on their Recruit & Deploy tab) and will receive a malus that increases the more they go over that limit. Fixed South Africa not swapping its name to Republic. Rasht in Persia is now a small naval base. Fleets can now be transferred without running into refit bugs. Increased the duration of Latvias Round-Out the Armed Forces national focus. Greece can no longer complete Megali national foci during a civil war. Fixed a German event spawning the incorrect type of submarine. Fixed the Left Kuomintang Totalists being able to pursue democracy. Fixed the descriptions for the Ulster repression ideas. Halved the time it takes for Muscat to seek a guarantee. Fixed the Return Lands decision sometimes not transferring state control correctly. if you don't boost fascism you run the risk of rebellion due to democratic tendencies. Yunnans Kuomintang are a bit faster in progressing towards intervening in China to make up for the longer civil war. Fixed Anqing being able to perform its decisions to attack southern China, while the League War is still going on. CSAs militia commanders now have a unique trait. Fixed some Chinese generals not joining their unifier when their home areas are integrated. Added some unique equipment names for Poland. Brazil now drops its guarantee on Uruguay if they go socialist. Fixed Ethiopia being unable to complete the DKAEB mission in time. Greece no longer included in the Ottoman peace deal with the Cairo Pact if its a subject or part of a faction, Ottomans can only give the Aegean Islands to Greece during their population exchange if they own them, Greece can no longer take co-operation focus with Ottomans if the Ottomans have already taken their population exchange focus. Fixed the Millet Mektepleri decisions requiring a specific focus for the Ottomans. Germanys Anti-Russian Foreign Policy national spirit can now also target socialist Russia. Removed hundreds of unused global and country variables (flags) in the code, potentially improving performance. Added some post-Cairo Pact War decisions for the Ottomans to develop Jerusalem. Removed the increased LEP surrender limit. War stability factor has been change to now be at -30%. Japans non-Asian puppets can now join the Japanese economic bloc. Fixed the Fourth of July event firing multiple times. Fixed Lithuania sending the wrong event to Germany about the NatPop uprising. Removed the chance for Ireland to randomly decline Germany's invitation to the Reichspakt. Added new equipment art for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and White Ruthenia. Fixed countries not recalling volunteers when becoming/un-becoming socialist. Adjusted the ideology requirements for some Left Kuomintang advisors. Yunnan will now act more pro-Federalist prior to joining the Federalists, if set to join them in the game rules. The text for the event at the death of Floyd Olson now takes the circumstances of the American Civil War into consideration. Fixed a bunch of Fengtian variables having wrong scope that potentially caused issues issues with Fengtian-Japan relationship events. Fixed the French Republic getting autonomous territories before the Algiers conference. Extra HOI4 console commands. Fixed Canada not seizing Alaska from the PSA. Fixed the Russian constitutional monarchy game rule. Added a notification event for American Civil War participants, for when Mexico intervenes on behalf of the Combined Syndicates. Fixed Canadas missing advisor portrait for Major James Coldwell. Tweaked many national spirits which increase the conscription factor for small counties, due to it having a negligent effect. Fixed the Legation Cities not being released as MarLib when released by American Civil War participants. Added a news event for Wilhelm IIs death. Fixed the tooltip for the Ottomans to join Russias faction appearing before Russia has formed its faction. Serbia can no longer receive volunteers during the IMRO war. Argentinas "Domestic Aircraft Manufactories" national focus now provides an air designer. Added new naval national foci for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Polands troops not teleporting back to Poland correctly upon its revolt. The Trucial States are now released by any non-socialist foreign power as PatAut. Fixed some socialist Armenian national focuses not taking socialist Russia into account. Tweaked the names of the Greek political parties. AI countries will no longer build above their unit limits when losing. Russia no longer peaces out with Reichspakt/Donauadriabund Poland when Germany collapses. Added a check for killing the Portuguese king. