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As he was to say later in his memoirs: “I was shocked by his closing words; that he was ready to die for what he had done. Sa mère est une femme au foyer[1]. They had three sons, three daughters-in-law and seven grandchildren. Alors que les deux frères de George Bizos émigrent plus tard en Afrique du Sud, il ne revoit pas sa mère pendant plus de 20 ans, jusqu’à ce qu’elle se rende en Afrique du Sud dans les années 60. Il l'a défend notamment quand elle fait face, avec ses gardes du corps, à des accusations d'enlèvement et de meurtre à son domicile. In memory of George Bizos (1928-2020) George Bizos was born in 1928 in Kirani, Greece, and arrived with his father in South Africa, aged 13, as a refugee from World War 2. JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Anti-apartheid campaigner and Nelson Mandela’s personal lawyer George Bizos has died at 92, his family said Wednesday. Les accusés échappèrent à la peine de mort mais furent condamnés à la prison à vie. He was Rumpole, not of the Bailey, but of South Africa, and South Africa was glad of it. He was 92. There was something very English about Bizos, and it would come as a slight surprise to some to realise he was Greek. Bizos was the son of the Vasilitsi mayor, Antonios, and his wife, Anastasia (nee Tomaras). Liberation lawyer. George Bizos est un avocat sud-africain d'origine grecque, né le 14 novembre 1928 en Grèce et mort le 9 septembre 2020 en Afrique du Sud. Il est avocat-conseil au Centre de ressources juridiques de Johannesburg dans le contentieux Unité constitutionnelle. They were sent to Johannesburg where, speaking neither English nor Afrikaans, George battled to get into school and his father to get work. In 1948 Bizos was admitted to the University of the Witwatersrand, studying law – he had been turned down by the medical school, because his marks were not good enough – and in 1954 to the Johannesburg bar. George Bizos made Greeks everywhere proud, although in the beginning few in South Africa were on his side. It came when Mandela was preparing his famous statement from the dock with the help of lawyers and others. George Bizos passed away on 9 September 2020 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Les soldats et leurs sauveteurs parviennent à quitter la Grèce sur un bateau de pêche, dérivant pendant trois jours, avant d'être repérer par l'équipage du destroyer britannique, l'HMS Kimberley, en route pour la bataille de Crète. Lors du procès de Rivonia, en 1963-1964, il faisait partie de l'équipe qui défendit Nelson Mandela, Govan Mbeki et Walter Sisulu, des militants du congrès national africain, accusés de haute trahison. Après avoir eu du mal à apprendre l'afrikaans et l'anglais, George Bizos parvient à reprendre une scolarité normale et réussit à intégrer en 1949 la faculté de droit de l'Université du Witwatersrand, peu de temps après que le parti national arrive au pouvoir (juin 1948) [1]. Compagnon de route du congrès national africain, il a milité contre l'apartheid. He was 92. He was to title his memoirs Odyssey to Freedom (2007), which was apposite when one considers the journey he made from the small village of his birth, Vasilitsi, on the Peloponnese peninsula, to the southern tip of Africa, where he found friendship with Mandela, who became the most famous prisoner in the world. At Wits he had met Mandela, a part-time student at the university. George Bizos either held positions in, contributed and gave his wise counsel to, or was a friend of the following institutions: In his life and work he displayed the wealth of ancient Greece’s legacy and the modern Greeks’ accomplishments. Compagnon de route du congrès national africain, il a milité contre l'apartheid. En 1990, Bizos devient membre du Comité juridique et constitutionnel du Congrès national africain (ANC) et membre de la Convention pour une Afrique du Sud démocratique (CODESA), où il est conseiller auprès des équipes de négociation et participe à l'élaboration de la Constitution intérimaire de 1993. This is according to various speakers at a virtual memorial service held on Tuesday. Bizos said one of the activists watching shouted: “George! Après la bataille, il fut déposé avec son père à Alexandrie, en Égypte[1]. He also appeared for Winnie Mandela in widely differing circumstances and later for the Zimbabwean opposition politician Morgan Tsvangirai. That’s how George does it!” That’s how George does it!” Mandela, who called Bizos “a man who combined a sympathetic nature with an incisive mind,” trusted him not only to represent him in court but later to carry messages from African National Congress leaders imprisoned on Robben Island to their colleagues in exile. George Bizos, lawyer, born 14 November 1927; died 9 September 2020, Human rights lawyer in apartheid South Africa who represented Nelson Mandela at the Rivonia trial, George Bizos in 2010 with a photo of Nelson Mandela. En 2003, il est l'avocat de Morgan Tsvangirai, chef du principal parti d'opposition du Zimbabwe, qu'il parvient à faire acquitter des accusations de trahison contre le président Robert Mugabe[2]. Outside the courtroom Bizos played a part in the negotiations for the release of political prisoners, including Mandela in 1990; and he was one of the team drafting the new constitution that passed into law in 1996. Bizos died of natural causes, his family said Wednesday. Bizos died last Wednesday at his home