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star wars: republic commando secret level

If you're ready to head into the hangar, though, cancel all trooper orders and get them to form up on you. ". They're perfectly capable of killing things on their own, but when you place them into a maneuver position, you'll find that their lethality will be greatly amplified. Although they regretfully never use them in the game (which would've been pretty awesome), you can still have a little fun with these by shooting them, which will cause the merc to fly up into the air and instantly die. Unfortunately, Elites have boosted health to go along with their powerful attacks, and can withstand multiple sniper shots without dying. They're obviously not going to take much damage from blaster fire, so when you spot a guard, your best bet for dealing damage to it is to either unload anti-armor shells into it (assuming it's not directly next to one of your teammates) or by chucking EC grenades at its feet, assuming you can get it to stand still long enough for an accurate placement. When that's done, move beyond its wreckage and quickly set up two of your squaddies in the sniping spots you find. When you notice that no more bugs are appearing, heal up your soldier, but leave one of them in the turret and another in the sniping position near the ship before moving on. EC grenades are thus your weapon of course, or at least they should be, since they overload the shields and let you fire directly at the mechanical guts of the beast. At any rate, you should be sure to grab the EC grenades and the extra anti-armor ammo from the small platform across from the console; this will come in handy quite soon. You do have a box of EC grenades to use on them, but we found it best just to hide behind one of the pillars near the door and fire at anything that comes to you, rather than being overly aggressive. After the transport is safe, another path will open, leading to a little tunnel system. This has been announced by Aspyr Media, responsible for its relaunch, advancing some improvements at the playability level … Chuck any remaining grenades down the hall, towards wherever you suspect any turrets are remaining, then return for the last box and heal yourself. There are two barricades to bust through, but there are also a number of sniping spots on the bridge itself, meaning that you'll be able to keep your cover fire up pretty easily as you command your troopers to move up. The electrical charge that they send out will drain any droid enemy of health over time, as well as stun them for a good period, with longer stuns being the reward for more accurate placement of the grenade. This grenadier will be very annoying if he hangs around while you try to move around on the lower level. Although the anti-armor position doesn't look like it'll be firing at anything, the soldier there can hit things behind him with his AA gun, so quickly tap him off and back onto the spot after each time he fires, and he'll deal with the rest of the SBD's on the ground floor. When they're dead, though, the enemies will cease coming out of the bunker, allowing you to form up and prepare to head inside. The second half of the bridge is much the same as the first; anti-armor position, meet turret. After the turrets are down, place a soldier in the snipe spot below them and walk forward to trigger the predictable enemy barrage; the first set of foes is battle droids, while walking further down the hall will trigger a bunch of Trandos to bust through the viewport above. Penetrate Outer Defenses When the coast is clear, start working your way down the path towards the base. Remember that you have a bacta dispenser in the last window room, so try to let your squadmates do most of the damage to prevent you from expending too much of your grenade ammo. The explosive devices scattered around these ramps will let you kill Trandos without expending much ammo. Star Wars: Republic Commando (Video Game 2005) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Place one of your soldiers in the snipe spot here, but hold the other two back behind him with a Secure Position command. When the shield comes down, return to your snipers and prepare for the assault on the jamming device itself. Locate Separatist Cruiser Your Wookiee guide unfortunately won't last too long, so you'll have to proceed on your own. Their flight also makes Geonosians less susceptible to grenade fire. Their normal blaster fire can tear through your shield in seconds on hard mode, and they also wield a pair of more powerful attacks, both of which they have to "wind up" for. We found that keeping one soldier on the snipe point near the door with another one near the console gave us pretty good coverage on the Elites as they flew up, but don't forget that you can task all three soldiers to the snipe spots while you slice the console yourself, if you wish. Ka-boom! All three of these consoles will need to be sliced if you're going to get the ship out of harm's way. The