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. Streamlined the mechanics of the Mittelafrikan collapse. Fixed CNT-FAI not changing its name appropriately during the Spanish Civil War. Fixed several character-based events for the Legation Cities. Releasing Brittany now requires owning both states. Renames for North America and Pacific region now all work correctly. A couple of Quality-of-Life improvements for Siam: a revamp for the whole Siamese NF tree effects and the Siamese Civil War setup, now with coalition government and all other goodies. It now starts as Paternal Autocrat, in coalition with AuthDems and SocCons. Slightly rebalanced Russias starting infrastructure, industry and resources. Fixed NatPop Shandong installing Puyi as a puppet emperor. Paraguay now needs the Bolivian Chaco in order to attack Brazil. Slight province changes in Yemen to prevent bottlenecks. Bulgarias Damyan Velchev is now killed when Zveno monarchists take over. French Republic (expanded current options, added later elections), United Kingdom (expanded current options), White Ruthenia (expanded current options), Guatemala: Juan Jacobo rbenz Guzmn, Julio Domingo Bianchi Smout, Illyria: Vladimir opi, Vitomir Kora, Ivan Merz, Slovenia: Anton Korosec, Franc Kulovec, Dragotin Lonar, Marko Natlaen, Josip Vilfan. Transamur now changes its name to Free Russia, if the rest of Russia becomes a puppet. Fixed some slightly oversized national spirit icons. Fixed Xinjiang giving industry to a Left Kuomintang that doesnt exist. Fixed Bolivia being locked out of its political tree if the NatPop coup happens after Rewrite the Constitution is completed. Added Manuel Barreto Risco and Jos Agustn Haya de la Torre as generals for syndicalist Peru. Updated the Commune of Frances ship name lists to remove inappropriate names. Fixed Robert Menzies not correctly becoming the leader of South Africa. Italy no longer builds factories in Arabia. Decreased the severity of the Substance Abuser trait for commanders. The Spanish Civil War now occurs earlier. Increased the debuff to the French Republics recruitment in Tunisia. Changed "Infierno Verde" from Paraguay to Bolivia. Gave Chiles generals their correct names. Yunnan's economy tree now requires controlling the target states, where appropriate. Refactored the League of American States to be less performance-intensive. Separated Russia demanding Armenia into its own decision. Fixed the Chinese Province user interface being too close to the state user interface. Added a flavour event for Argentina about the 40th anniversary of the Antarctic Expedition. Transamur will now drop out of any of Japans wars if they rebel. Fixed Belgium accessing both investigations at once. Re-added the option to release a reformed Ottoman Empire in the annexation event. Georgia now occupies Batum instead of declaring total war on the Ottoman Empire. Added trains to Paraguays starting stockpile. Natal now gets wargoals on any African countries that South Africa is at war with when the civil war starts. Adjusted Zhang Zongchangs leader description. Increased the duration of Bulgarias State Protection Act national focus. Stopped the Mexican AI from declaring war on non-neighboring countries. Fixed Adelbert staying around when Belgium gains independence. Finland can no longer join the Reichspakt if it has a non**aggression pact with Russia. The Intermarium decisions now cancel upon Russian Socialist Republic being defeated. Updated AI priority for German industrial focuses. It now uses missions to show how much time remains before the peace will occur. Fixed Paraguay congratulating Huey Long on his victory despite no longer existing as a country. Fixed broken unit frontlines in Minnesota. Mittelafrikas elections now add the winning ideology as a coalition member to the existing colonial government, instead of having the colony choose its own government. Fixed the 4th of July event firing twice for the USA. Fixed broken idea national idea text and description for Honduras. Fixed the alignment of the MarLib ideology icon. Fixed Hunan's Tang Shengzhi not joining the United Provinces of China. Patagonia - Foreign policy decisions for Baldomerstas South American Socialist States faction. Fixed several Norway effects erroneously targeting Greenland instead of Iceland. Fixed the Italian names of PAP's Catholic