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maya hee maya hoo guy

Yes, sir. Tell us, where were you on the night of September 5, when the murder occurred? I believe our guest Miss May is currently using the, er, facilities...? You may call your first witness. I've made up my mind! 2020-10-28T21:04:41Z Comment by Simon Your next remix should be of “Take Me Higher” from Ultraman Tiga. Oh, alright. Phoenix: That testimony stinks! Do I just leave her and go home...?). Edgeworth: It's encrusted with dried blood. A long, long time ago. It couldn't have rung! (Time to pay a visit to Miss May! I'm looking forward to the trial! They're all busily searching for clues...). I beg your pardon, but could you leave? What should I do...? Rock solid! Really? Phoenix: I accept your condition. Maybe I should just listen to the testimony again. So you admit you tapped her phone! Wait! This late at night? Was Mia trying to tell us something about that girl? She asked for an ice coffee to be brought to her at 9:00, on the dot, sir. And now I'll show you the "proof" you like so much! A table for clients. The room was dark. Everything is sold in stores! (Hmm... if I tell him why I want it there's no way he'll give it to me!). And you're no killer! He said, "Don't say nothing to that lawyer, pal!" I'm going to find out more about this man. ), (Uh oh! That's true. Something like that, sir. So, you admit to this? That stupid clock doesn't matter, okay!? Ah, yes, pillows are light... sir? Guess I'll head out.). Hold on. You were tapping the victim's phone! You want to know the results, eh? Ice coffee? Phoenix: Well, Mr. Wright? April: Um... the kinda statue-y clock? I'm still in training. Judge: I can, and will! It must be hard to keep track of everything when you're a famous lawyer... Not to mention run an office like this. Phoenix: Judge: She said if I was ever in trouble, I should call him. Figuratively, of course.). Judge: You know? Phoenix: April: Yes, what is the meaning! Phoenix: So, who was this man who, um, "ruined" your mother? I saw it! I could smell blood. Judge: Phoenix: She said her sister was coming over so we should all go out for dinner... ... What's that smell...? She's holding a phone in her hand... Phoenix: You were in the hotel at the time of the murder. Report Save. The witness saw the murder with her own eyes! I promise. However! No touching! She looks like an entirely different person! I've also heard about you. Phoenix: Judge: Gumshoe: I believe I received a call after 8:00 in the evening from our guest, Miss May. Maya hee Maya hoo Maya ha Maya haha. Phoenix: And, well, I'm in trouble. You know, you're cute when you blush. (Uh oh... he sounded pretty confident. Share. Think! The witness will refrain from wonton * ([sic]; changed to wanton in the 3DS remake) winking! Judge: One more time. And so did Detective Gumshoe! Phoenix: Judge: Right! Phoenix: Miss May, let me ask. Ahah! I hear they take the, um, little bits in the blood, the... er... hemo... hemogl... Hermo... goblins... hobgob... Er...? She's not to go outside her room until the trial! That witness's strange behavior... was that all an act? (S-she can't prove it! Hmm? Try to think before you make accusations, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: Edgeworth: Except for... well, everything!) They told me that if I don't find one, the state will pick an attorney to defend me. But this directly contradicts a piece of evidence already submitted to this court! What about my cross-examination!? (What? Gumshoe: Why did I become a lawyer in the first place...? ), ("Maya"...? Tell us what was written on that memo you found.". I can't afford any mistakes now! Mr. Wright! Gumshoe: I've been there. Phoenix: "(Hmm... seems like Mr. Grossberg is out. So then, tell us what happened to the victim. Listen to me, Mr. Wright. (According to the receptionist, the big boss is "out". Let's give this a try!). Your Honor! Order! Bed... bed making! (Her testimony certainly does make sense... And everyone in the court keeps siding with her. She left one day, quite suddenly... She had a mission, you see. (Let's see how far I can run with this...) Surely, you must have had a reason to look out your window at that time of night! Y-yes, sir! (I got a bad feeling about this...). I'll give you one more question, that's all. S-sorry, Your Honor. I found a memo written on a piece of paper next to the victim's body! Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side.) Leads to: : The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, and the lawyer, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Let the witness Miss April May take the stand. A word is written in blood on this scrap of paper! ), Leads to: Edgeworth: With her funky hippie clothes and your spiky hair? Phoenix: Alright. 241. "Immediate death due to a blow from a blunt object." Edgeworth: The farmer said, "she can't understand ya... she's a donkey!" My first thought was that she was a beautiful, beautiful person. I don't think so. Can you prove that? Edgeworth: I immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey! Why would I go there! ", "It was quite the scene! Looks like she was hit in the head with a blunt weapon. Maybe I'd better go talk to that lawyer again. ], (This is familiar territory. Judge: Phoenix: I had a feeling! But questions are all I have, Your Honor! Phoenix: (Alright! Oooh! Why would she have something like this in her hotel room? Phoenix: I see. That is all. G-Gumtree...? ), (Umm... *gulp* Better not encourage her. What's that? W-what? (What's going on!? The police are still keeping themselves busy in the chief's office. She probably died instantly. Oooh. Hmm. A... wiretap? Is someone staying here with you? Phoenix: Detention Center Yes! Phoenix: The body was found by this window, here. I'm happy to be of service. This might not be good...). "Observe," "incident"! Her powers were first- class, too! The "Gatewater Hotel." Do you have proof that she knew of the conversation? I asked for a full record of April May's testimony. (Hmm, probably shouldn't have asked her about the murder weapon...). (Don't know...? A, er, medium-in-training. We'll hit the usual joint. I am so very sorry. Well, does the defense have anything to say? I should pick my points to press with a little more care...). Please, don't mind me! She probably died instantly. Phoenix: I guess you'd call this "modern art." And I can show you the proof! Gumshoe: I understand. Let's see... that morning, I got a call from my sister. Listen to me, Mr. Wright. And it tells you the time!]. "Dragostea Din Tei" (pronounced [ˈdraɡoste̯a din ˈtej] ; Romanian for '"Love from the Lindens"'; official English title: "Words of Love"), also informally known as "Maya Hi" and "Numa Numa" (see § Lyrics), is a song by Moldovan pop group O-Zone, released as the second single … (There's nothing there! Phoenix: Mr. Wright. If it goes Maya he Maya ho Maya he maya ha … Edgeworth: Maya hee hee ... Told my neighbor, jenny, she was hooking up with the wrong guy... he's a jackass... She laughed, "hee haw!" Very well, Detective. ), Leads to: No, I won't sell it! Per consentire a Verizon Media e ai nostri partner di trattare i tuoi dati personali, seleziona “Accetto” oppure seleziona “Gestisci impostazioni” per ulteriori informazioni e per gestire le tue preferenze in merito. If he stopped me there, the trial would be over!). You have proof that she could not? Mia's favorite potted plant. ", Phoenix: Correct? I thought you might like it. Only two exist in the world. Phoenix: Phoenix: Phoenix: Someone who died immediately wouldn't have the time to write anything down. There's something that's been bugging me... Just what was inside that strange woman's drawer? There's no way I can win this unless I tie Miss May to the murder somehow...), (What...!? Edgeworth: Sorry, I got the order of things mixed up in my testimony, Your Honor Sir! Edgeworth: You know who! But I don't see any other way to take this!) Objection overruled. Maya: Give me one more chance! Judge: No "but"-ing your way out of this one, Detective! I checked Miss May in personally. Would you care to explain this to the court? ", Maya: The only thing it's missing is... Mia. Phoenix: No one has time to talk to me. The law offices of Fey & Co., where the murder took place, are very close to the hotel. After about twenty more minutes, Cory sighed of relaxation as he pulled into the driveway of a place that he would call his second home. Do you think he was the one who...? "Do you have proof that she knew of the conversation?". You can count on me.". You ARE nothing. Excuse me, but I'm a witness? WHAAAAT!? Now, I have heard of light novel authors with great talent having to quit due to essentially overworking themselves. Hoh. Yeah, it's made to look like that statue, "The Thinker." Yeah, and while you're at it, pull mine too, pal! The color of the sky! Everything is written in the chief's ultra-neat handwriting. Not yet. "The prosecution's point being...?". Pretty please? Maya: Phoenix: You will withdraw your question, Mr. Wright. How you like