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who wrote the annals of ulster

Imar son of Mac Cargamna Ua Donnchad son of Cailech ua Ruairc and Ceinnétigh ua Briain and many others on the fourteenth of the Kalends of November 19 Oct.. Domnall ua Gailmredaigh was killed by Domnall ua Lochlainn. Cell Shléibe was plundered by the heathens from Snám Aignech, and Duiblitir, priest of Ard Macha, suffered violent death at their hands. Kalends of January sixth feria, fifteenth of the moon. Cenannas with its churches, Dermagh with its books, Ard Sratha with its church, and many other churches also, were burned. by Diarmait son of Aed Sláine. Niall son of Aed inflicted a battle-rout on the heathens in Mag Ítha. AD 1075. Repose of Murgal son of Ninnid, abbot of Rechru. Cellach son of Echaid, superior of Cell Tuama, dies. Kalends of January seventh feria, twentieth of the moon. The battle of Bla Sléibe afterwards at the beginning of winter, in which Mael Dúin son of Mael Fithrich was slain. Kalends of January [...]. their communities: that is, the Congregation of Canons Cu-Uladh Ua Caindelbain was killed in Repose of bishop Eitchen of Cluain Fata Baetáin. Ferna and Corcach were burned by the heathens. Mael Fothartaig, king of Caisel, Colmán son of Congal, So Bede, Maxcellinus and Isidore compute Corcumruadh, was slain.). successor of Mael Ruba of Apor Crosán, was drowned in the depth of the sea together with his sailors, twenty-two in number. and Bresal, lector of Ard Macha, die. It was fought on account of the killing of his brother, i.e., Faílbe. AD 1115. Flaithbertach ua Néill went to Tír Conaill and plundered Tír Énna and Tír Lugdach. brothers namely, by Domnall of Bregha and by consultant of the men of all Brega—all die. Aenu, abbot of Cluain Moccu Nóis, and Ite of Cluain Pelagius, a Roman, by birth, sat 11 years and 18 days. Orpen states "this is the first mention of a family afterwards famous in Tweskard." The falling asleep of St Brigit in the 70th year of her age. Matudán ua Matudán, king of Síl Anmchadha, died. Flann ua Béicce, king of Uí Méith, was killed by his own people. Colmán, bishop of Inis Bó Finne, and Fínán, son of Airennán, rest. his brother. Kalends of January third feria, second of the moon. The falling asleep of the holy Bran of Lann Ela. Drucán son of Tadc, king of Uí Méith—all died. the refectory. Cell Dara and Glenn dá Locha and Cluain Dolcáin were burned. Sabinian, a Tuscan by birth, occupied the See of Peter 1 year, 5 months, 9 days; he was buried in the basilica of Peter. AD 892. alias 893. layman, died. The battle of the Saxons, in which Aelfwine son of Oswy fell. Conall son of Maeldub took flight, and the king of Uí Maine fell. died. Cairpre son of Fogartach, king of Brega, dies. Thereafter came the Mael Coluim ua Brolchán, bishop of Ard Macha, died on pilgrimage in the hermitage of Daire, with victory of martyrdom and repentance. Mael Dúin and Aed of Aire, king of Dál nAraidi. Kalends of January third feria, fourth of the moon. Dóid, died. Ragnall, grandson of Ímar, Ascall, son of Torcall, king of Ath-cliath. AD 577. Aed and Critán of Airéne died. king of Connacht. Cellach son of Tuathal, king of Uí Chremthainn, was killed. Bissextile and Embolism in the above year. Donnchad was victor. by the Ulaid. Kalends of January at the first hour of night. Scannlán, superior of Tamlacht, and Scannlán, superior of In Chongbáil of Glenn Suiligi, die in Christ. AD 589. AD 433. Tóim Snáma son of Flann king of Osraige was killed. AD 1116. The killing of Ailill Corrach son of Flann, king of Uí Fhailgi. Amlaíb and Ímar and Cerball led a great army into Mide. An expedition by the Cenél Eógain, i.e. The murrain of cows did not cease, and there was a mortality of men from want. Saxolb, chief of the foreigners, was killed by the Cianacht. Kalends of January fourth feria, fourth of the moon. Annals of Ulster, iv (Dublin, 1901) pp. Inneirghi was killed on a surprise party. Mael Ísu ua hArrachtáin, successor of Ailbe, rested in peace. Mael-Patraic AD 1069. (Domnall Ua hUallachain, archbishop of Munster, Corcach with its churches and Cell dá Lua were destroyed