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astronomy definitions quizlet

Create your own flash cards! Choose from 500 different sets of astronomy flashcards on Quizlet. propagandist attempts to pacify the audience in order to make an unpleasant reality more palatable. Astronomy definitions. Bandwagon. Astronomers examine the positions, motions, and properties of celestial objects. The Ecliptic. a spot or patch that appears from time to time on the sun's surface, appearing dark by contrast with its surroundings caused by the sun's magnetic field in various sizes, large eruptions of luminous hydrogen gas that rise thousands of kilometers above the chromosphere, A sudden eruption of magnetic energy released on or near the surface of the sun, usually associated with sunspots and accompanied by bursts of electromagnetic radiation and particles. Test. Terms in this set (43) asteroid belt. In astronomy, we often refer to the wavelength of a given spectral line or other form of electromagnetic radiation . If the line were not deflected by such local irregularities in the 32. The two days of the year on which neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun. have interstellar matter, and are full of new young stars and have spiral arms, has a well defined bar of stars in the middle of it, have no defined outline and are believed to be caused by two or more galaxies that have collided. the displacement of spectral lines towards longer wavelengths (the red end of the spectrum) in radiation from distant galaxies and celestial objects. The inner layer of the sun's atmosphere that gives off its visible light. Perihelion and Aphelion: What Are Perihelion and Aphelion ... Milankovitch Cycle Flashcards | Quizlet . Main Sequence=is the place on the H-R Diagram where an "adult" star is placed, based on the size (mass) of the star. This astronomical definition is quite different from the traditional chemistry definition of a metal. big bang theory. Match. Everything you always wanted to know. PLAY. The velocity an object must reach to fly beyond a planet's or moon's gravitational pull. Radio Astronomy Glossary The following glossary relates to radio and general astronomy and may be useful for people not familiar with some of the terms on this website. a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter, Is when a low or medium mass star uses up hydrogen and other fuels and swells up into a large coll red giant, Is when a very large mass star is in it's old age and uses up hydrogen and other fuels and swells up to become a red super giant, is a low or medium mass star's death where the outer layers of gas drift away and the core shrinks to become a small hot dense white dwarf star, is low or medium mass stars remains after it's death/ when a white dwarf eventually cools down and fades to a black dwarf, is a large or very large mas stars death the core collapses inwards ending the outer layers exploding as a supernova forming all the elements heavier than iron, Remains of a large mass star (Astronomy) any of a number of very small extremely dense objects first observed in 1967, which rotate very rapidly and emit very regular pulses of polarized radiation, esp radio waves. Astronomy is a science that studies everything outside of the earth's atmosphere, such as planets, stars, asteroids, galaxies; and the properties and relationships of those celestial bodies. PLAY. A meteoroid that passes through the atmosphere and hits Earth's surface. Radio and radar engineers normally speak about antennas in terms of their gain in dB referred to a half-wave dipole (dBd) or referred to an ideal isotropic antenna (dBi). Start studying Unit 4 - Topic 2. The outermost layer of the sun's interior. The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where many asteroids are found. Since the late 19th century, astronomy has expanded to include astrophysics, the application of physical and chemical knowledge to an understanding of the nature of celestial objects. Description. Equation of Time. An eruption of gas from the sun's surface that occurs when the loops in sunspot regions suddenly connect. The reaction force that propels a rocket forward. A region of very tightly packed gas in the sun's interior where energy is transferred mainly in the form of light. A small robotic space probe that can move about the surface of a planet or moon. Aphelion and Perihelion | Motion | Space FM. How flattened an elliptical orbit is. Learn astronomy with free interactive flashcards. If you're interested in the solar system and the … Obliquity Definition Astronomy. Learn astronomy 2 with free interactive flashcards. ~ In astronomy, photometry is the measurement of the apparent brightness of stars and other astronomical objects (3). Created by. Explore our solar system and galaxies far, far away with our astronomy word list! Gravity. A large round pit caused by the impact of a meteoroid. Undergraduate 1. Spell. Eccentricity Definition Astronomy. The part of a shadow surrounding the darkest part. The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. Subject. GwenTrimarchi. A device built to observe distant objects by making them appear closer. astronomy. Transport, docking and exocytosis of single secretory ... Time Series of Solar Granulation Images. An oval shape, which may be elongated or nearly circular; the shape of the planets' orbit. Astronomy, science that encompasses the study of all extraterrestrial objects and phenomena. This glossary of astronomy is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to astronomy and