that? Amir Zaki’s Song “Mera Pyar Tum Hee tou hoo” wah yaar kya baat hai :) and infact let me share the OST below .. I should pick my points to press with a little more care...). The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, was at the scene of the crime. Your Honor, This is irrelevant! The woman with long hair... that was Mia Fey? There's got to be something in there somewhere! One more thing I wanted to mention to you. I hope she didn't run on me.) The police's consultation with a medium had all been carried out in secret, of course. W-well, sir, you er... you didn't ask! Phoenix: That witness's strange behavior... was that all an act? Do you think you could go ask him to represent me? The flowers are fake, as expected. Phoenix: I could really go for a good burger. Try to be more careful! Phoenix: Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side.) Better not ask her about this now. Informazioni su dispositivo e connessione Internet, incluso l'indirizzo IP, Attività di navigazione e di ricerca durante l'utilizzo dei siti web e delle app di Verizon Media. I... just didn't think all the trifling little details were necessary, darling. How did you know it was a clock? There is one other way Miss April May could have known it was a clock! (I'd better give it to her straight...) It's up to you. Listen once more to the conversation between the defendant and the victim. Phoenix: Also, there was blood found on the victim's finger! Oooh? Bellboy: You were tapping the victim, Ms. Mia Fey's phone, were you not? It was you who just proved that "The Thinker" was empty! Oh, right. He refused me before I even got a chance to ask him! ), (Damn! : I can't afford any mistakes now!). Okay? Surprisingly, the chief was never good with machines. Miss April May! ", Mia: "How did the witness know "The Thinker" was a clock?". Judge: Jack Bogdanski of Portland, Oregon. What happened to Miss May after that, anyway? You must know her techniques well. Then, when you brought them room service, you didn't see that man in the room...? ), (The office is filled with police officers. Umm... ahem! experience.". Gumshoe: If you've no need of anything, I'll be taking my leave. What? I'll probably never meet her again. (Uh oh... he sounded pretty confident. Er... ahem! (I think that's enough snooping around for now. (Wait... no, this can't be right! Wait...! Maya: On with the cross-examination. Leads to: ??? Maya: She's saying exactly what Edgeworth wants her to say. Thank you, Your Honor. Is that French for "embrace"? I think you might want to wait... give him three more years. Gumshoe: (Grr! ), (No! Order! Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic. Phoenix: Bellboy: Hey, I got your cell phone back. Judge: But that girl, she caught up to her and... and... She hit her! Phoenix: Phoenix: : April: Judge: Yes. They probably won't let her out for a while. Hah! Does the defense have an opinion on this... behavior? Wh-what!? : Tell us the truth now... Did Miss May check in with another person? I'd better go see if I can find this elite lawyer she's talking about.). *wink*. Oh! Very well. Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination. What kind of "tests" were these again? Umm... hi. Bellboy: I present the defendant's cell phone. ??? Am I understood? Phoenix: I know, I know. So you trust me, too, okay? (That girl just now... where'd she go!? The victim is the only person who absolutely could NOT have written it! What do I tell Maya...? April: I smell blood... and that can't be good! Bellboy: The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair! Well! This guard monitors the visitor's room. I sort of, y'know. That's how I got there before the killer got away! I have no one else to turn to... Phoenix: I'll get to this woman's bottom! Autopsy Report added to the Court Record. Phoenix: Leads to: You can see the inside of the room pretty clearly from here. Tee hee! Share. April: Phoenix: I'll go look elsewhere. April: W-well? Anyone can see that! Phoenix: Now to deal the final blow! Phoenix: Edgeworth: Mr. Wright! Well... proof, you say? Leads to: ("White" was the name of the guy who ruined Mia and Maya's mother! Please, continue your testimony. Phoenix: How did the witness know "The Thinker" was a clock? "The proof that the victim said, on the phone, that the weapon was a clock is...". Phoenix: A perfectly normal office desk. I'd better go see if I can find this elite lawyer she's talking about. Phoenix: Phoenix: "(Did I look at her like that?)". That tea set looks rather heavy, so