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hold your light spiritual

Satan ain't got notin' for do wid me. Your email address will not be published. Hold on ! We do not belong to the night or to the darkness” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). He explained that no one lights a lamp just to hide it under a basket. Image Art by Josephine Wall Lightworkers are the flame carriers, they hold the light energy of this planet in balance and have come to Earth in order to help shift it into a higher level of consciousness. This time is no different from all the earlier occasions when humanity has found it necessary to battle the lower energies for every step forward! This should allow you to make a more informed purchasing decision, and with tens of thousands of scores to choose from, there should be one appropriate for you. Here are four simple steps to doing that: Let go of judgment Elder L. Tom Perry (1922–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “If we heed the gentle promptings of the Holy Ghost, it can … guide us back to our eternal home to live with our eternal Father in Heaven.” 6 Nothing has helped me see more clearly the positive spiritual value of having one’s faith tradition challenged than reading the Bible. As you open to higher levels of light and spiritual energy, … Yet, there are those who do not wish this activity to take place. Sin is left in the shadows as we let our light “shine before men” (Matthew 5:16). Community of Christ. The angels may appear with wings sometimes, but that is not mandatory. You usually put someone/something on the spotlight when you want to see it … San Francisco State University's University Chorus performing Hold Out Your Light arranged by Moses Hogan for their Fall 2016 Candlelight Concert. Whether you’re timid or outgoing, you’re called to be a light to the people around you. It is a way of praying for others using silence and imaging. “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11). Spiritual light moves through the body and opens areas of the body that have been closed, traumatized or blocked. Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters The person who is Light in nature laughs easily and takes life as it comes. God Will Hold Your Hand. Hold your light, Hold your light, Hold your light on Canaan's shore." Your spiritual journey is … Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger forLady Portia & The Ascended MastersCopyright 2020. A Light heart is wise, not held down by heavy emotion and thoughts of doom or despondency. What had the Nephites seen Him do, and could I possibly do those things in my home? Although few people are aware of it, this time on earth is quite beneficial for humanity, even though it obviously contains immense challenges as far as your ability to hold your focus on the higher energies – and the higher perspectives of Divine Truth and Light! A lamp is meant to be placed on a stand to give light to everything around it. "I hold you in the light" could mean different things depending on the situation, but the basic meaning would be that "I look up to you", but could be as strong a sentiment as "I love you". Find Ministries, Services, Teams, and Affiliates. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8). Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others” (Matthew 5:16a). To download this article as a PDF, CLICK HERE, *          *          *          *          *          *          *. Sung by Tim Bell and accompanied by Glenn Potter.Recorded at Knox United Church music rehearsal of Feb 9th, 2012. They have […] When we walk in the light, we cannot walk in darkness. Lightworkers are souls that have agreed to come to this planet in order to fulfil this duty. The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?" Earth is poised to take a great leap forward in her evolutionary progress, and this has drawn the attention of energies who oppose this progress. With our love, we are Lady Portia and Count St. Germain. (Psalm 27:1).In Psalm 27, we see David's devotion to the Lord. There have been great cosmic alignments which have highlighted this time on earth as the time of a great evolutionary step forward for you, for humanity, and for all life on earth! The days are numbered for the dark energies who have held earth bound in ignorance, despair, and darkness – for even now we witness the dawning of a new day on your planet, as you are being inexorably lifted from the grip of these lower energies!Â. The higher your vibration the more light you hold, the faster your light particles vibrate, the higher your consciousness and the stronger you are connected to your soul and God self. The term lightworker is fairly new to me, so this was a really interesting article to read! Know that you are guaranteed of success in your mission to restore the Divine Light of her heritage to this blessed planet. Remember to always remain positive in your attitude – even amidst the storms of negativity which now often circulate on the earth, propelled by the consciousness of many who, unfortunately, do not know how to maintain their connection and alignment with the energies of the Higher Divine Realms of Consciousness. Christians, hold out your light, Christians, hold out your light, Christians, hold out your light, Hold out the light of God. The hour approaches for the redemption of earth from the influence of these dark energies which would hold you as prisoners – bound in ignorance of your Divine Heritage and your Destiny. 18:24; emphasis added). Your love is needed now to continue the great work that is being done – to transform earth into The Shining Star in the cosmos which she CAN AND WILL BECOME! Hold Out Your Light sheet music arrangements are below. And it will be remembered only as a tiny footnote in the records of the vast resurgence of Light, Love, and Power which is NOW taking place on your planet. Hold fast to it for the sake of faith. Your email address will not be published. It seemed the simplest primitive type of "spiritual." 