only way through the door is to breach it, so command your squad to do so. Destroy the dispenser to move on. This will bring the droids closer to you, allowing you to finish them off before healing up and moving on. Luckily enough, though, there's a crate swinging to and fro directly above it; if you wait until it swings out over the dispenser itself, then shoot the winch that's holding it up, it'll land on the dispenser and destroy it immediately. The main problem with scav droids is that they're wickedly difficult to hit, especially on the Xbox without auto-aim on. Of course the SBD's will be coming at you this whole time, but they should move slowly enough for you to eliminate the Elites before they reach the ramp leading up to the turret. Save your game before heading through the doorway, if possible, because doing so will trigger an event. The stunning effect of the EC grenade should allow you to take it down in short order, thanks to concentrated fire. . When you move on a bit, you'll come to another barricade; unfortunately, an SBD dispenser will drop in front of it, and you don't have any anti-armor positions or turrets to deal with these guys. This is mostly due to their insane health and armor; it'll take you a good minute or two to kill them off, even if your whole squad is able to concentrate on them. I will show you some cool spots in Lockdown, Gunship, and Garden. To begin the fight, open the room, shoot the fuel tanks to the left, and set your soldier up in the anti-armor position there while you take out the droid's scanning laser to prevent it from firing missiles. After slicing or blasting the door, send your squaddies inside and get them to target the three ceiling turrets in succession. Sniper rounds can also do the job, but they also take a little while to work their magic. Breaching it is the preferred method; although your teammate will chuck in an EC grenade at Grievous' bodyguard and miss, you can improve on his aim by throwing an EC grenade of your own at the droid's feet; since it jumps to avoid the first one, it'll land right on top of your own grenade, stunning it long enough to let your guys get inside the room. You're going to have to deal with the scavs in the meantime, and although your snipers are good shots, they're not always going to hit, so keep your blaster by your side and shoot down any scavs that manage to get behind your teammates. This little area is going to be filled with Trandos, many of whom will enjoy the finer points of tossed Thermals, so you'll want to bring up your sniper rifle and take them down from a distance, if possible. As this charge is being laid, numerous Trandos will be coming at you from the far end of the corridor, so whip out your sniper rifle and start blasting them. When you're ready to move on, bring your squaddies up and take down the droideka before instructing one of them to grab the anti-armor position near its corpse, as there'll be more droidekas down the hallway to the left. Secure Hangar There are a couple more SBD's in the next hallway. You can stab these guys as they drop from the skylights without a problem. When the door is clear, be certain that your team doesn't charge through it; there's a mine on the far side. A single soldier in the sniping spot here can hold off the oncoming SBD's while you take turns healing up. Share. The console control for the shield that protects the jamming device is on a ledge at the far end of this room, so quickly skirt the right side until you spot a pair of sniping locations where you can position two of your squadmates. Luckily for you, you've got a multitude of sniping and anti-armor spots to choose from. They'll quickly respawn, but you might make a little dent in them before you head to the lower portion of the hangar to blow the ship. After the second SBD is off to that great robotic afterlife, return to a bacta dispenser to heal them all before riding the elevator up to the bridge. You have a couple seconds to get yourself situated before taking it out, so be sure that your sniper rifle has a full clip and that you have flashbang grenades queued up. You know, if they were werewolves. They usually attack at close range with an electrically-charged baton, which can cut through your shields and take you down with just a couple of swings. The most noticeable one occurs after they go to one knee for a second; if you see an SBD doing this, it's your cue to get behind cover. Thermal detonators, although ineffectual against most droids, can destroy multiple battle droids when thrown into the middle of a group. Eliminate Dispensers Your goal here is to destroy two droid dispensers before they manage to kill your Wookiee friends. There are a couple of snipe spots in the windows here, but you'll only be able to use one at a time. On hard mode, you can die in a couple of seconds from the combined fire of these guys, so your best bet for survival is to immediately backtrack into the corridor you just came from and use the doorway there for cover while you start dispatching