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hoa contract sample

The Employer will continue to provide for the safety of Employees during the periods of employment. An additional one-time $750 lump sum per House Officer, less standard deductions, will be paid via regular payroll on the July 2021 regular pay date. Reductions in training are not assured or guaranteed and are always subject to the applicable national certifying Board's approval, upon request of the Program Director in his or her sole discretion. The content of these notices may include, but is not limited to information regarding: In the event of a dispute concerning the appropriateness of material posted, the President of the Association will be advised of the nature of the dispute. Any party may request discussion. Courses of action will include: In the event of the death of an Employee's spouse or other qualified adult as defined by University policy, or the son, daughter, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, grandchild (or spouse of any of them), of either the Employee or the other qualified adult, any other related person living in the Employee's household, or a significant other non-related person living in the Employee's household, an Employee shall be granted paid time off work. The Employer intends to make a good-faith commitment not to terminate a House Officer during the course of their training program because of economic issues. Sample-Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions. I hereby authorize UMHS to deduct from my wages each month excluding July and August, and to pay the House Officers Association (HOA), an amount equal to the monthly dues and assessments, or representational fees or charges that may apply in lieu thereof, as a result of my representation by HOA. Clinical and educational work hours must be limited to eighty (80) hours per week, averaged over a four (4)-week period, inclusive of all in-house call activities and designated off-premises activities. At least annually, the Employer and Association shall meet to discuss committees containing an Association representative and whether the University has established new committees within the categories listed within paragraph 248. The HOA video presentation will be no more than 15 minutes in length, and will be distributed in the same manner as the Employer distributes other electronic orientation materials. The Employer shall maintain an up-to-date master Committee member list, and shall promptly notify the respective Committee Chair(s) of any Employee membership changes so that the appointed House Officers will receive timely communications regarding Committee meetings and business. Proper homeowners’ association contracts should state the basic monthly management fee as well as an outline of services included in the basic contract. A House Officer with a part-time appointment, either by FTE effort or employment within the twelve (12) month vacation period, will be entitled to vacation time, in direct proportion to their appointment. IN CONDOMINIUM OR HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) WARNING: THIS CONTRACT FORM CANNOT BE USED IF THIS TRANSACTION IS COVERED BY THE HOME EQUITY THEFT PREVENTION ACT (Section 265-a of New York Real Property Law). Separately negotiated benefits contained within the collective bargaining agreement such as paid vacation during an appointment year may be used to off-set deficits in training due to leave time as defined in Article XIV and Article XV, to the extent allowed by the individual's national certifying Board and following the processes and procedures identified by the Employer. The party requesting the transcript shall bear the full cost of the arbitrator's copy, unless it is mutually requested. Contact the California HOA for help with community associations, condominiums and common interest developments, and more. The specific payments made in November of each year, will be paid according to the salary schedule that includes the amount for the lump sum, or pro-rated for appointments less than a 100% FTE or for appointment extensions as stated above. What services will the landscape maintenance contract include, and how often will those servi… Additionally, a copy of a program's policy on promotion and/or renewal of a House Officer's appointment, as well as any related policies on evaluation, remediation, probation, suspension, and termination will be provided to the House Officer Association or an individual House Officer, upon request. While the Employer cannot foresee every reason for modification, modification will not be unreasonably exercised, i.e., will not be exercised without good reason. Access to shower/toilet rooms shall be made available to House Officers within a reasonable distance from the on-call room. Notwithstanding the execution and delivery of the Voluntary Authorization for Deduction of Association Dues form, an Employee may voluntarily revoke previously authorized payroll deductions by submitting written notification to the Employer. Should the House Officer need to retake the examination, the Program Director may require the use of vacation or that the exam is schedule on a scheduled day off. In this situation, the Employee may not be able to enroll in, or continue to participate in, some Flex Benefits, which are provided on a pre-tax basis. Assortment of hoa approval letter template that will flawlessly match your demands. Standard prerequisites for entering employment or training shall not be considered compensable services, except that the Employer will provide the opportunity for HOI's to receive BLS, ACLS and/or PALS certification during the institutional orientation. If an arbitrator is provided notice and the case does not go to hearing for any reason, the assigned arbitrator will go to the bottom of the list just as though they had heard the case. "I typically say to my clients, 'Review them every two years, and the maximum length of any contract you have is … A qualifying House Officer must be a house officer covered by this agreement on a clinical rotation at a University of Michigan Health System location. This summary of contract changes document will be distributed to: Department Chairs, Program Directors, Department Administrators, and House Officers. The House Officers Association will be provided the opportunity to make a pre-recorded video presentation, which will be included as part of the mandatory electronic orientation materials. 