2 They are in the door of heav’n, They keep the sinners out, They ridicule the blood-washed child, Who has a right to shout. Instead, believe the Truth which resides in your hearts – for you know that you are the “Divine Change-Makers” for earth – who have come here with a Mission – and you WILL PREVAIL over all that is less than Light! "Hold your light, Brudder Robert,-Hold your light, Hold your light on Canaan's shore. Do not despair – do not be concerned, for it has ever been so! She is now RADIANT with Light – appearing as a Shining Beacon of Freedom in your solar system! Holding in the Light Holding in the Light is a form of communal intercessory prayer adapted from the Quaker movement. For she DOES shine in the cosmos – and the amount of Light she is emitting is growing! This is an exciting time for those of you who are the Lightworkers on earth, because you have an opportunity to see something totally new being created in spite of these activities and energies which can, at times, seem violent and negative. Copyright 2020. Great changes are being made “behind the scenes,” where you cannot see what is occurring. They do not dwell in life's downturns with a heavy heart. Lady Portia is known by many in the Ascended Realms to be a “Warrior Goddess,” who even now marshals her forces – to awaken and guide the Light Workers on earth. We can see it, and many others can see it! God is light, and it is His plan that believers shine forth His light, becoming more like Christ every day. The Spirituals Database offers searchable access to recorded track information for concert Negro Spiritual settings performed by solo Classical vocalists. ARTICLES By Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters. These areas of blockage may be physically, emotionally, or energetically based. It has ever been so! You have been opposed at every moment of great opportunity for progress on earth – yet this has not prevented your progress – or your Victory in the Light! Remember to Hold Your Beliefs Lightly: The Bible Says So. “Hold fast to the Light!” That is our exhortation to all of you who work to free the earth from darkness and the influence of all lower energies. Spiritual Lyrics: Hold Your Light 300+ Negro Spirituals/Slave Songs, with printable PDF for download. Perhaps you did not know this information previously, but you know it now! A blessing of Light in a marriage ceremony is usually very acceptable. He said, “Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world.” Then He explained, “ I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do” (3 Ne. Hold Out Your Light was written by Traditional Spiritual, Rollo Dilworth. This is an exciting time for those of you who are the Lightworkers on earth, because you have an opportunity to see something totally … All rights reserved.  This article has been copyrighted, and may not be reproduced Required fields are marked *. Your light. Putting yourself out there. You may view the first page of any score before buying. “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Jesus, then, is the conduit or provider of light to the world. Be confident, dear ones, and do not allow your confidence, or your faith, to be shaken or affected in any way, by the violent outbursts which you witness taking place daily in your society – for this too shall pass. 24. All rights reserved. We know that you see the rioting in your streets and the destruction of private property by mob violence in your cities – and it is difficult not to allow this material to take precedence in your consciousness. But as we seek light and truth, pray and be patient, and obey God’s commandments, the whisperings of the Spirit can help us. Sometimes it is good not to believe your eyes! That happened to Joshua and Caleb. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.” Anonymous. Hold Fast the Word. You must have faith that there IS a Higher Divine Plan for Earth which is even now unfolding on this planet! Have you ever been perfectly situated to go through a green light only to have someone else make a lane change, or a pedestrian step into the crosswalk, and cause you to miss your green light? Bursts of Energy Running through You. This is precisely why we bring you this message at this unique and important moment on earth – when it is your determined focus which holds the energies of Light, Love, and Power which will continue the transformation of this planet! “You are all children of the light and children of the day. Your vibration is a direct reflection of your inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choice of words, how well you take care of yourself, the Earth and others. Perhaps you did not know this information, since you would not know it from listening to the many recent accounts of violent and destructive events presented in your news media. The Divine Light on Earth is increasing exponentially every day!  And that fact is precisely what has thrown those who are focused upon “creating through the use of the dark energies” into a state of fear and terror, believing that they are being destroyed. It is our prayer that we may all re-unite in the Higher Consciousness of the Oneness of Love. “All of the lights of the world cannot be compared to a ray of the inner light of the self.” Anonymous. Lady Portia and her Twin Flame, Count St. Germain, have chosen to bring us this important information and perspective at this precise moment on Earth because they know that this information is exactly what will be needed to support and empower the Lightworkers.  We are moving forward very quickly now, in response to the circumstances created by this huge contest between the energies of dark and Light, or fear and love.  