your enemies. Most guard fights take place in areas with multiple sniper and anti-armor positions, so you'll want to have your teammates set themselves up into these, with sniper positions probably being the most preferable option available. With it equipped, place your squaddies in the hall by telling them to secure a position near the blaster ammo, then you're your way into the hangar and start shelling the turret. Super Battle Droids Among the most annoying enemies in the game, SBD's are the droid army's equivalent of tanks; they're slow, but pack a powerful punch and are heavily armored. Sixshot. In addition to a detailed look at all of the game's many weapons and enemies, we'll supply you with tips on managing your squad and a complete walkthrough, including videos detailing how best to go through the game's most difficult moments. It'll take a few minutes, thanks to the fact that they also fire on the SBD's themselves, but if you want to find a hiding spot and leave the game running while you go to the bathroom or make a sandwich, the dispenser will probably be destroyed, or at least heavily smoking, by the time you get back. There's also a turret in a small alcove at the top of the ramp. This is going to be your SBD killer for a while now, thanks to its immensely powerful beam. Beyond that, surviving the fight is a matter of reviving your fallen soldiers and hoping that the Elites don't happen to target your slicer; if he can complete his slice, then all of the Elites in the generator will be instantly killed. When you do reach the rear of the hangar, though, you'll be instructed to slice a terminal so that Advisor can deliver some "ordinance." The game features both single-player and multiplayer game modes. Before you reach the second loading dock, you'll have to cut your way through a horde of Trandoshans when they attack you. To do so, you're going to need to take your team through the top of the spire, deposting each of them into a separate dual missile launcher. Wed Feb 24 21 12:23pm. Do so, eliminate all of the enemies, then heal your guys up before you move to the end of the level. Again, lure this one back to the dropship for an easier kill before finally cancelling your squad's orders and forming up. When Advisor gives you the location for charges, instruct someone to lay them down, then blow the wall and head through to reach the next level. It'll still take four or five thermals to kill a single SBD, making them, again, fairly inefficient. The most notable limitation of the anti-armor attachment is its small ammo clip; you can only hold four rounds at a time, with a short reload animation after the first two are fired. Most grunt-level enemies will be killed if they're anywhere near the blast when it goes off, making this an effective anti-infantry tool for you (and for the Trandoshan enemies that wield it). These SBD's will be resistant to your blaster fire, so use EC grenades to take them on. Don't forget to heal up before you exit to the next level. When this occurs, heal up again, then leave your sniper in position while the rest of the squad proceed to the end of the canyon and destroys the rock wall blocking the exit from the level. If you spot the Trandoshan running down the hallway, shoot him as quickly as possible; if he reaches the turn, another two or three baddies will spawn in, which is bad news in these kind of close quarters. After moving down the ramp, you'll come to the first power conduit, which is an obvious target for an explosive charge. When you have two of your squaddies in position there, you'll be able to take the third and round the bend leading to the bunker. You'll need to be mindful of the soldier in the snipe position, though, as a droideka will eventually roll up behind him and start shooting him in the back; these guys have no sense of honor! After you reach the end of the maintenance tunnel, save your game and head down the corridor to your right. If you don't have any maneuver positions handy, then concentrating your fire on a tough foe like an SBD is sometimes the only way to kill it. The mercs in the corner of the room near the door will continue to chuck out grenades, so you may want to just throw one at them pre-emptively. This can be pretty handy when it comes to taking down armored enemies like SBD's or just hearty ones like Geonosian Elites. You know, rappelling in from the skylights is one of those things that sounds cool when you're discussing it with your buddies back on the bounty hunter ship, but all it seems to do for these guys is earn them a one-way trip to meet the Scorekeeper. Regardless, you'll have to deal with the appearance of a Geonosian Elite outside the window, so mark it with your use key to get its health readout before engaging in more strafing exercises with the wall. The second one is in hiding, though, and will survive for a good amount of time. It packs decent accuracy for its power, but you do run through ammo quite quickly when you hold down the button, it has a lengthy reload time, and