cosmology, their sub-disciplines, and related fields.Astronomy is concerned with the study of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth.The field of astronomy features an extensive vocabulary and a significant amount of jargon. The point 180° opposite the zenith, directly underfoot, is the nadir. Home » Astronomy » Deuteron : Deuteron . A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere. Write. An imaginary pattern of stars in the sky. Flashcards. True or false: the space between stars is empty: Definition. Micro~ A device for measuring the variations in density in a photographic emulsion. Unit 6 Astronomy Assessment Flashcards | Quizlet. Dark, flat areas on the moon's surface formed from huge ancient lava flows. Astronomical zenith is defined by gravity; i.e., by sighting up a plumb line. The propagandist puts forth the idea that everyone is doing this, or everyone supports this person/cause, so should you. Test. Learn. A spacecraft that has various scientific instruments that can collect data, including visual images, but has no human crew. Follow the latest and greatest galleries, videos, and art-making tutorials to help you learn more. Lilythedog. The reaction releases an enormous amount of energy, the part of the sun that is visible during a complete solar eclipse. the displacement of spectral lines towards longer wavelengths (the red end of the spectrum) in radiation from distant galaxies and celestial objects, The theory that all matter and energy in the universe was compressed into an extremely small volume 13- 15 billion years ago exploded and began expanding in all directions, an instrument used to split light by using a diffraction grate, the distance that light travels in one year, is the method of measuring distances indirectly by drawing a scale diagram of a triangle. Sign up here. Granule (solar physics) - Wikipedia. ★ Photosphere The visible surface of the Sun. Most are in a spherical shape. Origins Flashcards | Quizlet. is a unit of measurement for the size of stars, using the sun as the reference. STUDY. measures how bright an object would appear if it … The blocking of sunlight to Earth that occurs when the moon is directly between the sun and Earth. See more. What is the … milankovitch cycles Diagram | Quizlet. Astronomy. Explain why can you safely put your arm in a 400-degree oven (for a brief time) but you cannot do the same for a pot of 212-degree boiling water. Definitions for the Year 10 Astronomy Unit Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. STUDY. A model of the solar system in which Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. Astronomers base their studies on research and observation. Write. Milankovitch Orbital Data Viewer . Centaurs generally have unstable orbits because they cross or have crossed the orbits of one or more of the giant planets; almost all their orbits have dynamic lifetimes of only a few million years, but there is one known centaur, 514107 Kaʻepaokaʻawela, which may be in … PLAY. Chapter 4: The Sun Flashcards | Quizlet. PLAY. Though the practices of astrology and astronomy have common roots, there is an important distinction in astrology vs astronomy today. comet. The apparent Solar day is longest in late December. ASTRONOMY CHAPTER 10. Match. Solar observing 101 | Orbits a star, rounded by gravity, has cleared its orbit of objects, does not undergo nuclear fusion. Task C: The Habitable Planet | Virtual Planetary Laboratory. Term. have thousands- millions of old stars, they are typically spherical and are 10-30 light years across concentrated together. Zenith, point on the celestial sphere directly above an observer on the Earth. Terms in this set (37) red shift. A term used by astronomers to describe all elements except hydrogen and helium, as in "the universe is composed of hydrogen, helium and traces of metals". the wavelengths from different sources. The fuzzy outer layer of a comet. Astronomy definition. deuteron An isotope of hydrogen in which there is a neutron bound to the proton in the nucleus. Flashcards. Earth's Largest Solar Telescope Takes Awesome, High-Def ... facula | Definition & Facts | Britannica . justingale1998. The movement of an object around another object. Used to measure the distance between stars and earth. Because Earth's rotational axis is not perpendicular to its orbital plane, Earth's equatorial plane is not coplanar with the ecliptic plane, but is inclined to it by an angle of about 23.4°, which is known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. Meteors are also referred to as shooting stars. Astrology, on the other hand, is the belief that the positioning of the stars and planets affect the way events occur on earth. Level. Spell. Test. We won't charge you a dime to find the right image or video for your projects—just earn your way in to the gallery. A centaur, in planetary astronomy, is a small Solar System body with either a perihelion or a semi-major axis between those of the outer planets. Are Earth's obliquity and axial precession in a long-term 5 ... Milankovitch Cycles. Created by. Testimonial. The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where many asteroids are found. Flashcards. Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible and of the Old Testament. The velocity a rock must achieve to establish an orbit around a body in space. false: Term. The Sun. An object in space that ranges in size from a tiny speck, like a grain of sand, to 500km wide; most asteroids originate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The sun is one solar mass, all other stars are either the same or larger. Created. A half-wave dipole has a gain of 2.15 dBi. Created by. Perihelion Definition Quizlet. Learn. The wavelength of a wave is the distance it requires to complete one oscillation. The visible outer layer of a star, especially of the sun. An object that revolves around object in space. The point at which rays of light that were initially parallel (such as those from a distant star) converge. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Earth & Space Science EHS Exam Flashcards | Quizlet. Definition of astronomy: Astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, gas, galaxies, gas, dust and other non-Earthly bodies and phenomena. Astronomy: What is what? Click here to study/print these flashcards. A loose collection of ice, dust, and small rocky particles, typically with a long, narrow orbit. Learn. has little interstellar matter, old, and has few new stars. COSMOS - The SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy › W. Wavelength. Gravity. In … The apparent size of an object in the sky, or the distance between two objects, measured as an angle. a scale for measuring the actual brightness of a celestial object without accounting for the distance of the object. The diameter of a telescope’s main lens or mirror — and the scope’s most important attribute. spectrum . The apparent motion of a star against a background of a non- moving stars due to a change in perspective, they are standard sized, unstable, pulsing stars with a known brightness (1000 times brighter than the sun) that are found in every galaxy, Amount of light a star actually gives off, recorded at a standard distance, hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei. Ex. Science Flashcards | Quizlet. Emitted by all objects in the universe, based … A huge, reddish loop of gas that protrudes from the sun's surface, linking parts of sunspot regions. The tide with the least difference between consecutive low and high tides. Spell. Astronomy definition, the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere. Microprocessor ... ★ ~ An instrument that measures the luminous intensity of a source of light. II. Astronomy: Definition and Branches. Often called "heavy hydrogen" because of the extra mass of the neutron. the measurement between two fixed points, used in triangulation. QUIZLET From Chapter 4, section 4.3 of your textbook, briefly explain the difference between thermal energy and temperature. coma . Propaganda Techniques Definitions. Euphemism. This is accomplished by using words that are bland. A spacecraft that can carry a crew into space, return to Earth, and then be reused for the same purpose. Positional Astronomy: Precession. Total Cards. Additional Astronomy Flashcards . An incandescent, transparent layer of gas, primarily hydrogen, several thousand miles in depth, lying above and surrounding the photosphere of a star, such as the sun, but distinctly separate from the corona. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space. Write. A dark area of gas on the sun's surface that is cooler than surrounding gases. One of the different apparent shapes of the moon as seen from Earth. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space. A model of the universe in which Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars. The partial or total blocking of one object in space by another. Gravity. The scientific law that states that every object in the universe attracts every other object. Terms in this set (6) astronomy. A large artificial satellite on which people can line and work for long periods. Your index finger held at arm’s length spans about 1°, your fist about 10°. An extremely distant, and thus old, celestial object whose power output is several thousand times that of our entire galaxy. from book and outline paper. 50 solar masses. They can be found scattered in the milky way galaxy, have a few hundred stars that are young and are less dense, less tightly packed together and are in the spiral arm. Astronomy 110 definitions. The spinning motion of a planet on its axis. STUDY. Match. Choose from 500 different sets of astronomy 2 flashcards on Quizlet. Indices for eccentricity, obliquity, and precession for the ... Role of Plate Motion Obliquity in Rifting. Ultraviolet and x-ray radiation from solar flares often induce electromagnetic disturbances in the earth's atmosphere, A stream of high-speed, ionized particles ejected primarily from the sun's corona. STUDY. They are thought to be neutron stars formed following supernova explosions, remains of a very large mass star after it's death/ any place regarded as resembling a black hole in that items or information entering it cannot be retrieved. Earth Science Astronomy Flashcards | Quizlet. Representation of some aspect of nature that can be used to explain and predict real phenomena without invoking myth, magic, or the supernatural. Astronomy is the study of the universe and its contents outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Apparent Solar Day Interval between two successive culminations of the Sun - i.e., the period from apparent noon to apparent noon. Cards Return to Set Details. If the equator is projected outward to the celestial sphere, forming the celestial equator, it crosses the ecliptic at two points known as the equinoxes. The blocking of sunlight to the moon that occurs when Earth is directly between the sun and the moon. Meteor A small particle of rock or dust that burns away in the Earth's atmosphere. 04/01/2009 .

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