by fire. Fínnechta son of Bodbchad, king of Cenél Meic Erca, died. Terrible lightning (?) Mael-Isu Ua Cerbaill [bishop of Clogher] took the succession of Patrick, after it Repose of St Brigit in the 70th year of her age. The Irish fasted two periods of three days, with a single meal between them, through fear of the fire. Sitriuc son of Amlaíb was expelled from Áth Cliath. Death of Congal son of Guaire, and death of Bresal son of Fergus, from disease. An expedition by Flann son of Mael Sechnaill, to AD 905 alias 906. Échtgus, superior of Tamlacht, fell asleep. Ard-Macha was burned from the Crosses of Brigit to the Maglaine leaped over it and he alone was killed. He held the see of Peter for 27 or 24 years, 1 month and 13 days, as Bede relates in his chronicle. A raid was made by Ardgar son of Lochlainn and the Cenél Eógain into Dál Araide, and they carried off a great cattle-prey, and killed or captured two hundred people. bestowal of treasures and of wealth to laics and to clerics, rested in Dalach son of Congus, superior of Dam Liac, dies. Cerball Ua Gilla-Patraic, king of the South of Ossory, died. Fogartach son of Mael Bresail, king of Airgialla, dies. Colgu son of Fedach, an anchorite, rested. Niall ua Céilecáin, king of Uí Bresail, and his kinsman Tréinfher, were treacherously blinded by the sons of Matudán. The killing of Cumascach's son(s) at Odra; one survived, the other dies. Correction made to Annal entry for the year 597, which was brought to CELT's attention by Alex McConnell. Red-hand comes.). Gilla-Patraic Mac Carrthaigh, herenagh of Cork, AD 501. or 502. The battle of Segais in which fell Lóchéne son of Nechtan Cennfhata, Cumuscach son of Óengus and Gartnaith son of Foth. vi-vii. Thus I have found in the book of Cuanu: The battle of Slemain and the battle of Cúil Caíl; and the repose of Comgall, and the death of Uatu son of Aed happened this year. The Introduction must therefore appear in the last volume of the work in that, namely, containing Glenn dá Locha was plundered by the heathens. AD 1131. Colmán son of Sechnusach, abbot of Lothra, dies. And moreover that Maghnus was killed shortly after in AD 565. An army was brought by Tairdelbach and by Leth Moga into Leth Cuinn, and they reached Áth Firdiadh, and the Airgialla inflicted the defeat of Ard Monainn on Muirchertach ua Briain, in which many fell. Their edition extends from AD 431 to AD 1131.2. AD 1083. Ua Ceilecháin and ua Lorcáin with the Uí Bresail and the Uí Nialláin, moreover, were waiting for him in Aenach Macha and they all surrounded him; and Aed's son took his spoils past them all, though he had only twelve score warriors. A battle between the men of Albu and the Saxons, and the Scots were defeated and a great number of their nobles left dead. An expedition of the Saxons and of the Wikipedia. rested in old age. Darkness on the Kalends 1st of May at the ninth hour, and in the same summer the sky seemed to be on fire. Martin Ua Brolaigh, arch-sage Muirenn daughter of Congalach, successor of Brigit, rested. At Rome Vigilius, a Roman by birth, sat 17 years, 6 months and 22 days as bishop of the Roman Church. Daire's law was brought to Connacht again. The battle of Ard Maicc Rimi in which the Uí Ailella were overthrown and Conchobor and Airechtach grandsons of Cathal fell. Or here, the repose of Mac Nisi, abbot of Cluain Moccu Nóis. Kalends of January second feria, twenty-seventh of the moon. Amhlaim Ua through fear of Ua Lochlainn and he was fettered by Donnchadh Cathal son of Dubán, king of Uí Duach of Argatros, dies. Cathalán, king of Fernmag, made a raid on Fir Manach. Thereupon Ua Gailmredhaigh came on the morrow, to receive from a warning of plague given by Iellán's son of Mumu. Tuathal son of Du-Dubtae, a distinguished scribe and teacher of Cluain Moccu Nóis, fell asleep. Death of Fuirechtach, superior of Inis Caíl. AD 1046. of Laigin, died. Constantine son of Constantine reigned 28 years. Braen son of Tigernach was killed by Ainfíth son of Gairbíth. A battle between the men of Scotland and the men of Moray in which four thousand of the men of Moray fell with their king .i. The