without further ado, the witness may begin his testimony. Do you want to hear it in her own voice? Now don't you look at me like that, pal! Edgeworth: Yeah, that seems about right. (First things first, I better get her cheered up...) Yeah, of course I will! The testimony is bogus! This was lying next to the chief. April: Phoenix: Phoenix: ), April: But I'm afraid that no lawyer worth their salt will take on this particular case. Bellboy! Also, there was blood found on the victim's finger! If Miss April May's alibi is not called into question after you examine the bellboy... Then you will recognize that Miss April May was not the killer, thus she is innocent! She... my mother... became the laughing stock of the nation. She said she wanted me to keep some evidence for her. Therefore, I knocked on her door at the crack of 9:00, sir. April: I've got nothing to lose! That's right, pal! Phoenix: That's enough, Detective Gumshoe. [It's... a clock. (Upset!? Sorry. Phoenix: ??? Yes, Mr. Wright? "Maya"...? [Huh? Phoenix: And then, oooh! April: (Why would she be so particular about the time?). I'd better not show any signs of weakness today, or he'll be on me in an instant.). Hold on! Judge: Phoenix: That's when you heard it! (Gah! Please continue. This is all like something out of a movie! Phoenix: This is my last chance! Actually, I'm calling because I have a favor to ask. Sorry, pal. *wink*. Gumshoe: I saw a woman with long hair being attacked! Tee hee! What do we have here! Why would she write my name? Your Honor! So, you've been to the law offices of Fey & Co.! ), [So you just want me to hold on to "The Thinker" for you, then? That she was accusing the defendant, Maya Fey? Let's see your evidence, for real this time, Mr. Wright. One way alone! Miss May doesn't like nosey little lawyers... Hmph! If It Goes Like Maya Hee Maya Haa Maya Hoo Maya Haa Haa Your Gonna Be a shinning star with fancy clothes and fancy cars , the men you see there gonna go far coz everyone nos just hoo you are .. Just Live Your Life A-a-a-a-a-a Got No Time For No Hitters Just Live Your Life ... and then a guy Summ Guys Rappp A... clock? experience. "It was quite the scene! I see. And I expect real proof this time! I heard they arrested her. Well, Mr. Wright? I know. Er... you know that thing that occur... um... happened the other day? You haven't called in a while. Mia: Phoenix: I should have known you'd have something up your sleeve! Phoenix: Enough! (Huh? Not. Mr. Wright, this court does not condone the presentation of evidence for "practice." Maya: Leads back to: You two stand out like... like suspicious people at a crime scene! ), (There's nothing left here for me to do... She'll be better off with a state-appointed lawyer. I've heard there's nothing you won't do to get your verdict... What reason could you possibly have had to request a second autopsy report? It was heavy enough to be a deadly weapon, even in a girl's hands, sir! Well, isn't it o-obvious? If I heard correctly... You said you arrested her because you had "hard evidence" she did it, correct? "I won't abandon you. Hmm? : Gumshoe: exclaimed Cory as the car was able to move again, causing Riley and Maya to laugh again. Therefore, this witness... is a big, fat liar! It's been a while...", "...He's a genius. The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair! Phoenix: I'm really quite busy here, son. Miss May held that very clock in her hands! What gives you the right to talk to ME like that! Bellboy: There's the Fey & Co. Law Offices building, of course. ), (Exactly what part of her is "innocent"...? What exactly is it you do at the hotel? Show me evidence proving that the witness had "heard" the murder weapon was a clock. (Did I look at her like that?) Even I can tell someone here's got money to burn. Hmm... Maya's not here. How come you're so very certain!? Phoenix: Way, I say! (Damn! Phoenix: I don't want to disturb her, but I have to know...), (Hmm, probably shouldn't have asked her about the murder weapon...), (Never heard of a glass light stand before...), (I'd better hurry up and call the police! Maya: Phoenix: Anyway, time to hit the pavement and do some investigating! Isn't this a murder trial? Phoenix: Nah, I'm just teasing. W-w-whoa! That's the murder weapon. Maya: (Hmm. : Phoenix: It's slightly open. I've been great! Well, this is interesting. No trespassing! Just have a look... As soon as you can! Gumshoe: Anyway, you'd better not! (Smooth, Wright, real smooth.). The murder weapon was a statue of "The Thinker" found next to the