it's almost useless against droids. After heading through the first corridor to the first intersection, you'll find the first circuit. A twisted web, indeed! STAR WARS™ Republic Commando. Advance To The Center Span There's a whole lot of center span advancement going on here, but there's a bit of a roadblock in your way at the beginning of this level, in the form of darkened hallways with mines. We used this far more often than S&D, but it really is going to be a personal preference as to which one you'll choose. The Elite won't fly into the hallway, so you'll have ample cover, and you can easily backtrack to the bacta if you get hurt. More SBD's and droidekas await you beyond Fixer's turret. At about this time, the field coil charge should be about ready to go, so blow it and start the retreat. In order to disable any of these that you see, you'll need to crouch until you get right next to them, then hit your use key to dislodge the mine. The second attachment for the DC-17m that you'll find is anti-armor ordnance. This mod is a simple one that adds new weapons, enemies, and sounds from Republic Commando to Battlefront II, as well as the classic HUD, too. Just the fact that they immediately detonate when thrown at a target makes them more useful when used against biological enemies than thermal dets, but they do almost no damage to droids. You're going to meet up with your first drones here, and annoying little buggers they are, too. Your best bet for survival is to walk far enough in to trigger the drop, then backtrack back to the previous corridor and start chucking in Thermal Detonators at them; one of them will drop another box, so you might as well use up your supply now. Said turret isn't going to be tremendously useful to you, due to its huge area of effect and inability to turn completely down the next hallway, but feel free to task a soldier to it during the next wave of enemies. Now, as the multitude of sniper positions might intimate here, you're going to have a little fight on your hands while you attempt to slice the console. As mentioned, you'll need to take them both out before you can deal with the charge-setting for the bridge itself. We got therm grenades, we got EC grenades, we got no fewer than three separate ammo packs for your anti-armor gun. Locate Loading Substation When you have your squad back together, it's time to pay the back taxes for the orphanage. At the end, though, you'll be ambushed by Trando mercs that break through a previously sealed bulkhead; you'll need to through three thermal detonators into the breach in order to seal it. There are a number of Trandoshans and scavenger droids that will be coming after you, but they won't appear until you run past certain trigger spots on the ground, so a good plan of action is to run forward a bit until you either hear shots or the battle music, then backtrack behind cover to scope out the situation. Not sure why a brig would be set up for close-quarters combat, but hey--if it works, it works. The other 3 locations are done. After the terminal is sliced, Tarfful will walk up to the catwalks and start moving on. Destroy Supplies It's time to put these Trandoshans out of business once and for all. Since they're so much more resilient than you are, you can use this to put them into harm's way while you stay back and assess the situation, i.e. After the initial pair of Trandos here, you're going to come into a large room where more Trandos insist on taking up positions directly next to explosive barrels. More AA ammo can be found in the cache along the rightmost wall of the ramp here, so grab it and use one or two rounds on the droidekas that appear. Rendezvous With Squad Now that you've all completed your individual objectives, it's time to get your squad back together and get the launch codes for the ship before the whole place goes sky-high. Minutes ago you were riding a gunship amongst the chaos, fire and smoke blooming in the sky, blaster fire spraying up from Geonosis like fountains of colored light. To strike deep behind enemy lines, assassinate enemy leaders, disable their infrastructure, and generally harry their abilities to make war on the Republic. All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Hardest Republic Commando level mine is the Droid factory < > Showing 1-15 of 32 comments . After the first dispenser is down, you'll want to order a general retreat. Especially important is the barrel near the turret off to the right of the path beyond the tunnel you're in; if you can hit the barrel, the turret will blow as well, leaving you with one less thing to worry about in the battle to come. Although an anti-armor position appears that can cover these guys, we found it easiest to just leave the sniper in place with the other soldiers backing him up, then stand underneath the rear vent and melee the Trandos that pop out as they hit the ground. When the two turrets have been disabled, you can return to the upper level for a bacta refresher, should you need it. For most of your clone