divisions, Fixed Manchu SQI causing a focus lockout for the LKMT, Fixed Wallonia not gaining cores on Lige, The LKMT can no longer attack FNG before doing the prerequisite focus, Fixed the SZC NPA focus not allowing for joining it instead. Added state development decisions for Chile. Fixed the Australasian trade decisions not cancelling correctly. Well Meet Again no longer plays for Ireland. The French Republic loses the Brandt Armament manufacturer when switching to Mordacq. The Netherlands should now turn syndicalist a little less. Fixed Nehru taking over as leader of the RadSocs in the Dominion of India, before Gandhis death. Fixed the Ma Clique being annexed to Shanxi after losing the Northwest War even if they joined a faction. Fixed the inverted event options for Japan's syndicalist event. Germany no longer cedes the Suez Canal automatically when they decide to resist Egyptian demands. German East Asia can now be restored by Germany, should the former retake Malaysia. Added Elisaveta Shahkhatuni as an air theorist and Military High Command member for Armenia. Descriptions coming soon. Fixed Ukraines starting infantry template missing support companies. Fixed a Haitian event having no options available. Serbia will now wait for the WK to attack Austria. Fixed CSA being able to delay Canada's intervention after it has already intervened. When releasing Turkish borderlands with annexation decisions, cores are not granted to neighbors when the states are given to them. Added Basque/Catalan/Spanish endonyms for Labourd and Roussillon. Buffed the Ma Clique slightly, by reducing Mongolian and Tibetan starting armies by 1 weak division each. The Khedivate of Egypt now has a red colour like the Ottomans, Leaders and parties across the different USA factions have now been standardized for the most part. Fixed Indochina keeping a German East Asia template. AuthDem Flanders-Wallonia and Flanders now have puppet leaders. United States of America: John Nance Garner. Fixed a Lithuanian decision triggering a double event. Increased the Ottomans starting infantry equipment stockpile. Fixed the Netherlands socialist tree and some events, for when it is a puppet. Fixed a bug causing Honduras to load Centroamerica's tree. Syndicalist and RadSoc Combined Syndicates now have the same flag. Mittelafrika no longer starts with claims on its formerly British Mandates. Oman's sultan is now set to occupy all non-socialist ideology slots. Danubia can now be released as a puppet by non-socialists. Fixed DEI admirals losing their portraits when their fleet got called to HOL. Candidate-specific election events for CSA, PSA and USA. Hearts of Iron IV is currently Paradox Interactive's most popular strategy game, and that's thanks in large part to its vibrant library of Hearts of Iron 4 mods. Fixed a missing response in a Romania event. Added a possible successful Fevzi coup in Fahrettin-subpath for Turkey. Fixed Yemen not being able to integrate Arabia properly. Greeces civil war now causes a small amount of world tension. Re-activated some mistakenly deactivated Fengtian events pertaining to Mantetsu schooling. Fixed Bulgaria removing the State Protection Act even when having not enough deputies. The Legation Cities have had their political power gain lowered. Added some party popularity for the Tsar Wrangel path for Russia. Fixed New Zealands republican flag being applied to the wrong country. Xinjiang will now be invited to the Shantou conference if the Ma Clique is present. Modified the effects of the Left Kuomintangs national focus to invade Taiwan. This is to emphasise that they are meant to be considered one country, and to make it more clear who is revolting. Fixed a crash to desktop due to Honduras having a ship with no set variant. Added a description for PSAs decision to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, lose, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Fort, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. The AI no longer uses or researches armoured cars. Fixed the Ottoman MarLib and SocCon game rules. Stay safe out there! Fixed Nestor Makhno returning to the Commune of France from Patagonia having a missing event description. Fixed some bugs in the annexation and peace events for Centroamerica. Fixed the Princely Federation pulling Japan into a war against the Bharatiya Commune. Italian resource decisions are now tied to their respective national foci. Fixed a Japanese event causing TRM