complement of eight score ships of fair-haired foreigners came to Snám Aignech, to do battle with the dark foreigners; they fought for three days and three nights, but the dark foreigners got the upper hand and the others abandoned their ships to them. of the Dál Cais, died in penitence. Uchtrach, king of the Foreign-Irish, rested in peace. Sebdann daughter of Corc, abbess of Cell Dara, died. Mael Sechnaill then took the hostages of Mumu from Belat Gabráin to Inis Tarbnai off the Irish coast, and from Dún Cermna to Ára Airthir. Gallbrat ua Cerbaill, heir designate of Temair, died. abbots of Cluain Moccu Nóis, fell asleep in peace. grandson of Oswy. Dun-da-lethglas was destroyed by John De Courcy Galway, wrote a treatise on ' The Lanuage of the Annals of Ulster,' which appeared as long ago as 1910.7 He was able to show an unbroken development of Old Irish linguistic forms, from the eighth to the eleventh century, by a careful study of the entries in the Annals which Cathal Mac Maghnusa had com piled towards the end of the fifteenth century. king of Conaille of Muirtheimne, was beheaded by Cellach son of Flannacán. Baíthéne, successor of Brénainn of Biror, rested. Muiredach son of Aimirgein, abbot of Leithglenn, Dub Dúin son of Or here, Mo-Chaí of Naendruim according to another book.). king of Temair. AD 1041. Muinnter-Eolais, died. Fínnechta son of Cellach, assumed his kingship again. Mael Pátraic son of Morann, superior of Druim Cliab and Maenmaighi Ua Conchobair, with a large Áed Uairidnach, who reigned at that time. Great war given to him.). won by Lugaid son of Laegaire and by Murchad son of Tadc ua Briain, heir designate of Mumu, died. Ardgar grandson of Aed ua Mael Sechlainn, heir designate of Ailech, was killed by the community of Daire for the honour of Colum Cille. The successor of Tigernach, i.e. Conaing son of Congal, king of Tethba, dies. Bruide son of Bile, king of Foirtriu, dies, and Alphin son A hosting by Donnchadh Ua Cerbaill, with the Airghialla. Niall, son of Cernach, was victor. The fortified island of Crach's son is constructed. Kalends of January sixth feria, twenty-fourth of the moon. Torpaid, superior of Tamlacht, a bishop and excellent scribe, fell asleep in Christ. (The battle of Dethna in Droma Breg, in which Ardgal, son of Conall of Cremthann son of Niall, fell, according to others. Cerball son of Dúngal inflicted a great rout on Agnonn, in which twelve hundred fell. Cenel-Eoga[i]n) overtook them with a small force of the drowned. son of Fiachna, abbot of Í; and repose of Aedlug son of Camán, abbot of Cluain Moccu Nóis; and the falling asleep of Mainchéne, abbot of Min Droichit. Dúnlang son of Cathusach, superior of Corcach Mór, died without communion in Caisel of the kings. AD 974 alias 975. Aed son of Eochucán, king Mórda son of Muirecán, king of eastern Life, Mael Maedóc Maicnia ua hUchtáin, lector of Cenannas, was drowned coming from Scotland, and Colum Cille's fan (cuilebad) and three relics of Patrick and thirty men were lost as well. (Flaithbertach son of Domnall, successor of Ciarán and Finnén and Crónán and Feichíne, rested.). Donn ua Duinn Chuan, king of Tethba, dies. Muircertach and others.). Maelodar grandson of Tinnred, an eminent Irish leech, dies. The 26 days of Boniface, and the 4 Matudán son of Aed was killed by the Uí Echach, Baetán of Cluain Tuaiscirt, Cú Chiaráin, vice-abbot of Cluain, fell asleep. AD 1094. In the same year, Death of Comgall son of Domangart in the 35th year of his reign. Death of Suibne son of Mael Uma, superior of Corcach. Mael Mithig, son of Dub Indrecht, was killed. Mael Bresail son of Cernach, king of Mugdorna, was killed by the heathens after he had changed to clerical life. son of Conaing son of Congalach, i.e. Moreover, Aed son of Domnall ua. Kalends of January seventh feria, twenty-fourth of the moon. of Druim Góise between the Connachta, in which Fogartach son of Cathal was defeated and escaped. in revenge of it the treacherous attack of the sons of Domnall was Mac Raedig, chief of Cenel-Oenghusa, was killed by the. Dún Lethglaise was plundered by the heathens. Diarmait Ua The heathens won a battle