in Parktown, Johannesburg. Bizos, born in November 1927 in Vasilitsi, Greece, died on 9 September 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa. En 1974, il participe à la fondation d'une école hellénique racialement intégrée[1]. Il a été nommé par le président Nelson Mandela à la Commission des services judiciaires qui avait pour but de recommander des candidats pour la nomination des juges et proposer des réformes du système judiciaire en vue d’effacer l’héritage législatif de l'apartheid. George Bizos, who has died aged 92, was the best known lawyer in South Africa. Bizos’s wife, Arethe Daflos, an artist, died in 2017. George Bizos, with Nelson Mandela in 2008. "It was this front seat of history that George Bizos occupied together with Nelson Mandela and forming a close bond that allowed him not just to observe but take part and change the horrors in what was a horrific apartheid system" - @KatyKatopodis Marié à une compatriote grecque, Arethe Daflos, ils ont eu trois fils. Bizos, who was junior counsel at the time, objected. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Dans les audiences de la Vérité et réconciliation de 1995 à 1997, il était le chef de l'équipe qui s’est opposé aux demandes d'amnistie au nom des familles de Steve Biko, Chris Hani, Matthew Goniwe, Calata, Mkonto, Mhlauli, Slovo et les familles Schoon. I argued that surely Nelson wanted to live and accomplish what he and his organisation strove for.” The defence team and Mandela were split on the point, until Bizos proposed inserting the words “if needs be”. L'Ossewabrandwag reprochait au premier ministre sud-africain, Jan Smuts, d'amener les vuilgoed (ordures) de l'Europe en Afrique du Sud. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said the news of Bizos’s death was […] Anti-apartheid campaigner and Nelson Mandela's personal lawyer George Bizos has died at 92, his family said Wednesday. JOHANNESBURG (AP) – Anti-apartheid campaigner and Nelson Mandela’s personal lawyer George Bizos has died at 92, his family said Wednesday.. From Egypt, George and his father sailed to Durban on the SS Ile de France – which was loaded with allied troops suffering tuberculosis and Italian PoWs – and were accepted as refugees. George is survived by his three sons and seven grandchildren. George Bizos, the anti-apartheid campaigner and human rights lawyer who defended Nelson Mandela during the decades-long struggle for South Africa’s democracy, has died. Rita died in 2017, shortly before her husband's 90th birthday. He was counsel at the inquests into the deaths in detention of the anti-apartheid activists Steve Biko and Ahmed Timol, and Dr Neil Aggett, arrested for his union activities. Il déclare être devenu politiquement engagé à partir de ce moment, notamment au sein des syndicats étudiants, tandis que le parti national commence à mettre en œuvre la politique d'apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Bizos a été l'avocat des plaignants lors de nombreuses enquêtes relatives au décès de personnes en détention. En 1986, il est l'émissaire confidentiel de Nelson Mandela chargé d'informer les membres exilés de l'ANC que des négociations secrètes ont été entamées avec des émissaires du gouvernement sud-africain[1]. En 2005, George Bizos a été conseiller juridique de Nelson Mandela dans un litige avec l'ancien avocat de Nelson Mandela, Ismail Ayob. George Bizos, the anti-apartheid campaigner and human rights lawyer who defended Nelson Mandela during the decades-long struggle for South Africa’s democracy, has died. “What influenced me here was an argument that Socrates might have saved his life if he had not challenged the Athenian jury in so resolute a manner,” said Bizos, who loved “the ancients”. Bizos, who came to South Africa as a 13-year-old fleeing the Nazi occupation of Greece, played a key role in the legal fight […] La communauté grecque locale lui permit de s'intégrer à la société sud-africaine. En mai 1941, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, George Bizos, alors âgé de treize ans, et son père aident sept soldats néo-zélandais (Don Gladding, Mick Karup, Peter Martin, John Lewis et trois autres), qui se cachaient dans les collines, à échapper à l'occupation nazie en Crète. George Bizos meurt le 9 septembre 2020, âgé de 91 ans[3]. Main types of state funded funerals in South Africa This entry was posted on 11 Sep 2020,09:47PM at 9:47 PM and is filed under Politics , George Bizos: Life & Times . George Bizos est un avocat sud-africain d'origine grecque, né le 14 novembre 1928 en Grèce et mort le 9 septembre 2020 en Afrique du Sud. En 1977, il est l'avocat de la famille de Steve Biko puis (plus tard en 1993) celui de la famille de Chris Hani[2]. Bizos a été le leader de l'équipe pour le gouvernement sud-africain pour faire valoir que la peine de mort était inconstitutionnelle, et l'avocat de l'Assemblée nationale dans la certification de la Constitution par la Cour constitutionnelle. JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Anti-apartheid campaigner and Nelson Mandela's personal lawyer George Bizos has died at 92, his family said Wednesday. Né en Grèce, George Bizos est le fils d'Antonios (connu pour sa famille et ses amis comme « Antoni ») Bizos, maire du petit village de Vasilitsi, au sud de Koroni et Kalamata sur la péninsule de Messine du Péloponnèse. (Denis Farrell / Associated Press) Anti-apartheid activist and Nelson Mandela’s personal lawyer George