2. These design templates provide excellent instances of how you can structure such a letter, and include example… In the interim, should the need arise, the Employer will provide a method to provide fresh refrigerated food products within the House Officer Lounge or agreed upon alternative location. A notice to terminate a property management agreement allows an owner to void their contract with a property manager. At the conclusion of discussion of each agenda topic, the parties will identify appropriate channels for communicating status reports and designate the party responsible for follow up. Both plans offer a portability provision. It is the Program Director's responsibility to determine if any moonlighting activities are in compliance with the institutional guidelines, and if not, take corrective action to remedy the infraction. Exit from the parking structure will require a parking coupon with QR code, available primarily through their individual Program Administrators or the Program Administrator's designees. Logistics, Parking, and Transportation Services staff personnel may program this access onto the House Officer's annual Blue permit or on the House Officer's UMID badge (MCard) if they do not have a Blue permit. Sign up HOAleader At their request, a House Officer may be granted a leave of absence without pay at the discretion of their Program Director. ), will have continuous years of service in this bargaining unit and the period of training, count toward the continuous service requirement of the Employer's Disability Plan, provided, however, that a recommendation to become a regular staff member following the training has been approved in writing by the appropriate department chairperson or equivalent level of supervision prior to the beginning of the continued training. It is further agreed that there shall be no retaliation, in any form, towards any House Officer as result of requesting review of their work schedule. Individuals who have completed their residency/fellowship training program, or who request and are permitted to undertake research or other academic development activity (e.g. The salary schedule for each house officer is depicted in the table below. However, Preventative Care time may also be taken in increments of less than a half day to accommodate a late arrival or early departure for the purpose of attending a preventative appointment. The six (6) week period of Maternity Leave, plus any additional Serious Illness Leave as described above, if requested by the House Officer, is to be used during the period immediately following delivery of the child. In addition, the Employer agrees to provide the Association with data annually of the female and minority representation of the House Staff. The Program Director's determination regarding reductions-in-training are not subject to the grievance and arbitration proceedings of the Parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement. Ruby Ranch Homeowners Association Procurement Policy Any contracts signed by the Association or any expenditure in excess of $5,000 for the purchase of a single item or service shall have competitive bids from three (3) suppliers if possible. To this end, a list of contact information will be posted in each room to facilitate problem resolution. However, there shall be no resolution which is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. The Association shall indemnify and save the Employer harmless from any and all claims, demands, suits or any other action arising from this Article. In addition, the HOA members of the GMEC will give a quarterly report at the GMEC meeting on issues discussed in LMC concerning House Officer education. Each training program will maintain a written policy regarding the criteria for promotion, and/or renewal of House Officer's appointment as per ACGME guidelines. When a House Officer has been off work due to a single serious illness or injury for thirty (30) calendar days, the circumstances will be discussed between the House Officer's Program Director and the House Officer to determine the appropriate course of action. Such notice shall identify the grievance and the issue, set forth the provisions of the Agreement involved, and set forth the rationale explaining how the Agreement has been violated and the remedy desired. If a House Officer's schedule is inconsistent with the above, the House Officer or the House Officers Association may request the work schedule to be reviewed by the Program Director. To the extent that the Employer continues to organize these institutional-level on-boarding days, the Association will be provided with the opportunity to have face-to-face interaction with House Officers at any such events that are held for groups of 20 or more House Officers and occur between June 16 and August 1 each year. During the term of this Agreement, the Employer shall provide a dental insurance plan to Employees who qualify. '", "In a lot of RFPs, there are questions about who the manager will be and statements that the board wants to meet the manager in advance," explains Schlegel. The University Life Insurance Plan and the Optional Life Insurance Plan, shall be as provided by the Employer in the same manner and to the same extent as provided to non-bargained for employees. Individual advisement sessions may be arranged. The underlying principle is equity among all House Officers at all levels, with each being eligible for four (4) weeks of vacation time per academic year. Any educational, clinical or administrative activity that is included in the calculation of clinical and educational work hours, as defined in Article VIII - Work Hours/Work Schedules, is considered appropriate to be included in this daily counting of 12 hours. 