brothers, the surface battle was the objective, but you are a clone commando. It's arguably the most lethal of the basic weapons that you'll come across in the game, thanks to the fact that it'll be a one-hit kill against most of the grunt-level foes you'll encounter. After you hit the surface of the gladiatoral arena, you'll have to begin your journey towards Sun Fac on your own; don't worry, you'll be meeting up with your redoutable squadmates soon enough. Kill The Guards When you do reach the rendezvous point, you'll make an unpleasant discovery: all of Tarfful's resistance fighters have been slain, presumably by the Trando slavers in the area. Rendezvous With Delta Squad Find the Exit To the Landing Gear So, you've gotten cut off from two of your squaddies, who may be dead. Rather than get killed, tell your troopers to Search and Destroy in front of you and let them walk ahead until the scavs come through the windows, then shoot the droids while they're firing on your teammates. Locate the Trandoshan Jamming Device Now, when you get to the door to the bridge, you'll hopefully have either an EC grenade or an anti-armor round left to your name, preferably the latter; either one will make the assault here a much easier task. It's definitely more useful against some enemies than others - it has a difficult time broaching the armor plating on super battle droids, for instance--but with enough time, it's capable of taking down almost anything. Flashbangs work great against these groups of Trando slavers, allowing you to run up and finish them off with a melee attack. Feel free to lend a hand in the killing with your APC gun; ammo is probably going to be running short for the rest of your weapons, but you'll have plenty of it for the shotgun, thanks to all of the instances of that weapon that'll be dropping on the ground. We're pretty much set on ammo. 2 2 5 5. To begin with, the SBD dispenser is going to be your first priority. Destroy the Bridge After the second dispenser goes down, you'll finally have the ability to place a charge on the bridge, which promptly fizzles and misfires. Don't forget to shoot off this droid's missile-targetting scanner to prevent the quick deaths of your teammates. There are going to be a LOT of SBD's in the area, obviously, but luckily for you, most of them are in storage and dormant. Before you head up the ramp at the far end of the room, heal yourself and your squad completely; you're going to be taking damage here. When that's done, you can form up and bust through to the elevator. The mines won't be too effective, although they can deal extra damage to the baddies, especially if you shoot them when an SBD is walking by. Obviously, they pack a bit of a punch thanks to their quad blaster array, but they aren't as damaging as SBD's are, and while their energy shield will protect them from damage, it can be overwhelmed with normal blaster fire. You don't need to have a charge on every single barrel, but try to make sure that each small group has one barrel with a proximity mine on it, and don't miss the pair near the crates. This latter is probably the best method for draining their health, as you can use it while a guard is wailing on one of your teammates without him taking too much damage, and because it'll freeze the guard in place while your snipers get a few shots on it. With ten EC grenades at your disposal, you should be able to stun or kill most of the enemies in your path. It'll take you four or five shots to the head to kill an SBD with a sniper rifle, making this an inefficient method of disposal, but when you have a sniper position around, even a single soldier can usually hold off multiple SBDs for a good period of time. Next is--guess what?--another challenging fight. The best bet here is to throw two or three EC detonators at the SBD's, finish them off with blaster fire, then charge into the room like you did previously, tasking two soldiers to slice and fending off the Geonosians with the remaining soldier. If you start slowly moving down the ramp, you'll notice that the door on the far side will open up, causing a number of normal battle droids to spill out, and that more battle droids will start using the turret off to the left, near the SBD dispensers (which are thankfully dormant at this point in the fight). There are numerous battle droids here, but none are of the Super variety, meaning that they're far less dangerous to you than the turrets are. Unfortunately, you'll only be able to fire off one of these bolts every couple of seconds, making this a pretty poor choice of weapon for intense firefights. Your mission? When the two droidekas are down, start taking out the rest of the droids further down the hallway and move on. You can grab a concussion rifle nearby, if you'd like one. When that's done, you'll be able to make your way forward to a crashed dropship. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. Since there's sniper ammo up here, use whatever you have remaining to snipe out the turrets in the room before topping yourself off with the ammo box, then return to the door and slice through. Carrying The Flag: In CTF and Assault modes, you'll probably wind up carrying the "flag" at one point or another. Eventually, you'll notice some droidekas moving around the hallway nearby. When you reach the nearby hangar, you'll soon be ambushed by a trio of Grievous guards. #1. not racist e-boy. There are three turret gunner droids in all; one will spawn after the first one is killed, then the last will spawn after the second one goes down. Beyond that, you don't need to worry about much, beyond getting one of your squaddies into the grenadier position in the hangar and another into the anti-armor position in the middle of the room. Your first goal is to reach Hangar B and defend it. (There's another box of anti-armor rounds to the left of the door through which you came in, near the second Wookiee.). Having soldiers in these two sniping spots will let you take out the Elites when they start popping up. Luckily, you can take the one by the door on first, so command your team to target their fire on it with your use key so that everyone is aiming at it at once. When your squaddies are in position, all you normally have to do to finish the beast off is to just wait and watch your teammates fire away. Well, thanks to your anti-armor shells, you should be able to get close enough to blow it. You can leave the squaddies in their positions to cover your retreat. To begin with, have Sev take up a sniping position behind the barricade at the start of the level, then move down the nearby hallway a bit until you trigger more Trando appearances. As you round the corner, you'll come across your first Trandoshan Heavily Armored Mercenary (HAM), which is in the process of completely eliminating a squad of troopers. To begin with, have one of your soldiers take up a position at the grenadier spot above the jamming device, then order the remainders of your squad to take up a position near him. Putting snipers into position will let your team take down enemy grunts quickly and efficiently. Of course, said energy shields don't protect your teammates very well, and in most turrets, they'll be just as vulnerable to fire as if they were standing around in the middle of an open area, but this is made up for thanks to the immense firepower of turrets, which can usually kill off enemies before they're able to return fire. The real task here, though, is to round the corner and clear out all of the Trandos in the area; they'll chuck grenades at you when they spot you. Try to make sure that two of your troopers are in snipe position while one of them is moving from the rear to the fore, so that every squaddie that moves has plenty of cover. The sidearm pistol, as in most FPS games, is going to be rarely used in Republic Commando. The Trade Federation has had more time to deal with the upcoming hangars, thanks to the way they were able to keep you busy in Hangar B. This will let you pass through to Hangar A, where yet more Trandos are waiting for you. There's not much to say about the sniper rifle. Luckily, the WRL you just got will take off the bulk of its health, allowing you to place your squaddie in the anti-armor position near the door and whittle off what remains with AA rounds and grenades. Your nightvision visor can obviously deal with the darkness, while Scorch would love the opportunity to pull up some mines; just ask him! When it's fully sliced, though, a crane will drop a crate atop the droid, taking it out once and for all. It's important to keep your teammate alive, though, since you won't have a chance to resurrect him if he dies, so periodically task him to the bacta dispensers in the corner. At the outset of the level, you'll have four Trandos coming at you from over the barricade, so take them out before planting the charge. Advance To The Center Span I know what you're thinking, punk...did I fire 59 shots or 60? One thing to note about the blaster rifle is that it's markedly more accurate when you're aiming down the sights than it is while fired from the hip, so when you're firing at something that's a good distance away, hit that zoom key to tighten up your grouping. Granted, its power does make the WRL a nice sidearm to pack, especially since there are so few weapons that come anywhere close to the anti-armor attachment's power level when dealing with armored foes (and although the WRL isn't quite there, it is at least in the ballpark). Disregard the placement positions on the balcony, as well; when everyone's healed, tell them all to form up and head down the ramp on the far side of the balcony to reach the lower level of the room. Of course, you can also attempt to place a charge on the dispenser, but this is difficult to do while covering it with anti-armor. After the dispenser's been taken out, you'll be more able to focus on the SBD's, whether with EC grenades or anti-armor rounds, or just by focusing your team's fire on one at a time.

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