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section 17 child protection

Identification of children in need and provision of information; Maintenance of a register of children with disabilities; Provision of accommodation in order to protect children; Provision of services for children with a disability; Provision to reduce the need for care proceedings etc; Provision of services for children in need living with their families; Maintenance of child's links with family. Staff also need to be mindful as to whether the costs of the service required should rightly be met by the Health Authority or Educational Services. For guidance on the reimbursement rates for petrol costs, please refer to. Where the budget holding service manager is absent any financial assistance or a single item above approved limits, will require approval from a service manager from the same management group, with an automatic notification to the budget holding service manager for their return. It was concerned that some children were being unfairly denied benefits under the scheme. This will also apply to the presentation of an application to the Access to Resource Panel which in the absence of the service manager can be taken by another service manager in the same management group. ... A child protection referral from a professional cannot be treated as anonymous, so the parent will ultimately become aware of the identity of the referrer. Educational and training programs. All requests must be recorded on the child's file and SCF Form uploaded Care Director signposted from case notes. The most up to date figures can be obtained from. Section 17(1) Children Act 1989 sets out the gene… GP confirmation of medical conditions reported to impact upon capacity to travel or use public transport are to be provided to the Local Authority by the parent, carer, adult family member; Reimbursement of petrol costs to be subject to driver and vehicle being appropriately licensed and insured. Attorney General Charter Intervention Guidelines, Guidelines for Preparing Compatible Legislation, Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, Notice to Attorney-General and Commission, Declaration of inconsistant interpretation, Action on Declaration of Inconsistent Interpretation, Review of the Charter after 4 Years of Operation, Review of the Charter after 8 Years of Operation, Section 8 - Recognition and equality before the law, Section 10 - Protection from torture and cruel inhuman or degrading treatment, Section 14 - Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief, Section 16 - Peaceful assembly and freedom of association, Section 19(2) - Distinct cultural rights of Aboriginal persons, Section 21 - Right to liberty and security of the person, Section 22 - Humane treatment when deprived of liberty, Section 23 - Children in the criminal process, Section 25(1) - The right to be presumed innocent, Section 25(2) - Minimum guarantees in criminal proceedings, Section 25(3) - Rights of children in criminal proceedings, Section 25(4) - Right to review of conviction and sentance, Section 26 - Right not to be tried or punished more than once, Section 27(1) - No retrospective criminal laws, Section 27(4) - Crimes under international law, Summary of the Charter rights particularly relevant to children. A s17 payment to a Child in Need will be reviewed in supervision a month after the payment has been made and not exceeding three months and recorded on the child's case file on Care Director. It is the responsibility of the service manager and finance officer to meet monthly to monitor the budget. It is therefore vitally important that steps are taken to maximise benefit income and rectify administrative problems if these are giving rise to demand on Children and Family Services funds. The UN Human Rights Committee has interpreted the equivalent ICCPR provision (article 24) to require countries to adopt special measures to protect children, in addition to the measures that are required to protect children and adults generally under the ICCPR. No person shall be liable to make any repayment of assistance or of its value at any time when he is in receipt of income support. Section 17 provides for protection of families and children. A spreadsheet should be completed, with the weekly amount listed, the time this weekly payment should be made from to the end or review date. : Rent top ups or acting as rent guarantors for individuals will not be agreed under any circumstances. Evidence needs to be uploaded on Care Director as an attachment and recorded on the child's file under case notes. . The assessment needs to be carried out within 45 days from the point of referral. Services may be given in kind or in exceptional circumstances, in cash (s17 (6)). For example, when examining a report from Canada, the UN Human Rights Committee noted its concern with the way in which the National Child Benefit Supplement for low-income families had been implemented in some Canadian provinces. A guide to benefits for people who foster or adopt, which also covers informal or family and friend carers is available on Gov.UK along with other benefit guides for families, children with disabilities, pregnant women, carers and young people and the current rates of benefit and tax credits. However,as Lady Hale said in Williams v Hackneyin 201… Rental payments for families with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF); 1st month rent and deposit for intentionally homeless families. The standards for community committees in Section 1.2.1, Community