314 No later than thirty (30) days after the execution of collective bargaining agreement, the parties agree to initiate the following in coordination with the Administrative Liaison: In regards to future new inpatient tower(s) project(s), the Employer agrees to include House Officers, inclusive of one Association-appointed House Officer, on the appropriate planning committees that will be determined after the project(s) receive(s) Regental approval. Matters of suspension or termination from, or appointment or non-reappointment to, a residency/fellowship training program shall remain within the exclusive discretion of the University and shall not be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure Article. Where spaces exist for faculty or staff for the primary purpose of expressing breast milk, House Officers will have access to those spaces for the purpose of expressing breast milk. The VAAAHS/University of Michigan Affiliation Partnership Council will monitor the conditions outlined in the agreement to assure compliance. degree, excluding pharmacy interns, dietetic interns, physical and occupational therapy trainees, nurse anesthetist trainees, chaplaincy interns, and all other employees. Note: The Quarterly HOA_Union_Address_Report currently contains the following information: First name, Last name, UMID, Sex Birthdate, HO level, Date in Class, Salary rate from the Employer (different than the FTE for grant funded), Status, Permanent Address, Home Phone, Department Number, Program, Business Phone, e-mail address, unique name. The Employer recognizes the need for flexible caregivers to be available for house officers who are unable to care for dependents outside of normal childcare centers due to clinical responsibilities. Payroll deductions shall terminate when a revocation has been delivered to the University Payroll Office at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the last payday of the calendar month. "My advice is to get a matrix of what's included and not included in the base management fee. A written grievance must be filed with the Employee's Department Chairperson (or equivalent level of supervision), or their designee by an Employee or by the Association on behalf of a named Employee. The Employer will endeavor to create multidisciplinary multipurpose work spaces specifically for House Officers in all clinical towers (exception: CVC, given proximity to the existing House Officer Lounge). The agreement is the … Looking for four volunteers from Cardiac Surgery and Anesthesiology. Upon employment, the Employer will provide three (3) white coats to each House Officer for their use for the duration of their training program. The House Officers Association shall have the right to designate, subject to approval by the Employer, as many as three (3) on-call rooms in University Hospital and one (1) each at the Mott and Women's Hospitals for female use exclusively. The PRO Act provides protections for workers' labor rights. To provide the Employee with confidentiality related to a serious illness, Work Connections, or its equivalent, will be utilized to obtain the necessary documentation for a paid leave under this Article. The lounge will be cleaned daily. It is understood that these rooms are for the priority use of House Officers at all times. The GMEC will use the Evaluation, Promotion, Renewal, Dismissal of Residents/Fellows in their GME Educational Training Program Policy in order to mediate the process. How an HOA Can Enforce Contracts. for these multidisciplinary work spaces will be paid for or reimbursed by the University. We support efforts to increase representation at The University of Michigan Health System. Any House Officer found to be misrepresenting or underreporting moonlighting activity will be banned from additional moonlighting for the duration of their training, and the HOA and the GME Office will be notified. Recreational and social events of the Association; General communication relevant to the Association's role as a collective bargaining agent. Due to the workload there are times where the additional distribution of cards is warranted and provided. The Association reserves the right for final selection and/or approval for each Employee committee member when said Employee committee member will, in general, serve as an Association representative. Operational and patient care needs may require adjustments or additions to posted rotation call/work schedules from time to time, either prior to or during the rotation/block. In the event of any changes in the benefits, the Association will be notified prior to the effective date of changes. We currently have over 150 HOA Forms available for download – and we are constantly adding new forms to our list. Department-specific issues should be brought to the attention of the VA service chief. The Employer, however, retains the right to immediate termination of a House Officer without remediation in order to ensure the safety of either patients or staff. In addition to the Association appointed representative, the Employer reserves the right to appoint any additional House Officers to any committees as it deems appropriate. Requests for substitution of a House Officer's Birthday holiday must be made at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to their birthday. The Employer and the Association recognize the need for increased female and under-represented minority representation in all areas of medicine. The Director of Labor Relations or designee shall provide the Association with a written response within thirty (30) calendar days of filing, or the discussion, whichever is the later. In no case will a House Officer receive more than six (6) months paid leave time in any twelve (12) month period. Here are seven tips from industry insiders and five sample RFPs you can use to sift through the volume of information you'll need to collect on the bidders. Further, all House Officers will receive information regarding this situation annually with their Open Enrollment materials. VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System agrees to abide by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education guidelines as they apply to the VA Hospital. Payroll deductions shall terminate when a revocation has been delivered to the University Payroll Office at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the last payday of the calendar month. Existing space committees will be identified so that time lines for long and short terms options of identifying alternate exercise facility space can be established. In such a situation, the decision of the Graduate Medical Education Committee will be final. A House Officer who has a preventive medical or dental appointment, shall receive paid time off, not exceeding eight (8) hours per year. Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) and GMEC subcommittees. Such a grievance shall be submitted by the Association President, or the president's designated representative, on behalf of the Association or on behalf of more than one Employee involving a common fact situation and the same provision(s) of the Agreement. In the event the arbitrator does not accept being selected, the selection process shall be repeated until an arbitrator has accepted selection. University Hospital, Women's & Children's, CVC, Kellogg), including new and replacement buildings. Residents must be provided with one (1) day in seven (7) free from all educational and clinical responsibilities, averaged over a four (4)-week period, inclusive of call. When a House Officer has remained in-house for at least twelve (12) hours during the night shift and into the next morning, s/he will receive a meal allowance for the evening and breakfast meals. The individual Program Directors are required to approve and monitor House Officers' moonlighting activities on a yearly basis. House Officers must park in spaces signed for program use at P3 and can only overflow into P3 patient/visitor parking or P2 when P3 becomes full. For purposes of this section, House Officers are not considered part of the regular blood drawing service. During the term of this Agreement, and as provided in this Article, the Employer will deduct Association dues from the salary, if any, of each employee who authorizes such a deduction by filling out a Voluntary Authorization for Deduction of Association Dues form prepared by the Association and using language as provided below. HOA seeking to have 10 Representatives At-large. Most often, House Officers moonlight at hospitals or health centers unaffiliated with the University of Michigan Health System. The Employer contribution toward dental plan coverage will be provided in the same manner and to the same extent as provided to the non-bargained for employees. The HOA and the Employer have agreed to consider the lump sum payment as a benefit. The Association and the Employer agree to review all House Officer Parking Programs on a quarterly basis through the Labor-Management Committee (LMC). CRNA's could practice independently. For residents only, when taken prior to the House Officer's final residency program year at the University of Michigan, the University will reimburse a House Officer for the application fee for USMLE Step 3 or COMLEX Level 3 examination. Other qualified adult benefits have been extended to this bargaining unit. Such membership dues can be tendered or paid to the Association either as provided in Article XXV, Check-Off of Association Dues, or by direct cash to the Association. DATEDSIGNATUREPRINT NAMEUofM Email address. No later than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the panel, the parties will select an arbitrator by alternately striking names. The amount of coverage chosen and its cost will increase when salary is increased. The terms "Employee" and "Employees" used in this Agreement (except where the context indicates otherwise) shall mean a House Officer or House Officers and only identifies those individuals within the bargaining unit described in Paragraphs 2-3. Partial credit for participation in a program will not be provided and those years will not count toward the assignment of a salary level. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, the number of Employees who may be eligible for 24/7 access at any given time shall not be less than the current number of three hundred eighty-eight (388) during the term of this Agreement without prior agreement of the Association. Then the board finds out this other company charges you for doing minutes, and for anything other than an hour-long board meeting, they start charging you more. The Labor-Management Committee shall be comprised of representatives from the University of Michigan Health System and representatives from the HOA Board, unless otherwise agreed to for purposes of specific meetings. Professional liability insurance will be provided and maintained throughout the statute of limitations for claims filed for professional activities undertaken in the scope of employment, assigned by the Employer. To this end, not less than seventy-six (76) on-call rooms, with telephones and lockable doors, which accommodate not more than two (2) individuals per room, except that one room will accommodate not more than three (3), will be provided. When a current House Officer is changing from one residency program to another, after consultation with the GME Office, the Program Director, or equivalent level of supervision, will discuss the appropriate salary level with the House Officer prior to assignment to a salary level. for the FREE If an issue arises with the availability of food options or the availability of meal allowances during a required rotation, that is a part of the standard curriculum, at an affiliated facility, then it is the duty of the House Officer to report these issues to the Program Director. The Employer agrees to support the Employees in efforts to have local food establishments accept MCard (or equivalent) payment for food delivery. Use of this program is limited to six (6) times per academic year. Maternity Scheduling Considerations: During the last trimester of pregnancy and for two (2) months post-partum, overnight call will not be scheduled and duty will be limited to twelve (12) consecutive hours. This agreement can be made for commercial or residential use with the contractor being obligated to perform the services either immediately after a snowstorm or only upon request from the client. Arbitrations held pursuant to this article shall be heard by one (1) arbitrator from a three-person panel that will be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Association no later than thirty (30) days after ratification of the Agreement.

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