body, sir! How can you possibly say that!? This was the site of my original blog, which was was in active operation from July 6, 2002 to April 5, 2013, with a brief outage in July and August of 2004. Phoenix: Of course, there are rumors of back-alley deals and forged evidence...), Leads to: : I think you can expect a pleasant bonus in your next pay check. Phoenix: Maya: Um... the kinda statue-y clock? ... She... worked here. She's saying exactly what Edgeworth wants her to say.) I checked Miss May in personally, sir. It practically qualifies as a serial murderer by now. As soon as the phone call came in, I rushed to the scene! Phoenix: ], Mia: As you say... it can't ring. Will you cross-examine the witness? Ooh! 299 votes, 39 comments. Phoenix: Ah... yes. Phoenix: Maybe I should just listen to the testimony again. I'm sorry, but I can't give you what I don't have. That face of his! Phoenix: What's more, the witness has a rock-solid alibi. A simple, functional design. Judge: The point being, I remembered her quite well, sir. Edgeworth: A friend of mine made that clock. Phoenix: I'm going to defend you whether you want me to or not!". Something good! Gumshoe: Maya: "Maya"...! Maya: It's all so exciting I can hardly contain myself! Why did I become a lawyer in the first place...? Phoenix: Phoenix: ... (4:00 PM. "You can't be serious! Before she died, the victim wrote the killer's name! April May! I'd better call the police! Alright Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Gumshoe: Thanks, Maya. See anything interesting, Your Honor? *grumble* (The good detective better remember he's up for evaluation soon...). Judge: And I'm the one in charge here so don't push your luck! ), (Uh oh, bad reaction. Maya: Huh? (Whatever you say, Detective...). That's Detective Gumshoe to you, pal! Mr. Hmm... it says "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo"... "The Steel Samurai"... that action hero on TV? Phoenix: The witness was in her hotel room, not the office. (I pity the lawyer that has to cross-examine this one.). runs in our blood. What's up? Phoenix: I guess I'll just have to come back later.). Phoenix: ), Leads to: There's only one thing I know for certain. If you have any decency, you will end this rather tedious cross-examination here! I mean Your Honor Sir. The story of the "maya-hee maya-hoo maya-ha" lip-syncing dancer guy just gets more and more fascinating every day. But I am afraid I must ask you for one more thing. Y-you're trying to confuse me! I am the bellboy of this establishment, at your service, sir. The defense is ready, Your Honor. Maya: I guess pressing can have its advantages!). "(Seems he didn't notice the recorded conversation...)", Phoenix: That badge on your collar...? I should have been more careful. He makes the song’s catchy falsetto opening (“Maya-HEE! (I can't see a single contradiction in there! Judge: You're back! Mr. Wright, please refrain from flippant presentations of evidence in the future. Tell us what was written on that memo you found. Then how come no one could get in touch with you? ), (This is not good... She's already captured the heart of every man in the court! Edgeworth: All the evidence seems to say "yes." (Whew, that was close. Not! This is the address of a famous lawyer. Huh, that's strange. Judge: ??? Edgeworth: Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her... Phoenix: Several years after that, my sister announced she would "become a lawyer" and she left the mountain. I remember it had this bizarre name no one could ever remember. Phoenix: Maya: It was, like, 9:00 at night. Well, Miss May? Miss May was quite insistent that it be brought then. Miss May, huh?) Do you think you could tell me something? Huh? April: Leads to: I've nothing more to discuss with you. It sent shivers up my spine! Your Honor! And I delivered the ice coffee to our guest Miss May, herself. Not.) Well, when I brought the room service, sir... S-she... the guest, sir, favored me w-with a, um, an "embrasser," sir. He's the key! Phoenix: Phoenix: This evidence reveals the truth of the matter! I didn't think you'd believe me. That didn't go so well. About Ms. Fey... did you do an autopsy? Phoenix: So she could still be alive? You understand? ), (Whew, that was close. That is correct, Your Honor. Phoenix: (Who's trying to cheer up who here!?). Judge: I have to check and see if Mia... the Chief's okay! : I won't abandon you. Mr. Wright! I was wondering, could I ask you a favor? Um... what... what's wrong? The guest had requested ice coffee... $18 was the charge, as