Bizos, who fled the Nazis before taking on racism in South Africa, has died at his home in Johannesburg, his family said. At the Rivonia trial of 1963-64– in which the leadership of the African National Congress were tried for sabotage, a capital offence – Bizos made a small, but significant intervention, which may have saved Mandela’s life. Il débarque à la gare Braamfontein, car on craignait une manifestation de l'Ossewabrandwag (une organisation Afrikaner pro-nazie) à la gare centrale. Membre éminent du barreau de Johannesburg, il est aussi membre du Conseil national des avocats pour les droits de l'homme, qu'il a contribué à fonder en 1979. After three days, however, they were picked up by an allied ship, HMS Kimberley, and were dropped off at Alexandria. You are welcome to share your condolences and tributes here. Bizos is survived by his three sons and seven grandchildren. George Bizos rejoint le barreau de Johannesburg en 1954. His appearance on behalf of the families of mine workers shot by the police at the Marikana Commission of Inquiry was merely the most high-profile of his efforts to seek justice for the poor and marginalised. He died peacefully at his home of natural causes, the family said. George Bizos, left, and Nelson Mandela in 2008. The two were also known for their green fingers and boasted a vegetable garden at their Johannesburg home. He was present at every call for assistance, both in South Africa and in Greece. Bizos was part of a remarkable group of young lawyers who began practising soon after apartheid’s National Party came to power in 1948. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 27 octobre 2020 à 13:32. He was 92. Bizos is survived by their three sons, Kimon, Damon and Alexi, and seven grandchildren. Il a siégé en tant que juge à la Cour d’appel du Botswana de 1985 à 1993. Bizos died of natural causes at home on 9 September 2020 at the age of 92. Surely this would be viewed as a challenge, irresistible to the prosecution, the judge and the government? He honored both countries and they honored him. The statement ended with the words “it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die”. In a foreword to the 2007 memoir, Odyssey to Freedom: George Bizos, Mandela bemoaned that his family was “rather partial, in fact, to their Uncle George!”. Bizos quickly found himself handling political cases, and was regularly briefed by Mandela and Oliver Tambo’s law firm. The couple had three sons. That’s how George does it!” That’s how George does it!” Mandela, who called Bizos “a man who combined a sympathetic nature with an incisive mind,” trusted him not only to represent him in court but later to carry messages from African National Congress leaders imprisoned on Robben Island to their colleagues in exile. His most famous client was Nelson Mandela. Carrière professionnelle et militantisme politique, militant pour les droits de la personne humaine, Docteur honoris causa de l'université du Witwatersrand, Docteur honoris causa de l'université de Pretoria, Docteur honoris causa de l'université du Cap, Conseil national des avocats pour les droits de l'homme, Centre de ressources juridiques de Johannesburg, 34 mineurs tués par la police sud-africaine, George Bizos, Anti-Apartheid Lawyer Who Defended Mandela, Dies at 92, George Bizos, l'avocat et grand ami de Mandela,,, Étudiant de l'université du Witwatersrand, Personnalité de la défense des droits de l'homme en Afrique du Sud, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Politique, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Renowned human rights lawyer George Bizos embodied humility, social cohesion and a passion for human rights. Durant des années, il est l'avocat de Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. He was 92. Bizos is survived by his three sons and seven grandchildren. Renowned human rights lawyer George Bizos will be laid to rest on Thursday. He died peacefully at his home of natural causes, the family said. He died peacefully at … Bizos was married to Arethe “Rita” Daflos, who passed away in 2017. When George was 13, Antonios decided to help a group of seven New Zealand soldiers, who were hiding out from the Nazis in the hills near Vasilitsi. He died peacefully at his home of natural causes, the family said. George Bizos et son père se réfugient alors en Afrique du Sud[2]. Bizos died “peacefully” at his home in Johannesburg of “natural causes”, his family said late on Wednesday. [1927-2020] George Bizos. The JRB extends condolences to … That’s how George does it!” That’s how George does it!” Mandela, who called Bizos “a man who combined a sympathetic nature with an incisive mind,” trusted him not only to represent him in court but later to carry messages from African National Congress leaders imprisoned on Robben Island to their colleagues in exile. Bizos said one of the activists watching shouted: “George! Bizos was married to Arethe Daflos, known as "Rita", who he met in 1948 when she was an art student. He had bought a small boat to facilitate the escape and, after something of a family squabble, George was allowed to go as well. Il déclare que sa principale contribution était de conseiller l'utilisation des termes « si besoin est » apposés à la déclaration de Mandela déclarant qu'il était prêt à mourir. They are survived by their three sons Alexis, Damon and Kimon and seven grandchildren. She died in 2017.

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