against the men of Foirtriu, and Eóganán son of Aengus, Bran son of Óengus, Aed son of Boanta, and others almost innumerable fell there. killed the son of Conallach Ua Luinigh in the centre of Then the descendants of Conn enjoyed a tremendous victory, when in extraordinary fashion they rout, trample, crush, overthrow and destroy their Laigin adversaries, so much so that almost the entire enemy is well nigh annihilated, there being a few messengers to bring back the tidings. Mael Cothaid, successor of Comgall and Mo-Cholmóc, A great harvest of every fruit throughout Ireland generally this year. Diarmait and Blamac, two kings of Ireland, and Feichíne of Fobar, and many others died, i.e. Dúlang son of Dúngal was killed by his own Mael Dúin son of Aengus, king of Caille Follamhain, dies. Gilla Críst ua Maelfabhaill, king of Carraic Brachaidhe, Finnchad son of Amalgaidh, chief of Clann Bresail, Domnall son of Conchobor ua Briain, Cathal son of Aed ua Conchobuir, Flaithbertach ua Maeladúin, king of Lorg, Uidrín son of Mael Muire, chief of Cenél Feradaigh—all were killed. party of the Ui-Echach of Ulidia came on a foray into Tir-Eogain, Meath, died. Kalends Of January fifth feria, twenty-third of the mooon. Sláine and Finnubair Abae were plundered by the heathens. slain. Maenach son of Fíngen son of Aed Dub son of Crimthann son of Feidlimid son of Aengus son of Nad Fraích, king of Mumu, died. Cernach son of Flann, superior of Lann Léire and steward of the king of the foreigners, and Conamal, son of a tributary king of the foreigners, and many others. therein. Donnchad ua Duinn, king of Brega, was taken prisoner by the foreigners in their own assembly and was taken overseas. Paul Walsh, 'The dating of Irish annals', Ir Hist Stud 2 (1941) 355-75. Ua Flaithbertaigh, by his own brother, in Ara. Mael Ísu, successor of Patrick, rested in repentance on the fifteenth of the Kalends of January 18 Dec.. Domnall grandson of Amalgaidh was immediately ordained in the abbacy in his stead. AD 893 alias 894. Two earthquakes in the same week in the month of December in the northern part of Ireland. Dálach of Dísert Tóla, successor of Feichíne and Tóla, died at a ripe old age.). Cobthach son of Muiredach, superior of Cell Dara, fell asleep. The battle of Imlech Pich in which fell Dub da Inber, king of Ard Cianachta, and Uarchride, descendant of Oiséne; and Congalach son of Conaing escaped by flight. Kalends of January sixth feria, twenty-second or twenty-third of the moon. Kalends of January first feria, seventh of the moon. A conflict among the Cenél Comgaill in which two sons of Nechtan son of Dar Garta were killed. Nuadu of Loch Uama, bishop, anchorite and abbot of Ard Macha, fell asleep. Tadc son of Ruaidrí, king of Cianacht, was killed in Ulaid. Loingsech son of Flaithbertach, king of Cenél Conaill, dies. And the stone wall of the Centre Mael Mithig son of Cinaed was killed by the heathens. (Gilla-Coluim Ua Maelmhuaidh, king of Fir-cell, was Then the foreigners and the Laigin first broke in defeat, and they were completely wiped out. Mael-Cainnigh Ua Fercomais; lector of Daire, was drowned Comán, abbot of Linn Duachail, was fatally wounded and burned by heathens and Irish. Braen son of Mael Mórda, king of Laigin, was blinded Dal-Araidhe (and to Dun-da-lethlas), on Ua Canannán was expelled from the kingship of Tír Conaill by Domnall ua Lochlainn. The battle of Colgu son of Crunnmáel Bolg Luatha, king of Uí Chennselaigh. But God AD 509. Expulsion of Drost from the kingship and the burning of Bangor of the Britons. of Clann-Mailighra and king of Ui-Failghe for a Date range: c.1893 (Mac Carthy) . Domnall Ua Lochlainn went against them with a force of his own Kalends of January second feria, ninth of the moon. Fínnechta the Festive, son of Dúnchad son of Aed Sláine. Niall son of Aed, king of Uí Chormaic, dies unexpectedly. Dún dá Lethglas and Ard Sratha and Lusca and Sord Coluim Cille were destroyed by fire. Thereupon they gave battle in Les Mór Mo-Chutu was plundered and burned. Moreover, Leinster and the Dun by Donnsleibhe, that is, by his own brother and by Concobhar, son of Muircertach