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strategy discussion section 47

the police, paediatrician. Recording of a Strategy Discussion (You need to follow this route otherwise you will populate a blank C and F assessment between the Referral record and the Strategy Discussion). Missing or inaccessible children: 3.7.2 If urgent action is necessary, a decision will need to be taken about informing or consulting parents and the child/ren, obtaining consents, taking legal action, accompanying the child and notifying parents; Agree, in the light of the race and ethnicity of the child and family, how information will be obtained and shared with the family and establishing whether an interpreter is required; Coordinate a press strategy, if relevant; Agree timescales for all the above and responsibilities for required actions; In cases where information indicates a history of violence and threatening behaviour by the parents towards professionals, consider the risks to the child/children and to staff, determine a strategy for managing the risk and agree joint action as appropriate; Agree the need for feedback to each other (e.g. Children's Services Social Care must hold a Strategy Discussion whenever there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer Significant Harm whether or not it appears that a criminal offence against a child has been committed. A Strategy Discussion must take the form of a meeting, chaired by a manager from Children's Social Care Services, if there is concern about one of the following: The Strategy Discussion should be convened by Lincolnshire Children's Social Care and those participating should be sufficiently senior and able, therefore, to contribute to the discussion of available information and to make decisions on behalf of their agencies. If there is any doubt about whether Section 47 applies, agencies should steer on the side of caution and hold a Strategy Discussion. The purpose of the Strategy Discussion is to decide whether a Section 47 Enquiry under the Children Act 1989 is required and if so, to develop a plan of action for the Section 47 Enquiry. N.B. Ensure the method of meeting is clearly recorded i.e. This needs to be discussed and agreed during the Strategy Discussion with the Police and with the Community Paediatrician where appropriate. In the case of a pre-birth Strategy Meeting (see Pre-Birth Child Protection... 2. A Section 47 Enquiry is initiated to decide whether and what type of action is required to safeguard and promote the welfare of a child who is suspected of, or likely to be, suffering significant harm. The Strategy Discussion/Meeting will plan any interview with the child. Initiating Section 47 Enquiries. If the child is a hospital patient (in-patient or out-patient) or receiving services from a child development team, the medical consultant responsible for the child's health should be involved, as should the senior ward nurse where the child is an in-patient; When strategy discussions are convened and the child is an in-patient on a Children's Ward, the Consultant Paediatrician on the Ward is to be contacted and participate in the strategy discussion alongside the Police and Social Work and Children's Health teams; Where a medical examination may be necessary, or has taken place, a senior doctor from those providing services should also be involved; In the case of a pre-birth Strategy Discussion, this should involve the midwifery services, hospital based and/or community based; If the child lives outside of the area all agencies that have information about the child and family must be invited to attend or contribute to the Strategy Discussion; Where required, a legal adviser should be invited or legal advice sought to inform the Strategy Discussion; Consideration should also be given to the need to seek advice from or invite a professional with expertise in the particular type of suspected Significant Harm; Where parents or adults in the household are experiencing problems such as domestic abuse, substance misuse or mental illness, it will also be important to consider involving the relevant adult services professionals. For all further guidance and procedures on conducting strategy meetings and Section 47 … Initiating section 47 enquiries. All Strategy Discussions must to be undertaken within 24 hours of the concerns being shared with Children's Services. The child must always be seen and communicated with alone in the course of a Section 47 Enquiry by the Lead Social Worker, unless it is contrary to their interests to do so. A Section 47 Enquiry must always be commenced immediately following a Strategy Discussion or Meeting when: There is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm in the form of physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect; or Local Authority Children's Social Care should convene a Strategy Discussion to determine the child's welfare and plan rapid future action if there is reasonable cause to suspect the child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, Significant Harm. that concerns are not substantiated, or that concerns are substantiated but the child is not judged to be at continuing risk of suffering Significant Harm, or that concerns are substantiated and the child is judged to be at risk of suffering Significant Harm, must be authorised by a Children's Social Care Manager. Robust evidence of managerial oversight is required within this section and therefore clear and explicit instructions to the social worker responsible for undertaking the enquiry are to be recorded here to include timescales. The Strategy Discussion should involve, at a minimum, Children's Social Care Services, the Police, Children's Health and the referring agency if possible. This may be following a Referral and Social Work Assessment or at any time where a child is receiving support services and if concerns about Significant Harm to the child emerge. This should conclude with a judgement of the level of risk of harm to the child or young person. If possible at this stage, indicate if the case will proceed to Child Protection Conference. Decide whether a single agency or a joint enquiry/investigation is required; Agree what action is required immediately and in the short term to safeguard the child and/or provide interim services and support, including the care arrangements for the child/children and if the child is an in-patient on a Maternity or Children's Ward, the child's discharge from hospital; Agree whether urgent actions are required to remove the child from the risk of harm or to remove the alleged perpetrator from the child's home; Agree where a child is in hospital, how to manage parental and other contact arrangements; Agree a contingency plan if the child cannot be located; Agree the conduct and timing of any criminal investigation, including who should be interviewed, by whom, for what purpose and when and the need to carry out the interviews in accordance with. Working Together to Safeguard Children states that: Whenever there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, Significant Harm there should be a Strategy Discussion involving the Local Authority Children's Social Care, the Police, Health and … Once a decision has been made to undertake a s47, a Section 47 - Management Decision record will be opened by the POD Manager on CareFirst. A local authority Social Worker has a statutory duty to lead that enquiry. The decision and plan to carry out the Section 47 Enquiry will be determined at a Strategy Discussion/meeting. Where more than one Strategy Discussion/Meeting takes place care must be taken to review the timescales and ensure that the child(ren) are protected while the enquiries are taking place. Where there are concerns that there is a serious risk of harm to the child, strategy discussions should take place as soon as possible. Children's Social Care Services will record this on the relevant proforma within the child's Mosaic record. Reference should be made to any Identified High Risk Indicators and Underlying Risk Factors. 1. The purpose of a Strategy Discussion is to decide whether there are grounds for a Section 47 Enquiry. A record of the discharge planning meeting should be made. 3. If the investigation concludes that the concerns are substantiated and the child is considered to be at continuing risk of significant harm. Only valid for 48hrs × LOCAL INFORMATION. 2.1 Section 47 enquiries may not substantiate the original concerns that the child was suffering or was likely to suffer significant harm. Children's Social Care must hold a Strategy Discussion whenever there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer Significant Harm; 2. The maximum period from the Strategy Discussion, where the decision was made to proceed with a Section 47 Enquiry, to the Initial Child Protection Conference is 15 working days. Social workers undertaking Section 47 Enquiry's should, as minimum standard, be directed to ensure that: The social worker should be directed to analyse the findings of the enquiry using the Blackburn with Darwen Risk Model evaluating the impact of the child's exposure to risk of harm, taking into account individual family strengths and support services / interventions that are likely to be most effective in reducing the risk of further risk of harm. Agree the conduct and timing of any criminal investigation; Decide whether Section 47 Enquiries should be initiated. However, a conference call should be attempted in all circumstances and the reason for any lack of multi-agency involvement clearly recorded in the strategy discussion form by the Team Manager.

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