to annex Russia mid-war. Fixed mismatched effect and text in the Manchu Qing events and decisions to attack the Ma Clique and Concessions. Tweaked the Argentinean air and navy trees, removing filler focuses and updating the effects of remaining focuses. The Netherlands will no longer have a second revolution after being reconquered by the Dutch East Indies. Air designers now give bonuses to jet aircraft. Romania will now always leave the Belgrade Pact if Serbia is socialist, unless a player Serbia chooses otherwise. Fixed a TEX tooltip referring to Devers instead of Patton. Fixed Armenia peacing out after revolting in the NatPop Ottomans path. Instead, they will return all claimed states not also claimed by Canada, if the American faction joins the Entente. Forming Greater Norway no longer requires Finnish lands. Fixed Scandinavia not being added to the Nordic faction upon forming. Norway no longer joins the TI before abolishing the monarchy. Fixed monarchy Poland joining the Moscow Accord after not being fully annexed by Russia. Fixed the Greek population exchange calculations. Rewrote the Chinese annexation events, to prevent issues with countries being forced to annex it. Araucania can no longer sabotage Argentina. Added Ballad for Boldyrev and Bella Ciao for the Kaiser Cat Cinema music submod. Russia will now disband the Moscow Accord upon capitulation. Fixed Bulgarias Mission to Kostantiniyye national focus being available after the Fourth Balkan War has already started. Rebalanced Yunnans national spirits to make weak choices better and more appealing. Redrew the internal borders of Slovakia, with added victory points. Fixed annexation of the Ottomans before War in the Desert recreating demilitarized MoJ areas. Split the Maghreb strategic region into Western and Eastern regions. Fixed puppet democratic Argentina having access to the NatPop tree. Fixed the Ottomans joining a faction while already leading one. The Namibia strategic region is now renamed to Kalahari, and includes Bechuanaland. Fixed France not reverting to syndicalist if the Jacobins are couped. Fixed the Ottomans releasing Tripoli despite not owning it. Adjusted the factory composition in the Dutch East Indies, and gave them some off-map factories. Fixed the formation of Andesia requiring the wrong state. Thus decisions can be made for each region as to whether or not it should be occupied, released as a puppet, or its land given to some other Brazilian splinter state. Missions dealing with the collapse of the Portuguese Empire will now be cancelled if Portugal is not at war. The West Indies Federation can no longer get the governor's coup if puppeted by someone other than the leader of the Entente. Russia can now annex the Polish areas of Germany if they've annexed Poland itself. Serbia can now core Serbian-majority states (Kotor, Syrmia, Vojvodina and West Banat) without having formed Yugoslavia itself. Fixed Romania having to re-core certain states after being released. Generic Kuomintang post-unification national focus tree, available to Kuomintang-aligned unifiers in Hunan, Liangguang, Sichuan and Yunnan, Liangguang (unique post-unification tree for the Right Kuomintang), Korea (unique national foci if released as a Right KMT puppet), Liangguang (updated the economic tree shared by Li Zongren and Ma Ji, expanded the Kuomintang-aligned tree for both Left and Right wings of the party, which additional pre-unification content for the Right), Retooled the National Protection Alliance post-unification national focus tree into a generic tree for all Chinese splinters without their own, Ottoman Empire (added three national foci to Fevzi dictatorship path), Qing (added national foci in Manchu coup paths). Rio de Oro and Northern Finland are now impassable. Fixed two United States election events firing at the same time. The Bharatiya Commune can no longer get military support from the Commune of France if the Commune doesnt exist. Decreased some Australasian national focus times. Socialist Latvia now joins the Internationale via focus instead of decision. Added party descriptions to Russia's RSDRP. Greatly decreased South Africas compliance requirements for coring Damaraland, Inhambane & Gaza, and Namaqualand. Fixed Norway getting mountaineer units without the required tech. Added a description tooltip to the Phalenstre. AI Entente countries can now send volunteers to Canada's chosen side.

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