Ua Lochlainn, foreigners and Irish, i.e. at Ruba Con Chongalt, in which three hundred or somewhat Cléirchén son of Murchad, king of Uí Briúin Seóla, and Muiredach son of Mugrón, chief of Clann Cathail, die. Peter the Apostle. Mael Brigte ua Forannáin, superior of Ard Sratha, Mael Brigte ua Cinaetha, superior of Ard Trea, died in sound penitence. AD 995 alias 996. Kalends of January fourth feria, twenty-third of the moon. Mael Ruanaid ua Cairellán, chief of Clann Diarmata, Gilla Críst ua Luinig, chief of Cenél Maién, were treacherously killed on the same day by Domnall ua Lochlainn. And a thrust of a foreign spear was given to the Dubgilla son of Robacán, chief of Uí Chormaic, was Latharna, so that he burned a part of the town and killed A skirmish in Cluain Iraird between Donnchad and the community of Cluain Iraird. direction of his own kinsmen. And all Ulidia gave their pledges to Ua AD 1032. Úgaire son of Tuathal inflicted a rout on the Osraige Niall Mothlach was wickedly killed by the Cairpre. The battle of Duma Aichir, i.e. Bresal, son of Murchad, emerged victor, with the community of Cluain. Iraird, fell asleep after a prolonged illness. Flann son of Cellach, abbot of Finnglas, a scribe, anchorite and Fáilbe Bec, abbot of Cluain Moccu Nóis, rests. Airbertach son of Cos Dobráin, superior of Ros Ailithir, died. Congalach and Gilla Muire, were then promptly killed in revenge for him. Cathnia grandson of Guaire, abbot of Tuaim Gréine, and Lerben, female superior of Cluain Bairenn, rested. Anaile, abbot of Cluain Moccu Nóis, Ceithernach, abbot of Glenn dá Locha, Siadal grandson of Comán, abbot of Cell Achaid, Fiannachtach of Ferna, Suibne of Cell Deilge, and Breislén of Béirre, ended their lives. Murchad ua Maeldoraid, king of Cenél Conaill, Domnall son of Mael Coluim, king of Scotland, Muiredach son of Ruaidrí ua Ruadacán, Ualgarc ua Ruairc, heir designate of Connacht, Aengus ua Caíndelbáin, king of Loegaire, ended their life unhappily. AD 465. There was killed Tadc son of Donnchad, heir designate of Osraige,—by the men of Mumu—, Aed ua Ruairc, heir designate of Connacht, and Dub Darach ua Fiachna—by the Cenél Eógain. A slaughter of the Corcu Róidi of Mide by the Uí Moccu Uais. spoils. AD 557. Cluana Argaid in which Cinaed son of Artgal fell and Muirgius son of Tomaltach was victor; and the beginning of his reign. AD 644. The capture of Elén son of Corp, and of (?) Domnall son of Muirchertach led an army to Dál Araidi and Death of Bruide son of Maelchú, king of the Picts, and death of Feradach son of Daui, king of Osraige. A lunar eclipse on the fourteenth day of the January moon, that is, on Thursday the fourth of the Ides 10 of January. [Elphin], rested. After that, the Cenel-Eogain around Ua Lochlainn come Death of Conaing grandson of Dub Dúin, king of Cenél Cairpri of Tethba. And six score of Any improvements will be credited to the scholars who submit them. AD 579. AD 894 alias 895. Cellach son of Diarmait, king of Osraige, Aed ua Con Fhiachla, king of Tethba, Conchobor son, of Mael Sechnaill, king of Corcu Modruad, and Aicher na Traighthech were killed. Donn ua Congalaig was killed by the Conaille. an expedition with the foreigners and sacked Connaire, Mountain, rested, alas, at an immature age. they stole away in the night, until they went past Tuaim. Druim Inasclainn was burned by the heathens. AD 490, [AM] 4695. Easter on the seventh of the Kalends of May 25 April Cathal son of Donnchad son of Dub dá Bairenn inflicted a slaughter on the foreigners, in which fell Amlaíb son of Sitriuc, i.e. Marcianus succeeded him as emperor, as Kalends of January [...]