Involvement, apply to the use of committees in the provision of child protection services. To assist authorities in discharging those responsibilities, the Act introduces various powers enabling authorities to provide a range of different types of support for children and their families. However no person shall be liable to make any repayment of assistance or its value at any time when s/he is in receipt of Income Support or Family Credit under the Social Security Act 1986 (s17(9)). Advice can also be sought as to possible solutions to administrative and procedural problems such as non-arrival of benefit payments, recovery of alleged overpayments, benefit suspensions due to fraud investigation etc. Such arrangements should assist the parent and enhance, not undermine the parents' authority and control and should extend to work with families when a child is in care, provided it does not jeopardise their welfare. Payments for the care of looked after children residing with Local Authority approved foster cares (including family and friends; Payments for those holding a Child Arrangements Order see Family and Friends Care Policy; Payments to adopters; those holding a Special Guardianship Order; Child Arrangements Order see Adoption Order, Special Guardianship Order and Child Arrangements Order Allowances; Payments to those in receipt of Direct Payments see Disabled Children and Young People Direct Payments. . Crisis loans, budgeting grants and community care grants especially for families under stress; Income Support, JSA and Housing Benefit (on interim or statutory basis); Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit (including help with child care costs); Guardian's Allowance for people caring for bereaved children; Housing Benefit and/or discretionary housing payments; National Insurance benefits (such as Incapacity Benefit and Maternity Allowance); Non-contributory benefits such as Child Benefit, Disability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance; The appeal and review systems of all of the above. Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 states that it is the general duty of every local authority to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area who are in need; and so far as it is consistent with that duty, to promote the upbringing of such children by their families. The period for which funding has been agreed must be clearly communicated by the team worker to the person in receipt of the assistance. The Charter also confers special rights on children in ss. Where it is in a child’s interests to be brought up by his family, section 17 support must also be calculated to provide for the needs of the parent – but, if the parent is here unlawfully, no more than is necessary to avoid the breach of rights under the ECHR or the EU Treaties. This may include supplying contact details for liaison staff in the relevant benefit-paying agencies. necessary to protection of the child or resolution of the emergency. 17 Contact with children in school, education and care service premises, family day care etc. Any agreement for the above needs to be via an Access to Resources Panel application. Public authorities should ensure that there are adequate procedural safeguards in place to ensure that any decision to remove a child from a family unit is both lawful and not arbitrary. Section 17(1) of the Children Act 1989 defines what is meant by children in need. (2) Every child has the right, without discrimination, to such protection as is in his or her best interests and is needed by him or her by reason of being a child. Repeat request for funding needs to be taken to the Access to Resources Panel (ARP). Food - method of payment goods only, in exceptional circumstances cash; Gas - method of payment direct payment only, in exceptional circumstances cash; Electricity - method of payment direct payment only, in exceptional circumstances cash; Clothing - one off payment, method of payment goods only, in no circumstances cash; Toiletries - one off payment, method of payment goods only, in exceptional circumstances cash; Nappies and baby milk should be given in appropriate amounts, no cash provided. Section 17(1) might be qualified by the right to protection in s. 17(2) (for example, when children are removed from a situation of family violence). What are the Objectives Underlying the Charter? This provision is available to support the transport of children, parents, carers or extended family member to attend assessments, activities, appointments and support groups which are essential to a child's plan or to comply with court direction. © 2017 Victorian Government Solictor's Office. Consideration is to be given to whether this could be an extended family member or family friend or community worker including teaching staff with the carers permission if it will not be detrimental to the intervention. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6 at 142 (2003) [5]. CCPR/C/79/Add.105 [20]. 