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post 16 sen transport hampshire

Legislation, volunteer efforts and community projects are among the topics discussed, as well as upcoming events and activities. A student / student’s family can apply to the council for help with transport costs for Post-16 education. All students (including those with an Education, Health and Care Plan, see below) must make this contribution before transport … When submitting a travel request form the parent or carer must provide evidence to show that without support from the Council the student would be unable to attend their educational placement. When assessing an application for post-16 transport assistance, the County Council considers the criteria as detailed in the policy. Bus passes: Public transport bus passes are sent to the school for pupils to collect at the beginning of the school year. The required contribution for subsidised transport in the 2020/21 academic year is £515 per student. Motability Cars, DLA and PIP and their effects on SEN home to school/post-16 transport eligibility Understanding your rights on SEN home to school transport and parental preference of school placement You can have your say . For full details see the post 16 transport policy; Who can claim post 16 SEN travel assistance. Every year, Hampshire County Council spends over £30 million transporting children to school under its statutory obligations. Eligibility criteria. Surrey. Please only submit an application form if it has been confirmed that the child meets the eligibility criteria and the parent has confirmed that transport assistance is required. They will inform parents/carers of the decision when confirming the school placement. Instead we have to buy an annual season bus ticket which gives access to all the county's bus services (most of which will never be used, since it's primarily for getting to and from college/sixth form a few miles away). School Crossing Patrols in Hampshire provide safer routes to and from school for thousands of children and parents every day. Schools should submit an application form on the parent/carer’s behalf, if requested to do so. The Post 16 training is a national, face-to-face 3 tier training programme for all professionals working in various post 16 settings for young people above 16 years. See the How to apply page to submit a Travel Request Form. You can have your say. Change of personal circumstances: Parents/carers should inform the school when; the pupil’s home address, the school they are attending or any other personal details that may affect their eligibility for transport assistance changes. If the pupil is still eligible it can take up to 10 working days to arrange transport. Post-16 SEND demand is projected to rise: The forecasting model projects that the number of 16 to 18 year olds with EHCPs will rise by 5% between 2018 and 2022. The eligibility criteria is set out in Cornwall’s Post-16 Transport Policy. The policy sought to narrow the circumstances in which transport is considered “necessary” for young people with disabilities and SEN, with the aim of saving £680k. There are a number of public transport service providers in Hampshire. SEN support: support for deaf children without an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans and Personal Budgets School transport Exam access arrangements Making a complaint about your child’s education Getting additional support: Northern Ireland Support for special educational needs School transport We are currently consulting on the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement for the September 2021/22 academic year. Transport will normally only be offered if the student has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or if the student has a disability which means he/she requires transport arrangements to be provided. Travel assistance is not available to students in apprenticeships with employed status, students attending work placements or work experience or other bespoke arrangements including taster days. Learn about the work we do, the people we serve, and why equitable aging matters now more than ever. This also applies to those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). When assessing a student’s eligibility for school transport assistance, Hampshire County Council will apply the Home to School Transport Policy. HCC recognises that families may need a transport service to ensure that 16+ special needs or disabled students can access a place that is suitable for their needs and so do offer, under discretionary powers, a transport service that requires an annual parental contribution. If your child has previously been issued with a bus pass to use Hampshire County Council contracted school transport, then you may be aware that we usually issue new ones at the end of the academic year for use in September at the start of the new term. The aim of guidance, it says, is to reiterate its mission to improve social mobility for young people including providing education and training opportunities for them to gain qualifications and skills they need to reach their potential. When the child is of primary age, there is no viable public transport route, or sufficient evidence is submitted regarding the needs of the child. The parent/carer must take their child to school until transport is arranged. Schools should amend their records and pass the details to the Children’s Services SEN Team to reassess eligibility. Young people with SEND may be eligible for transport assistance if they meet the