. Richard Sharpe, 'Saint Mauchteus, discipulus Patricii', in Alfred Bammesberger & Alfred Wollmann (eds.) of the buide Chonaill, according to another book. Lusca was burned, and nine score persons were burned in its stone church, by the men of Mumu. The killing of Mael Dúin son of Fergus, and of Mael Dúin son of Colmán. [AM] 4665. A battle—overthrow was inflicted in Tailtiu Ducairn Meic Cairthinn (?) Domnall ua Domnalláin, king of Derlas, was killed by Aed ua Néill. Cathal son of Amalgaid, king of Western Laigin, and there fell too Ugaire son of Ailill, king of Laigin, Mael new fleet of the Ulaid, on the coast of England, and many Flannacán son of Mael Ísu, abbot designate of Ard Macha, after anointing and excellent repentance, died in peace. i.e. Kalends of January sixth feria, thirteenth of the moon. Kalends of January second feria, fifth of the moon. primate of all Ireland for wisdom and piety, rested in Kalends of January seventh feria, thirteenth of the moon. Kalends of January fifth feria, second of the moon. Ragnall Ua Mailmiadhaigh, chief of and Conchobor son of Colcu—all died. The besieging of Crunnmael ‘Sack of Ashes’ by the Uí Néill. A naval combat in the open sea between the foreigners of Áth Cliath and Niall son of Eochaid, king of Ulaid, and the foreigners were defeated and a great number of them slaughtered, and prisoners were also taken. between Ard and Inis-Eogain. Amlaíb and Auisle went with the foreigners of Ireland and Scotland king of Cenel-Eogain and royal heir of all Ireland, namely, tower of materials, most of it written in the language of ancient and medieval Ireland, was Cathal Mac Maghnusa, vicar general of the diocese of Clogher, who died in the year 1498. AD 1038. Gilla Coluim ua Canannáin was killed by Domnall ua Néill. wonderful, violent wind which prostrated a very large portion of Flann Foirbthe son of Fogartach, and Cuan, anchorite from Lilcach, die. Eógan of Mainister abbot of Ard Macha was dishonoured over a legal decision (?) The date of Easter is changed in the monastery of Í. Faelchú, son of Doirbéne, in the 74th year of his age assumed the see of Columba on Saturday the fourth of the Kalends of September 29 Aug. Death of Céile Tigernaig, abbot of Cluain Eóis. Cellach and Conall Cael i.e. Laigin. Druimcliabh, through miracle of Colum-cille. of Mael Muire and of Sétaige daughter of ua Lorcáin, died in Corcach Mór Muman. AD 1061. Many nobles fell there, i.e. The slaying of Congalach son of Conall, king of Diathrab. The causeway of Áth Luain was made by Mael Sechnaill and by Cathal son of Conchobor. Murchad son of Mael Dúin was victor. Finán of Cluain Chaín, a bishop and an anchorite, and Muirgius, anchorite of Ard Macha, ended their lives in peace. and coronation of Cathal Carrach in his stead (Or perhaps Breislén of Béirre was victor. Tir-Briuin [Enaghdune], rested. There came lightning which killed three people at Dísert Tola and a student at Sord and it broke down the ancient tree. Cathbarr ua Domnaill, king of Cenél Lugdach, died. Diarmait ua Briain, king of Mumu, was taken prisoner by Muirchertach ua Briain. the heathens. Cluain Moccu Nóis was plundered by the men of Mumu. in peace. Loingsech grandson of Lethlabar, Death of Maine, abbot of Naendruim, and death of Der Forgaill. Death of Cernach son of Diarmait son of Aed Sláine son of Diarmait Cerrbél son of Conall of Cremthann; and an earthquake in Britain; and Comgán moccu Teimni and designate of Temair, died. The Connachta however afterwards defeated the men of Bréifne. Muirecán from Both Domnaig, successor of Patrick—in the 72nd year of his age—and Aed of Treóit, paragon of knowledge and piety, ended their lives in Ard Macha. The greater part of Glenn dá Locha was burned. Rechtnia, abbot of Cluain Moccu Nóis, dies. AD 1040. Eógan son of Cenn Faelad, superior of Imlech Ibuir, was killed. was burned for the greater part and the Penitentiary was Amhlaim Ua The Síl Muiredaigh were expelled from Connacht by Muirchertach ua Briain. Flann son of Mael Sechnaill, king of Temair, Cerball son of Muirecán, king of Laigin, and Cathal son of Conchobor, king of Connacht, were victors.—The battle of Belach Mugna. It had three gold teeth in its head, each containing fifty ounces, and one of them was placed on the altar of Bennchor this year, that is, in AD 752. Cumuscach escaped by flight. Lightning burned Dún dá Lethglas, both ráith and trian. the Uí Mhaeil Shechlainn, etc. the foreigners, to the number of two thousand or more. The battle of Corann in which fell Colgu son of Blamac and Fergus son of Mael Dúin, king of Cenél Cairpri.

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