143 R (on the application of P&Q) v. Secretary of State [2001] EWCA Civ. 23 and 25(3). Model mandated reporting policy. Child Protection Act 1999 Page 7 Part 6 Obligations and rights under orders and care agreements Division 1 Chief executive’s obligations under child protection orders and care agreements 73 Chief executive’s obligations about meeting child’s protection and care needs under certain orders and agreements . Where there are child protection concerns, the local authority must make enquiries and decide if any action must be taken under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 . It is possible to attach conditions as to the repayment of the assistance or of its value (s17 (7)). C&F Services is not fundamentally a long-term income maintenance agency and whilst interim arrangements can be made, these need to be time limited. Financial assistance in terms of goods or services, or in exceptional circumstances cash, can be provided to a child, parent or carer under Section 17(6) Children Act 1989 to address identified needs to safeguard and promote a child's welfare where there is no other legitimate source of financial assistance. Section 20 (the misuse of which has been discussed elsewhere at length) is also contained in part three. . The management of the budget and compliance, as well as the Local Authority financial regulations, within which this guidance operates, rests with the budget holder. The court must be satisfied that there are extremely persuasive reasons to make the order. The question is likely to be whether there are sufficiently close and permanent personal relationships to constitute a family. Most recently, there are also concerns arising that the DWP is no longer providing crisis loans, and no applications are being processed as an emergency. Section 17(2) is one of a few provisions in the Charter that grant special rights to children as opposed to children and adults generally. The assessment should address where needs are identified what avenues the family have taken to address the issue themselves, including family members support, via benefits and how family resources are being utilised; Access to community resources should be considered. Child in Need / Section 17 6.1 Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 places a general duty on every local authority to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are in need within their area. The SCF Form should be stored on the child's case file, whether approved or not, with the nature of the request and outcome being recorded in case notes by the worker. Assistance may be unconditional or subject to conditions as to the repayment of the assistance or of its value (in whole or in part). While family unity is an important Charter value, it is not absolute and in this context, as in others, different rights may overlap or conflict. • Severe physical injury, due to abuse or neglect. The UN Human Rights Committee has interpreted the equivalent ICCPR provision to require countries to adopt legislative, administrative and other measures to protect families. Monies should not be given directly to the family or carers except in exceptional circumstances; At point of request for financial support it should be confirmed that there are no alternate sources of finance from the Benefits Agency, Housing Benefit family or friend contributions, other agencies, charities. The "family" in relation to such a child includes any person who has parental responsibility for the child and any other person with whom s/he has been living (s17 (10)). We use cookies to track usage and preferences. S17 payments are time limited and subject to review. An issue recently arose in a case where a mother had agreed that her children should live temporarily with their grandmother, a month later gave s 20 consent for this and a month later the local authority issued proceedings. Professional Interpreters should always be used for assessments; Case Conferences; and court proceedings. The services provided by a local authority in the exercise of functions conferred on them by this section may include giving assistance in kind or in cash. This gives details of how all the Local Authority Housing Departments, C&F Services and Voluntary Organisations will work together in a co-ordinated manner to ensure that the needs of intentionally homeless families are assessed and responded to appropriately. Privacy Policy It is these services which broadly are termed Family Support Services. Section 17 sits in part three of the Act, which is titled ‘Support for Children and Families Provided by Local Authorities in England’. There may be exceptional circumstances where multiple payments are required; these are to be considered on a case by case basis at Access to Resources Panel and must be subject to review and be time-limited. Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 imposes a general duty on local authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of “children in need” in their area. _________________________________________________. Meaning of ‘family’In international human rights law, ‘family’ is given a broad interpretation and includes a range of types of family.As previously mentioned in the discussion on s. 13 (the right to privacy and reputation, including the right not to have one’s family unlawfully or arbitrarily interfered with), the approach of the UN Human Rights Committee regarding ‘family’ is not to provide a definitive list of who is, or is not, included in the term, but to provide general guidance on the definition. Workers must bear in mind that children's needs change over time, that cultural differences should be acknowledged and that not only the needs of a child but also their right to be heard on matters of concern to them must be respected in making judgements about the help to offer. Thus, the UN Human Ri… Justia US Law US Codes and Statutes Connecticut General Statutes 2012 Connecticut General Statutes Title 17a - Social and Human Services and Resources Chapter 319a - Child Welfare Section 17a-101 - (Formerly Sec. The payment must be to support and promote the welfare of the child; An allocated worker should be actively involved with the family at least for the duration of the payments and if the financial assistance is more than one off emergency assistance, this must be assessed as part of an assessment or through the review of a child's plan. The Social Worker should ensure that an initial Child in Need Meeting is arranged … The meaning of ‘family’ in the ICCPR has evolved in the case law of the UN Human Rights Committee to reflect social developments that have occurred since the ICCPR commenced.139 For example, the UN Committee has said that family is not confined by marriage.140 A family may take various forms under this section and should be defined broadly. . Download Section 17 - The Charter Guidelines. Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Act further details the steps that local authorities must take to help children in need to continue to live with their families and generally to prevent the breakdown of family relationships. Any issues with progressing tenancies for service users because of this veto should be brought to the attention of the relevant Head of Service, and other options considered. Legislative provisions that provide for a child to be removed from a family unit will need to be considered in light of s. 17(1) but also s. 17(2) and s. 13 of the Charter. Desktop | Mobile | Responsive. . Section 26-8A-17 - Child protection teams The secretary of social services may appoint child protection teams to assist in the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. There are certain categories where we may make payments e.g. . If theft is alleged, a crime number should be provided and recorded in case notes; All financial assistance is a one off payment. Protection of children from abuse. Where services are to be provided under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989, the social worker or their team manager should convene a Child in Need Planning Meeting within 7 working days to agree a Child in Need Plan. Section 17 and Child Arrangements Orders. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6 at 144 (2003) [3]. An emergency protection order lasts up to eight days, but can be extended once, for a maximum of seven days. Management and ARP decisions and authorisation of payments need to be recorded on Care Director Case Notes. CHILD PROTECTION (OFFENDERS REGISTRATION) ACT 2000 - SECT 17 Offence of failing to comply with reporting obligations 17 Offence of failing to comply with reporting obligations (1) A registrable person must not fail to comply with any of the person's reporting obligations without reasonable excuse. Therefore if your accommodation is provided under section 17 you are NOT a ‘looked after’ child. This has led to requests for Children Services to pay rents; to top up rents; to fund 1st month rent and deposit to secure a tenancy; and to act as rent guarantors for properties. CCPR/C/33/D/201/1985 (12 August 1988). Children’s social care is the lead agency for Section 47 Enquiries (Children … (1) This section applies if— (a) an authorised officer or police officer is investigating an allegation of harm, or risk of harm, to a child; and (b) the officer reasonably believes— Mandated reporters. Concerns of significant harm are substantiated and the child is judged to be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm (N.B. Where immediate protective action is required, the advice of Legal … Before giving any assistance or imposing any conditions, a local authority shall have regard to the means of the child concerned and of each of the child's parents. The total commitment should also be listed to ensure budget commitments are correctly monitored. Section 17 (also called S.17) under the Children Act 1989 is used when a child is classed as in need – for example if they are disabled and have special needs, or have a health issue which may affect their standard of living or development without the necessary support. Child Protection and Community Committees. . Where the team manager is unavailable, delegation can be given to the duty managers or other team managers for the approval of single items within the prescribed financial limits. An assessment must ensure and agree that they could not reasonably be expected to travel using their own means due to medical, situational, financial or geographical reasons. Assessment will identify the needs of the child and their family, the services required to meet those needs and a case plan, detailing which services should be provided by the local authority and which by other agencies. _ (emphasis added) 8. Note that the obligations imposed under s. 17(2) must be carried out without discrimination. Under Section 17 of the Children Act, we are able to provide some level of financial assistance for families in relation to housing if this is assessed to be appropriate, but this cannot be reclaimed. . The right to family life may extend to a person knowing the identity of his or her biological parent, for example, in situations where he or she has been adopted or born as a result of sperm or egg donation, but this right to know the identity of a biological parent must be weighed against privacy rights.144. 139 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, opened for signature, ratification and accession (all ways in which a state can agree to be bound by a convention in international law) on 19 December 1966, 999 UNTS 171 (entered into force on 23 March 1976).

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