This is a contest for the attention, energy, and focus of consciousness of those of us who now exist in the Earth plane reality. We bring you this information in order to support each of you — and to further this process! However, we are very much aware of the amazing leaps forward which are even now being made on earth. Hold fast to it for the sake of your joy. The more at peace you are with yourself, the easier it is to hold space for another and allow them to be with whatever may be going on in their lives. You don’t have to learn anything new; the Truth is who you are. Our Christian duty is to live in the light God gives: “Now you are light in the Lord. It is your life. “An empty lantern provides no light. Nora said, “Ya lost yo’ track Can’ plow straight an’ keep a-lookin’ back”… If you wanna get to Heaven, let me tell you how ... by Spiritual Workshop Nora, Nora let me come in Do’s all fast’ned an’ de winders pinned Keep yo’ han’ on dat plow Hold àn! The forms in which an angel approaches you may vary according to the occasion at which an angel conveys your message. "What make ole Satan for follow me so? Since Earth is a “free will zone,” the beings incarnating here have the right to choose whether they will use their divine gifts of thought and feeling to co-create with Divine Source energies on the “patterns of perfection,” or whether they will choose to create on the patterns selected by the fallen human ego — which involve war, destruction, fear, and violence. Hold on! Those of you on the earth are ready to take “a giant leap forward!”. in any form, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the author. So, you will just have to TRUST US when we tell you that everything IS in alignment with this Higher Divine Plan for Earth — which is unfolding now!  Know that you ARE on schedule to pass through the necessary “doorways of opportunity” to meet your destiny in the COSMIC HOUR which has been divinely ordained by many in the Ascended Realms who have long worked for your benefit, and the benefit of earth. They'll start pulling in towards you just like a big planet pulls in other celestial objects, because of its size, because of its mass, as your light starts to grow your mass starts to grow and you start to bring in this information and you start to bring in these people around you." Nothing could be further from the truth, for life cannot be destroyed.  In fact, they are being given a wonderful opportunity to choose to move into the Light and have their own consciousness transformed by their Divine Essence — which they will then be experiencing.  However, many of these beings do not realize the truth of this statement and erroneously believe that they are in the process of being destroyed by the Light.  This is why it is so important that we all hold the energies of Divine Love and Light at this time, realizing that these beings are divine creations of consciousness, just as those who choose to co-create using the energies of the Light.  We were all created by the One Source, the Creator of All-That-Is, and these beings, however misguided they may be, are our brothers and sisters. Believe that you ARE making a difference for the earth – through your very presence on this shining orb! Even those who observe earth from their vantage points throughout the galaxy are aware of this activity of Divine Light.  You would be surprised at how she appears now, even compared to a few years ago! Remember to be in “The Sacred Silence” for a time each day, when you can receive the blessings of our energies as well as our words of inspiration to all of you. We want to speak with all of you now, to assure you that the higher energies supporting the new paradigms of Peace and Freedom for earth ARE being established on this planet. Her achievements throughout this galaxy in support of the activities of Freedom and Victory of the Light are legendary. This spiritual light represents Angels! As you hold your light bright and you hold your frequency strong, others will naturally start to gravitate toward you. As you cultivate that part of your spiritual practice, it is easier to hold space. Some areas of the body mind and spirit may have accumulated injury or trauma either in the present lifetime or during other incarnations. Of course, if the light had turned green after 10 years or even 50 years, Noah and his family would have drowned. Dearest Ones, We would suggest that all of you now hold your focus steadily on Truth and Light, even as many disruptive energies attempt to usher in a different paradigm for earth! Your path from the unreal to the Real is actually quite simple. It may be in the form of a person, or just sparks of light, or maybe even swirls of color. "The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear? And so, we bring you this message, in love and with appreciation for all that you, the Light Workers, are steadily accomplishing on this planet! Even when we don’t know it, God is carrying us in the palm of His hand, even in our darkest hours. 25. We would suggest that all of you now hold your focus steadily on Truth and Light, even as many disruptive energies attempt to usher in a different paradigm for earth! God is the Creator of physical light as well as the Giver of spiritual light by which we can see the truth. This would be sung for half an hour at a time, perhaps, each person present being named in turn. At first, your light may be a bit too bright for others and it may hurt their eyes, yet it’s far better to shine rather than to hide your light. However, in this timeframe, the stakes are HIGHER! However, realize that even in the midst of all of this disruption and negativity, something new and beautiful is being born – and that is a new level of freedom in your country – as well as many new concepts in your society. They bounce back with resilience. Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for Your spiritual journey is to bring the light, step out of the boundaries, and enjoy the unlimited freedom of the Real.

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