following criteria: 1. All students who are entitled to school travel assistance will need to contribute £600 a year towards the costs of their transport. When submitting a travel request form the parent or carer must provide evidence to show that without support from the Council the student would be unable to attend their educational placement. No, the parent must do this and be aware that there may be a charge to use the service. Note that although this is guidance only (i.e. Post-16 Transport. Every year, Hampshire County Council spends over £30 million transporting children to school under its statutory obligations. The application will then be approved by Children’s Services SEN Team and the Transport Team will make the transport arrangements. These provisions operate their own Home to School Transport service for students eligible for transport assistance. Free help with transport to education is not an automatic right for disabled young people. Can I apply for transport for secondary aged pupils? Contribution towards post-16 travel assistance; 5. There is statutory guidance, ‘Post-16 transport to education and training’, concerning the groups of young people LAs should prioritise and this includes young people with SEN. Sixth form age means they are over compulsory school age (which ends on the last Friday in June in the academic year in which s/he turns 16) but under 19. Parents (in exceptional cases the child’s ‘home’ school may assist with funding). Travel assistance is not available to students in apprenticeships with employed status, students attending work placements or work experience or other bespoke arrangements including taster days. Letter received from SEN team confirming availability, Parent/carer asks school to submit application, end of term details (including early closures). In our rural county I have just learnt that there is no free or subsidised transport at all for post-16 education. When reviewing a post-16 request for travel assistance, Hampshire County Council will consider the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. Only in very exceptional circumstances, these should be assessed on a case by case basis. To find out if your child will qualify for local authority funded transport assistance from near your home. Apply online for SEN 4-16 travel assistance. Pupils’ behaviour: Pupils should behave appropriately when using school transport and follow the Behaviour Code of Conduct. Live in Cambridgeshire 2. Transport post-16. Our specialist Post 16 area features dedicated study facilities and extensive IT provision for the exclusive use of sixth form students, as well as an expansive and welcoming common room for building the friendships and peer support, which are integral to the quality of Post 16 education. The volume of 19 to 24 year olds with EHCPs is projected to remain broadly static in the same time period (see Appendix 1 for data sources). On 27 May 2020 Hampshire County Council approved its new post-16 transport policy for the 2020-2021 academic year. Students should check with their establishment about the transport arrangements and ticketing prices that can apply to both bus and train travel. West Sussex. This service costs the Council in excess of £30 million per year. Colleges and schools in Hampshire have their own transport arrangements but the situation does vary. For information on school or college transport assistance including eligibility and how to apply, parents/carers should be directed to the “I am a parent/carer” section. Have a valid Statement or EHCP, and be unable to access public transport, school bus contracts or walk 4. That’s why we’re on a path to improve the lives of 40 million older adults by 2030. Among its findings was that 51% of local school transport policies in England included unlawful statements, such as needing an EHCP to be eligible for free school transport, or stating that children with the high-rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) … Schools and colleges are reminded to ensure the information they are giving to parents/carers is consistent with the relevant policy. Pupils must remain at school or parents/carers must make alternative arrangements. Eligibility for transport assistance to a SEN school or placement. Where a student has a learning difficulty or a disability, a transport needs assessment must be completed by the SEN team as part of the annual review process. You can also apply by post using this form: Home to school travel assistance application form for children aged 4 - 16 with learning difficulties and/or disabilities but this will take longer to process. Visit our COVID-19 webpages for the latest updates and changes to services, as well as for information and guidance. Two thirds of county councils are charging post-16 SEND learners for transport to and from their lessons, FE Week has discovered. A new application is needed for post-16 transport assistance every year as the policy statement is reviewed annually. Hampshire County Council will use GIS mapping software to measure this distance. " A contribution charge for Post 16 SEN Travel Assistance " An enhancement to Direct Payment rate to encourage more families to make their own travel arrangements. Oxfordshire. School Escorts: A School Escort will be provided on SEN transport, if required, and will be based on the needs of the pupils travelling. It can take up to 6 working days upon receipt of an application form. When is contracted transport provided as opposed to a bus pass?

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