I recall. Can you prove you had nothing to do with this murder, even though you tapped her phone? (I'd better hurry up and call the police!). Why? Phoenix: Maya: Phoenix: (Maybe if I joke a bit she'll cheer up...) Hah hah! Yes yes yes! The oil paint is so thick it's practically giving me a stuffed nose. Judge: Edgeworth: Phoenix: I put some papers inside it instead. Then the woman, like, dodged to one side and ran away! We have just learned of another person involved who may have been the murderer! Let's take a look...), (Upset!? Judge: It is begging to be remixed. Don't worry, I'll go ask him for you. That didn't go so well.). Right... can you just tell me what it is you do? Well, it's not so much a place as a... er... Edgeworth: Judge: After securing the suspect, I examined the scene of the crime with my own eyes. They're all busily searching for clues...), (How could anyone mistake me for Larry!? I've been there. Leads to: Uh... y-yes, that's me! I do put it that way, and I trust you will too! Edgeworth: Phoenix: I could feel it when I held her shoulder. )", Phoenix: Judge: I guess, I haven't heard of many cases... no. (...! Oh! Phoenix: Honestly, I was on edge the whole time. Judge: It's made to look like that statue, "The Thinker." ), (If only because I have a feeling Edgeworth doesn't want me to! I was just playing dumb. "There's a screwdriver sticking out of that half-open drawer.". Maya: Edgeworth: Gumshoe: She was, Your Honor! The defense would like to call the hotel bellboy as a witness! Judge: The women in my family have been mediums for generations. Didn't you? Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side.) I could really go for a good burger. Are you sure that Mia wrote it herself? What's it to you, porcupine-head!? Gumshoe: Th-the killer! Gumshoe: Eh, ahem! I'm not a little girl anymore, Sis! But... at the same time, I can't just sit and watch! Fine. ...! Indeed! Creep. I remember! I could feel it when I held her shoulder. I think this is the kind of thing you should really do yourself. But, if that's the case... Then how did she know "The Thinker" was a clock!? I should have expected Maya would know some of her sister's tricks! Oh, I was just "doing my job" you know... heh heh. "(There's a screwdriver stuck in this drawer.)". But how would the witness know of this conversation? Somehow... he knew!). (Uh oh, bad reaction. Detective Gumshoe! Grossberg: Ma-ya-hi, ma-ya-hoo. Stop right there. Yes! Edgeworth: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Edgeworth: However, she had heard that it was a clock! Edgeworth: Here you go. It's hard seeing her like this, but if there are any clues here... She was struck on the head with a blunt object. I had hard evidence she did it, sir! A real pro, this guy. Your eternal silence... Farewell, Miss Fey. Gumshoe: How exactly are that evidence and the statement just now related...? Anyway, I don't want either of you moving one inch, 'kay? Phoenix: Well... it could have been the witness, Miss May! ), (I feel bad for her, all by herself up on that mountain...), (Maya's eyes closed... She listened to every word with such intensity... Before long, tears began to roll down her cheeks. Tee hee! And don't go calling me "Dick"...". He's a feared prosecutor. You can count on me. Does the accuracy of my report not startle you? There is no other way she could have known "The Thinker" was a clock! My sister... Phoenix: This is where she filed her case records and recent rulings. Order! April: At your service. Good-bye. Well, Miss May? Do I just leave her and go home...? Allow me to explain how I see the truth of the matter. Phoenix: Chief...? Oh! Phoenix: Sure. But I can't tell you anything about her! ), (Uh oh, time to scram! The court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony. I was wondering what you were going to ask, but bed making? I hardly call that "irrelevant"! April: Um... Gumshoe, wasn't it? Wait! ), (My heart goes out to you, Edgeworth. : (I feel bad for her, all by herself up on that mountain...). Would you care to explain to the court the meaning of this? Hey! Um, well... (Come on, think of something!). A small writing desk cluttered with office supplies. I wonder what's inside? What did he say!?) Judge: Maya (ah!) I guess there wouldn't be much point. It was a moment I shall never, ever forget, sir. Phoenix: The court's seen the real Miss April May now! April: Judge: Objection overruled. Phoenix: Phoenix: I cannot say. Phoenix: Phoenix: Case closed!

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